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I'm just preparing for the big "In your face!" from GW when we find out that our Sorcerers don't count as daemonkin nor do they get any free Primaris from anything if we take a Mark (since we are then forced to take powers from two diciplines, even if we don't want to).

What do you mean preparing for? Sorcerers aren't daemons (except for crimson sons possesed sorcerers, hrmmm), and marked sorcerers are required to take powers from multiple disciplines if they have more than a single masters level. We aren't waiting for the shoe to drop, it's already on the ground. At this point we can only hope that gw turns around and picks it up by removing the restriction on marked psycher power choice via eratta.

A Prophet Sorcerer from the Crimson Slaughter Codex would actually be pretty darned good, and he can join a unit of Obliterators for protection. Then he can spend his time summoning units to help support wherever he is, I actually really really like that setup. . .

This of course is only going off of what we know so far tongue.png


I am an idiot. . . Forgot the Prophet only allows you to join units of Possessed, so forget what I said, I am terrible at this game :(

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I'm just preparing for the big "In your face!" from GW when we find out that our Sorcerers don't count as daemonkin nor do they get any free Primaris from anything if we take a Mark (since we are then forced to take powers from two diciplines, even if we don't want to).

What do you mean preparing for? Sorcerers aren't daemons (except for crimson sons possesed sorcerers, hrmmm), and marked sorcerers are required to take powers from multiple disciplines if they have more than a single masters level. We aren't waiting for the shoe to drop, it's already on the ground. At this point we can only hope that gw turns around and picks it up by removing the restriction on marked psycher power choice via eratta.

A Prophet Sorcerer from the Crimson Slaughter Codex would actually be pretty darned good, and he can join a unit of Obliterators for protection. Then he can spend his time summoning units to help support wherever he is, I actually really really like that setup. . .

This of course is only going off of what we know so far tongue.png


I am an idiot. . . Forgot the Prophet only allows you to join units of Possessed, so forget what I said, I am terrible at this game sad.png

I can see mine joining a unit of possessed, then "freeing the demons inside" and leaving a wake of summoned demons in his trail. devil.gif

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A CS Sorc Prophet in a big unit of Possessed would be pretty powerful if you got the first Malefic power, Cursed Earth. Roll the 3++ save and rending result -> Cast Cursed Earth -> Get possessed with a 2++ save -> ??? -> Profit! (or Prophet?)


Not to mention that you can deep strike all your Daemon models (Oblits and summoned Daemons!) within 12" with no fear of scatter.

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I've been considering going the CS/Possessed troop route for a bit lately for replacing some of my models, but the price tags on them are keeping me away and I don't particularly feel like fighting over bids for the older mutation sprues.

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Alright, so some rumors are mentioning a generic rule for affinity to disciplines, I forget what it's called, which lets psykers using the discipline roll successes on 3+ instead of 4+.


If true, then that is probably the benefit daemons get with daemonology, and they'll likely still face the miscast on any doubles?


On the other hand, as a generic rule, that does seem like something they might give to us as well.


We'll see.

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favored discipline gives you the primaris for free in addition of any other powers you have.


An unmarked Sorceror lvl 1 in Biomancy would have the rolled power and the primaris.


A MArked sorceror would be screwed over like usuall

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favored discipline gives you the primaris for free in addition of any other powers you have.


An unmarked Sorceror lvl 1 in Biomancy would have the rolled power and the primaris.


A MArked sorceror would be screwed over like usuall

But an Aspiring Sorcerer would get a Tzeentch roll and then the primaris as well...and apparantely no longer be blocked from the awesome-flamer power with it's WC2 cost...

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Alright, so some rumors are mentioning a generic rule for affinity to disciplines, I forget what it's called, which lets psykers using the discipline roll successes on 3+ instead of 4+.


If true, then that is probably the benefit daemons get with daemonology, and they'll likely still face the miscast on any doubles?


On the other hand, as a generic rule, that does seem like something they might give to us as well.


We'll see.

Could this be the new bonus Tzeentch daemons will get to casting? Since Ld 10 seems like its no longer important for casting, giving Daemons of Tzeentch Affinity [all disciplines] would seem to make up for this.


Just a thought.

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I think that's just going to get dropped.  The tzeentch bonus to casting isn't to give them better casting that other daemonic psykers, it's to let them have worse leadership without negatively impacting their casting.  Now since casting and leadership are separate, they can just have lower leadership without needing a special rule to compensate on the psychic end.

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favored discipline gives you the primaris for free in addition of any other powers you have.


An unmarked Sorceror lvl 1 in Biomancy would have the rolled power and the primaris.


A MArked sorceror would be screwed over like usuall

I understood that it was if you took all your powers from one discipline you also automatically get the Primaris. im pretty sure that's what Jervis said in his latest video.


The affinity thing has been mentioned but not in detail as far as I know. Most seem to assume it will be +1 on the rolls

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It could be that Tzeentch Daemons generate one more dice than their level instead. They do need something, since big units of Horrors have become nerfed into oblivion by these new rules. At least offensively (assuming they have access to Daemonology). Trying to shoot a warp charge 3 Flickering Flame would take up most of your warp charge, peril almost automatically and be easily nullified (since your opponent can use most of his dice against your big mega flicker flames...

Oh, one cool thing about Horrors, even if they have Tzeentch-only powers is that they get one extra power now. That's pretty cool at least. :)

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Seems like psyker-brotherhoods are definately the way to go for malefic daemonology as the only ever lose 1 guy to a miscast (at least that's what it says in WD).

So horrors might actually be a lot stronger now. Especially if the get lucky and get the greater daemon spell.

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Seems like psyker-brotherhoods are definately the way to go for malefic daemonology as the only ever lose 1 guy to a miscast (at least that's what it says in WD).

So horrors might actually be a lot stronger now. Especially if the get lucky and get the greater daemon spell.

If you summon a GD, you still remove the entire unit...

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Seems like psyker-brotherhoods are definately the way to go for malefic daemonology as the only ever lose 1 guy to a miscast (at least that's what it says in WD).

So horrors might actually be a lot stronger now. Especially if the get lucky and get the greater daemon spell.

If you summon a GD, you still remove the entire unit...


You're totally correct. The herald spell would still be nice though.

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Seems like psyker-brotherhoods are definately the way to go for malefic daemonology as the only ever lose 1 guy to a miscast (at least that's what it says in WD).

So horrors might actually be a lot stronger now. Especially if the get lucky and get the greater daemon spell.

If you summon a GD, you still remove the entire unit...


Imagine if it were to be summoned into combat with the unit... Nice peril that!

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you warlord ia Belfegor  In csm [well CS actualy] always , in demon lists it is him or kairos.


speaking of psychic powers though. yestarday I manged to break my life record in VP in a single game . Before I stood at proud 29pts. In 5 turns last night , with some lucky card recycling I hit 37 . And I didn't table my opponent , neither were there any special rules used for the game.

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