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New BA starter set rumours


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So according to a fair few sources the IXth are going to be on the cover of the new book and in the new starter set along with Orks. According to Faeit, the new starter set will look like this:


Approx 70 models total

 Blood Angels

- Assault Marine Squad

- Tactical Marine Squad

- Death Company Squad

- Captain (kitted out for assault)

- Chaplain

- Sanguinary Priest (limited edition, similar to the Dark Vengeance mini was)

- 'Ardboys (full mob)
- Nobs (small squad)
- Warboss
- Big Mek
- Ork themed fortification
IF they've got the model count right, that would mean either the assault marines or the death company are likely to be a full ten men. My money would be on the former since there's no way orcs handle that many DCs in a starter game. I'd be suprised if the orc army is really that small but then they do get a fortification which are pretty key to this relaunch. if this is even approaching correct then cheap asault marines and BA themed core units would be fantastic. The DC could be converted into regulars too, and vice versa. Exciting times.
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Hmm, I'll be approaching the next BA release with alot of caution!


After the stupid shenanigans before our 5th Ed codex, if anyone remembers the fake Faustian/Sanguinian divide you'll know what I'm talking about. So in other words I'll beleive it when I see it.


All we have atm is very sketchy rumours at best and 0 concrete rumours!

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That would be worth buying just for the extra models, although if they're back to the snap-tight models, I'll have to evaluate them upon a closer look.



What's the source on this? This seems like a change from the rumors of a "smaller starter" we've been hearing. 


As I said in the post it's from one of Faeit's better sources. The smaller starter rumours never made much sense to me. The only time GW has ever taken a backward step in terms of the quality of a starter set was 3rd-4th ed, and that was when they were first introducing the idea of making the starter set minis easier to assemble for young beginners. As long as the sculpts are up to the standard of the current box I'm more than happy. I'll be there on the first day trading Orks for more Blood Angel goodness.

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I personally can't see there being 3 troop choices in the starter set for blood angels, considering the rumours of there not being a full mini dex in there it would seem silly for there to be a mass amount of troops. If the rumours are true and the next starter set is blood angels and orks I will give us a high chance of receiving a new codex after the rocks rumoured release next.
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I agree with Silverson. I can see maybe 10 Tactical Marines, 5 Assault Marines or Death Company, 1 Chaplain, 1 Sanguinary Priest, and some type of bigger kit (Dreadnought or Attack Bike w/new option). I would think they would want diversity over all foot slogging models and previous boxed sets seem to favor that approach.

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Agree with it seeming to lack diversity in model type as well.  No dreads, no bikes.  Also the count on the number of models seems off. 'Ard boys would be a 20 model squad? 5 for the nob squad so 27 orks + the fortification vs at least 18 marines (more if the squads are 10 man vs 5 man).  Seems wonky.



also, no psyker? in an edition where they are bring back a full blown phase for it?

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I heard the whole box set with BA is not happening.  It was Eldar and Astra Militarum but the new rule book has BA on the cover with Orks so who's knows whats happening.  


And rumors of a new unit "Blood Brothers" 


salt required.





everyones favorite faeit rumor mill

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That's 28 power armor models in the starter set, very unlikely.  It has been around 10-20 for quite a while now:


2nd Ed. 20 Tactical Marines

3rd Ed. 10 Tactical Marines, 1 Land Speeder

4th Ed. Battle of Macragge: 10 Tacticals, 1 Pilot

5th Ed. Assault on Black Reach: 10 Tacticals, 5 Terminators, 1 Dreadnought

6th Ed. Dark Vengeance: 10 Tacticals, 5 Terminators, 3 Bikes, 1 Captain (+1 Chaplain)

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I like the idea of an assault captain in our starter set providing that a new codex follows quickly with improved rules for our Captains.


I've stopped buying power armor models with the hope that the next starter set would contain quite a few of them for us.  Specifically Assault Marines ... I need more of them!

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That's 28 power armor models in the starter set, very unlikely. It has been around 10-20 for quite a while now:


2nd Ed. 20 Tactical Marines

3rd Ed. 10 Tactical Marines, 1 Land Speeder

4th Ed. Battle of Macragge: 10 Tacticals, 1 Pilot

5th Ed. Assault on Black Reach: 10 Tacticals, 5 Terminators, 1 Dreadnought

6th Ed. Dark Vengeance: 10 Tacticals, 5 Terminators, 3 Bikes, 1 Captain (+1 Chaplain)

You are missing a captain from the 5th ed starter and a librarian from the 6th.

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I heard the whole box set with BA is not happening.  It was Eldar and Astra Militarum but the new rule book has BA on the cover with Orks so who's knows whats happening.


I bet whatever is on the cover is what the boxed set is. I'd find it hard to believe that they wouldn't include some flavor of marines as well. We'll see what happens.

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I just do not see any way there is not some form of vehicle in the starter set. You just ignore a huge part of the game if there is not one. I would be surprised if they had DC in there. That being said I would love a BA starter set, I just really want a codex.
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One thing that kind of has me leaning towards believing the rumors about the starter set above is the rumor that there will be a pared-down version of the rules including rather than the mini-BRB that has come with the last few editions. I could easily see them removing rules for vehicles from the starter rulebook and cutting out approximately 30 pages from the last mini-BRB. I see this as a move to force people to buy the new BRB instead of buying the mini one from ebay.

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One thing that kind of has me leaning towards believing the rumors about the starter set above is the rumor that there will be a pared-down version of the rules including rather than the mini-BRB that has come with the last few editions. I could easily see them removing rules for vehicles from the starter rulebook and cutting out approximately 30 pages from the last mini-BRB. I see this as a move to force people to buy the new BRB instead of buying the mini one from ebay.


That's been rumored with almost every new edition. Sure, that would make sense, but I don't buy it.

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