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New BA starter set rumours


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One thing that kind of has me leaning towards believing the rumors about the starter set above is the rumor that there will be a pared-down version of the rules including rather than the mini-BRB that has come with the last few editions. I could easily see them removing rules for vehicles from the starter rulebook and cutting out approximately 30 pages from the last mini-BRB. I see this as a move to force people to buy the new BRB instead of buying the mini one from ebay.


I can't see them doing it as it would remove the value of the starter set. Why buy a box with two mini armies and no rules when you could buy a codex and the models you actually wanted? The starter set is there to bridge the set up costs for new players, which are worth far more than a few rulebook sales.

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If it's this one, that's from the Bloodspire Space Marine Battles audio. If it's this one, that's in the current codex under "Honor Guard."


As much as I like both styles of art, I think they're too stylized to be the cover of a codex. I'd sooner expect new art for releases that high profile.


The piece of art I was praying would be our codex cover got used for the Altar of War anthology anyways.

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One thing that kind of has me leaning towards believing the rumors about the starter set above is the rumor that there will be a pared-down version of the rules including rather than the mini-BRB that has come with the last few editions. I could easily see them removing rules for vehicles from the starter rulebook and cutting out approximately 30 pages from the last mini-BRB. I see this as a move to force people to buy the new BRB instead of buying the mini one from ebay.


I can't see them doing it as it would remove the value of the starter set. Why buy a box with two mini armies and no rules when you could buy a codex and the models you actually wanted? The starter set is there to bridge the set up costs for new players, which are worth far more than a few rulebook sales.

The rumor about the rulebook didn't mention removing the mini book, simply cutting out the parts that would not be used by the models in the starter set. If you look at the Beginner's Box for Pathfinder, the rules included have a total page count of about 170 pages compared to the 570 pages in the core rulebook. The starter rules provide you with the bare minimum required to play an introductory game.

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If it's this one, that's from the Bloodspire Space Marine Battles audio. If it's this one, that's in the current codex under "Honor Guard."


As much as I like both styles of art, I think they're too stylized to be the cover of a codex. I'd sooner expect new art for releases that high profile.


The piece of art I was praying would be our codex cover got used for the Altar of War anthology anyways.


The first pic is one from Black Library if I recall.  I've seen a few in that style, and they are nice.  The second one I believe is in our 5th edition codex, don't have it on me at the moment though...


One thing is for sure, if we do in fact get the starter set spotlight, the models will be beautiful.  A limited edition priest would be amazing.  My local store manager plays orks, and we'd split it in a heart beat.  If the models are really nice, I'd buy multiple boxes for sure.


I think our codex cover will follow suit with all the other recent releases.  A close up of a single HQ choice with a battle raging around him.  Maybe a Captain, maybe a Priest or Reclusiarch? Something with some BA flair, I know they won't disappoint.  I will be ordering the limited edition as well you can count on that.


I think we will know more as time tells.  In a couple weeks, the new rule book will be in, with a new cover.  If it's BA vs Orks as described in previous rumours, you can bet we are the next chapter to be released after the Orks.  Only makes sense.  If not, I think it's anyones game between us and the SW.


For me, theirs too many conflicting rumors about starter sets, and whether its the BA or SW next after the Orks.

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Sorry read it wrong. Still a great piece of work!


That picture is from the current codex. Someone recolored it from the black and white version. Great piece of work, but it won't be the cover of either the rulebook or the codex.

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Looks like the box set has changed again :(


via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

Blood Angels

-Captain with Jump Pack

-Tactical Squad (10)

-Assault Squad (5)

-Terminator Squad (5)

-Cybot with Multi Melta and Autocannon

-Sangunary Priest (with Corbulo option)



-Ork Boss


-Balla Boyz Mob (10)

-Moscha Boyz Mob (10)

-Meganobz Mob (5)

-Kommando Mob (5)


Seems to be a translation from German so the Cybot is a dreadnought and as for load out I'd assume that's a poor translation to assault cannon and dccw with under slung melta gun and the balla and moscha are slugga and shooter


Anyway thought I'd throw it up to see as I think it is more plausible compared to 3 troops for blood angels :) I hope the terminators are nic models the space hulk ones would be welcome

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Looks like the box set has changed again :(


via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

Blood Angels

-Captain with Jump Pack

-Tactical Squad (10)

-Assault Squad (5)

-Terminator Squad (5)

-Cybot with Multi Melta and Autocannon

-Sangunary Priest (with Corbulo option)



-Ork Boss


-Balla Boyz Mob (10)

-Moscha Boyz Mob (10)

-Meganobz Mob (5)

-Kommando Mob (5)


Seems to be a translation from German so the Cybot is a dreadnought and as for load out I'd assume that's a poor translation to assault cannon and dccw with under slung melta gun and the balla and moscha are slugga and shooter


Anyway thought I'd throw it up to see as I think it is more plausible compared to 3 troops for blood angels :) I hope the terminators are nic models the space hulk ones would be welcome

That seems like too many models for a starter set. Drop the terminators and 5 orks and It seems more reasonable. I would be super happy to be proved wrong though.

