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Inquisitor/Grey Knight Kill Team Warband (Blanchitsuish)

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Hi guys. Some of you may know my previous work from my other blogs here (seen in my sig.)

It's been a while since my last update - unfortunately, I've had a break-in in my Apartment, and while they did'nt touch any of my minis (though the thief had opened a couple of my cases with finished minis, and probably just shook his head), he took my laptop and my digital camera, so it's taken a while to get up and running Again. On a positive note, I took the opportunity to get a better camera (Canon Powershot), and while it's not a pro level camera in any way, it's still a lot better than my old Ixus.

I've been sidetracked Again - I think I need a break on the army Projects. As some of you may remember, I've said I'm not much of a painter. That's not entirely true, though. I DO like to paint, I just often get burnt out on painting armies.

Therefore, when my local gaming Club began talking about the Heralds of Ruin Kill Team rules, I was all giddy and excited. I love the skirmish format, the way that I can go all in on conversions, paint and fluff, while still being a manageable task to complete it.

So... Long story short; I'm taking a break from full-scale 40k painting/modelling, and focusing on my new project, an Inquisitor/Grey Knight warband for HoR Kill Team. I'm sure I'll return to the Dark Mech and Daemon armies in a while, but for now, I need a bit of change.

BTW, I've also just started a blog with two of my wargaming buddies; http://bitteroldpainters.blogspot.com/ I'm the only active writer at the moment, since it's finals time for the two others, but keep watching, there'll definitely be stuff worth looking at from the very talented guys there.

So without further ado, here is the Inquisitor warband so far:

My Inquisitor, Dmitrij Dostojevskij:




Grey Knight Terminator wardens:



Grey Knights:



Daemon Host:


Arco Flagellant:




Break ins suck. I went through that a few years ago. They DO love digital cameras. Whoever got my wife's had a ton of kitten pictures on it. But they didn't like Warhammer stuff either. Luckily, they eventually caught the guy (and his wife)  Hope they get the one that broke in to your place.


Great looking stuff! Love the deamon host, I may have to loot that idea.  (to pick a small nit- there are a couple seam lines you might want to scrape on those staves.... the conversions are so nice, it'd be a shame to have a seam line)  Love the Inquisitor and arco-flagg especially.. nice conversions.  Definitely tagging this thread to see how they come out.

Thanks a lot, guys. Yep, break-ins do suck. Especially when you're an idiot like me, and the last backup taken dates to 2010. Sigh. Maybe I'll learn? I've lost so many documents, pics and graphic work .psd files, that I refuse to think about it.


@ rednekkboss: Sure, I'll get them all cleaned up before painting - sometimes I just get so eager to assemble and convert, that I leave the cleanup til afterwards. ;)

Superb something to look forward.  Only complaint is a personal one why is your Inquisitor in TDA?  Inquisitors aren't marines so they should't wear marine PA or TDA I know that can from the rules stand point but is so wrong, looks good thought I'll give you that.

  On 5/7/2014 at 8:25 PM, Stormborn said:

Superb something to look forward. Only complaint is a personal one why is your Inquisitor in TDA? Inquisitors aren't marines so they should't wear marine PA or TDA I know that can from the rules stand point but is so wrong, looks good thought I'll give you that.

Ah, that old discussion. Actually, Ordo Malleus Inquisitors (As Dmitrij is) frequently wear PA or TDA - I guess faith in the Emperor only gets you so far, when facing daemons. msn-wink.gif Any human is able to wear PA or TDA - look at Sisters of Battle, or Inquisitor Hector Rex. Actually, TDA was developed for humans, as a form of void suit. Sure, humans can't interface with it, so they won't wear it like a space marine, but they can use it, no problem.
  On 5/7/2014 at 8:43 PM, BKZer0 said:

Where did the little raven/crow/bird on the inquisitor's shoulder come from? It is amazing.

Yep, I'm very fond of it too. smile.png It is from the mounted plastic Empire General (his shield).

Yes Yes Yes

Guita has ADD too :D

I'm so relieved and so pleased.


I was so scared without any new post from you that was going to knock my socks off that I was not even wearing socks anymore just by security. :)

Brilliant work as usual.


The brake in ... not so fun :(

Love the idea and it's nice to see you work on something "good" for a change.


If you're using the standard kill team rules this warband won't work sadly. Nothing with a 2+ armor save is allowed. 3+ or worse only, so no TDA models at all.

  On 5/7/2014 at 9:13 PM, GuitaRasmus said:

  On 5/7/2014 at 8:25 PM, Stormborn said:

Superb something to look forward. Only complaint is a personal one why is your Inquisitor in TDA? Inquisitors aren't marines so they should't wear marine PA or TDA I know that can from the rules stand point but is so wrong, looks good thought I'll give you that.

Ah, that old discussion. Actually, Ordo Malleus Inquisitors (As Dmitrij is) frequently wear PA or TDA - I guess faith in the Emperor only gets you so far, when facing daemons. msn-wink.gif Any human is able to wear PA or TDA - look at Sisters of Battle, or Inquisitor Hector Rex. Actually, TDA was developed for humans, as a form of void suit. Sure, humans can't interface with it, so they won't wear it like a space marine, but they can use it, no problem.

Complaint was too strong a term, I still remeber the old pewter ordo malleus inquisitors in TDA. Its one of my pet peeves and I just wish GW would release some more non space marine power armours. Keep up the good work your threads are some of my favourites on the board.

@YoungWolf7 - He's using Herald of Ruin's Kill Team rules (fan made) but from what I've read they look a lot better than GW's and have to say I'm going to use them myself to run a few kill teams alongside my main army project. Thanks for bringing them to my attention GuitaRasmus!

Thanks a lot. smile.png

I experimented with my new camera tonight, and while it can still be improved, this is probably the first time I've ever taken pictures of my minis, inside, at night time, using only the electric lights in my apartment - no fancy photolight, just some camera adjustments, and a 5$ IKEA white fabric box as a light box.

I've done some more work on the Daemon Host - he's almost finished, just need to greenstuff some shackles for the chains on his wrists, and some last detailing.



I've also started a Sister Repentia - she obviously needs another head, so this is just a placeholder, but I kinda like the agressive pose, and the completely over-the-top Eviscerator:


And lastly, another new character - Dmitrijs Interrogator-Acolyte, Herr Doktor Stefan Kraut (A small gesture to the always gentlemanly and nice mr. KrautScientist):


(This head plus the Tomb Wraith combo is stolen off the amazingly creative Jeff Vader from convertorum.blogspot - check out his blog, it's incredible work.)

Hi guys - I've gotten a bit further tonight. It's been raining cats and dogs all night here in Copenhagen, so I've spent all night in my local gaming club, messing around and doing a bit of progress.

I've finished the Daemon Host, with the last greenstuffing done:


I've also put a more suitable mask on the Sister Repentia - I know they're supposed to be bald, but I think the hair is so nice, it'd be a shame not to use it:



Lastly, I've started working on some acolytes (Stefan Kraut is one of them, there will be 5 total):




The gun on the converted cultist champion is so cool, when I saw it I thought of Colonel Mortimer (For a Few Dollars More) with his stocked pistol, kinda hope you give him a servitor carrying a roll of different weapons like Mortimer had on his horse.


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