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Crucials World Eaters ETL Vow


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Greetings fellow inbred sniveling swine of the Dark Gods!


The missus' is away on holiday and that seems like as good a time as any to announce my grisly forsaken vow to my fellow stinking servants of Chaos.


A little bit before the vow - I've played chaos since 5th edition but started with various armies around 3rd. For some reason I cant fully get into loyalist marines so I've always stuck with chaos when it came to the power armour. Come to think of it my other armies were Dark Eldar, Orks & Necrons so I supise ive always used the bad guys...


In 5th edition I used a heavy application of Berserkers, Rhinos and Raiders led by Khârn & company. This edition I added Berserkers holding bolters and various special weapons but it seems the days of actual power armour have come and gone and now we use everything but. With this in mind my ETL concentrates on adding all the extras that my current World Eaters lack...


Here goes:


I Crucial answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following:


2x Heldrakes - 340pts

My original turkey got stomped by vandals - something I shall avenge one day. Never liked the model anyways so I'm using the 2 helltalon FW models I got last Christmas.


4x Bikers w/ 2 Meltaguns - 110pts

Rather embaressing but I dont actually own any chaos bikers evem considering the huge role they play in the 6th ed Chaos dex. This shall be rectified...


3x Helbrutes - 300pts

These shall be a mix of starter set, FW and converted SM models. Don't own the damn dataslate but it does sound rather fun...


MoK Daemon prince with wings and Khorne Axe thingy. - 245pts


Hades Forgefiend - 175pts


2x Defilers - 400pts

Just cos I own the models - seem shoddy in the current codex sadly.


Havoks w/ Autocannons - 115pts


Havoks w/ Lascannons - 155pts


All from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 1665pts on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to The World Eaters and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Pictures to follow guys...

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The DV Helbrutes are still going for $10-$15 on Ebay.  It's great if you're not intending to go outside the standard config but it's a fixed pose and you'll have to get crafty to apply other weapons.

That being said I just snagged my last one for $9 for the Mayhem Pack.  Good luck Crucial!

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Thanks incinerator! Its going to be tough but im gonna give my best shot.


The fixed pose is a big no no for me sadly otherwise yeah that would be my go-to choice.

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Crucial, you'll need to post your vow in the ETL strategizing thread in the Chaos Ascendant forum for it to count.


I'm looking forward to seeing those helltalons painted up. Love the model and prefer that look to the heldrake.

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