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Yea does seem a lot but I just checked the dv starter set and got a close if not exactly the type of units.


Captain - company master

Tactical squad - tactical squad

Assault marines - bike squad

Terminators - terminators

Dreadnought - librarian

Sang priest - Chaplin (limited edition)


So apart from the dreadnought being a much bigger model than a librarian it's not to far off and if we add in the amount of change in psychic powers that came from 5th to 6th I think it within reason. Not really sure how to compare the orks mind as I don't play them.

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The Termies and Dread seems awfully similar to 5th ed. Personally I'd rather see Death company than Termies but I'd love to see the dread in there as it would quash the idea of not having the complete rules. With all the changes to psychic powers I can't see the BA not having a psyker, unless the dread is a librarian dread.

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I like the sounds of this starter set. I may well invest in it to fill-out the ranks of my Angels Sorrowful, especially if it comes with a mini rulebook as with previous editions (although I also want an iBook interactive version -- I love being able to tap links for quick access to rules rather than flipping through a book).

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Yea does seem a lot but I just checked the dv starter set and got a close if not exactly the type of units.


Captain - company master

Tactical squad - tactical squad

Assault marines - bike squad

Terminators - terminators

Dreadnought - librarian

Sang priest - Chaplin (limited edition)


So apart from the dreadnought being a much bigger model than a librarian it's not to far off and if we add in the amount of change in psychic powers that came from 5th to 6th I think it within reason. Not really sure how to compare the orks mind as I don't play them.


But if the rumors of no small BRB included in the starter set, then theirs the value of the dread right there.  All these rumors are killing me, their has been so many variations of what the starter set will include.  Still SUPER excited.


I could do with less termies personally... I splooged a couple years ago and spent a fortune on the space hulk termies, have 7 th/ss, and the DV termies will be getting the flesh tearer dual chainfists counts as lightning claws treatment.  I won't complain if I acquire more, but I haven't really fielded termies in ages...  Maybe 7th will change that, but I doubt it.

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I've gotten a lot of play out of my small squad of hammernators. They've hammered Tyranid critters, they've hammered Kroot and riptides, they hammer in the morning and the evening, all over this galaxy. They have never failed me. However, I wouldn't sneeze at some uniquely blinged out Blood Angels shootinators, even though I'd be less likely to put them on the table. Maybe they'd come in handy for a Zone Mortalis game. Heavy flamers are ridiculous in that format. I could totally make a ZM list all about putting as many heavy flamers on infantry as possible... a squad of shootinators with a heavy flamer, a squad of sternguard with two heavy flamers... two big assault squads with two ordinary flamers on each... :D

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I'm enjoying the rumors.


My hope is for units that have a strong Blood Angels fluff factor (obviously).  I would be really happy to see a Furioso Dreadnought, a small squad of Death Company Marines, and an Assault Captain (hopefully we will get a Codex enhancement to our Captain slot).  It is likely that GA will want to have a scoring unit present, and I want them to stick to Blood Angels fluff so a 10 man assault squad would make me happy.


Altogether that adds up to roughly 600 points depending on load out.  I'd love to see a Sang Priest present as well, and a Librarian too since they introduced a psychic phase.  That seems to be hoping for too much, though. 


It occurs to me that GW may want to include more generic models so that they can be converted to alternate armies (more sales).  In that case replace Assault Squad with Tactical Squad and replace Death Company with Assault Squad.

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Personally, I don't really care what ends up being in it. My Blood Angels collection is rather huge right now, and includes two tac squads, one assault squad on foot, one with jump packs, ten sanguinary guard with various gear, something like four or five sanguinary priests, two captains, three librarians, a techmarine, terminators, a furioso dreadnought, an ordinary dreadnought, a furioso contemptor dreadnought, a stormraven, two land raiders, two Baals, and a bunch of other assorted vehicles and models (I think there's a devastator squad in there)... so yeah, my Blood Angels wang is pretty respectable. There are wangs larger than mine in this community, but mine is nothing to be ashamed of. :D


So what I'm more interested in is the uniqueness of the sculpts. I don't really need a third tactical squad, for example, but if it's an awesome tac squad with sculpted-on iconography, similar in quality to the Dark Vengeance tac squad, I'm all over it. The same goes for the terminators, the dreadnought, the assault squad (though I guess I could use a second jump assault squad)... all of it.

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