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Daemonettes and cultist

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Hi there,


I recently started kitbashing again after a 10 years break.


I thought I should post also here my take on the Daemonettes.

The idea was to kitbash Dark Elves Witches and Daemonettes.

Daemonettes 15


More pics and details on my WIP  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290582-darth-mustards-chaos-wip-ding-in-the-dancing-queen/











C&C, ideas, suggestions are welcome



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@ Kierdale

Glad you like them.

I totally stole the thunder of Brother Heinrich's friend http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278092-night-lords-15th-company-etl-iii-vow-pg50/page-50

I had the idea of using the witches masks on the daemonette before and was too lazy to start it.

This forum motivated me to give it a try.

I just pushed the idea of the daemonette/witch a little bit more.

I'm even considering doing more which is kind of silly since I have so many other projects and also the fact that I'm not planning on keeping the daemonettes unit.

5 more to go.

I just need  to resist the call of modeling other stuff (quickly put together a cultist of Tzeentch this morning before going to work :) !)

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tonight´s production : 3

I tried to modify the silhouette and mouvement to avoid the duplicatas since the witches are twice the same body 5 times.

still quite a lot of patching and cleaning to do

let me know what you think 




witches 8

and they were 18... still 2 to go

daemonette 18

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The masks work really great for my personnal esthetic. There are really detailled with chaotic runes or small horns or pointy hears

I think there are ways of altering/converting the actual head and getting better daemonettes, slaneesh heads

keeping them for myself to avoid to lead anybody in a wrong direction

I'm just resisting the idea of buying more kits because I still have a lot to built and paint

But I can feel my resistance weakening a little bit more every day

which might be a problem since I'm nore a collector or a player smile.png

but I think I could built a few thousand points army without having twice the same model with all the ideas that I had while mixing only 2 kits:)

Here are the 20 results


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While the GS was drying on the Daemonettes

I started to work on a Slaneesh cultist

Watdayafinkofit? :)












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I like it.

Is that some kind of tank on it's back?

It's a vial from a Dark Eldar Talos kit. Some great parts in that kit for Chaos conversions.

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Just one of the 10 cultists I built this weekend

Don´t want to saturate that forum so if you want to check the rest of the family click on the link in my signature



Critics and Comments are more than welcome 

This is an early stage wip still

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Just one of the 10 cultists I built this weekend

Don´t want to saturate that forum so if you want to check the rest of the family click on the link in my signature



Critics and Comments are more than welcome 

This is an early stage wip still

Ok, that guy looks awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

So, every team needs a leader and the same goes for cults I guess. 

As I was cleaning up my desk I found a box of a chaos wizard. 

I decided to quickly convert him and convince him to be my Slaneesh cult leader. 

What do you think? 

I´m not an 100% convinced. 




With a few followers or converted judging by their hands



with the rest of the cult



I know they need a standard bearer. I think that one of the static ones will loose an arm soon. 


C&C ? poison darts? shurikens? cream pies?

throw anything you like

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