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Hello chaps, care for one more?

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After the Ezekiel summoning a Bloodthirster incident I decided it was time to get real...

Well, no, not exactly. I bought the DV box and was a pity not to do something with the Chaos miniatures so they were on standby until now. A few more purchases and I have a start for an Iron Warriors Great Company. IP's IW will be the source of inspiration and I only hope I get an army half as cool as his!

I started on the DV ones but many of these will have to get a nice bath to strip off the paint.

I'm anxious to get started playing with them.


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Looks like a good collection. Are you going to be joining the black crusade and vowing in the ETL?

No and yes. I'm entering the ETL with Dark Angels. Maybe next one...

geeze what IS it about the IWs?


nice start though mate

What is it about the IW's? Chevrons, bitterness and hardlabour.

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Welcome Dark Apostle Lucifer to the promised land.  The glorious and ever-loving embrace of the warp and it's dark gods.  


May your new Great Company sally forth against the weakling servants of the corpse god.  


The sons of Peturabo once again grow stronger and the pitiful empire of lies spawned by the corpse god and his weak-willed minions grows ever more pathetic and vulnerable.


Soon shall we unleash the final phase of our long war, soon we shall bathe the material realm in blood.  And when all resistance is broken under the tracks of our tanks and the boots of our legionnaires, we shall rebuild the galaxy according to the design of the great architect, the master of our collective fates, the Immortal Primarch Peturabo.


Iron Within...

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But really, come to the dark side, we have cookies with warp filling and ritual scarification on top!


Now it looks a nice collection, the Iron Warriors are an easy scheme to paint so I am more than eager to see how things go from here on. Welcome to Chaos brother. The servant cultists is down there, warp coffee is served at 4pm and you are required to offer a space marine to the dark gods every tenday. Have fun and do not forget to leave the warp portal open... things tend to happen. 

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Welcome to Chaos brother.  Welcome to the Iron Warriors


So what all do you have in your collection?  Do you plan to just model and paint, or maybe game with your chaotic force? 


Iron Within, Iron Without


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Thanks for the welcome.

I still need more stuff... specially on the Heavy support section that is lacking a bit... I'm more of a gamer than painter but I want this IW force to be painted to my best so they look striking in the tabletop.

I actually tried the Pre heresy WE colour scheme but that white was a headache to paint. SO I decided to stick to what I do best. Mettalics and washes. ;)

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why IWs? because they are simply the best legion that has graced humanity with its existence (no biased whatsoever here, none at all whistlingW.gif ).

good start though. I don't envy you having to strip the minis but it'll be worth it in the end. are you going for a them (mono-god, unmarked, footlsogger, etc) or are you going to just see where the whims of the gods take you?

Perturabo, I'd imagine, is happy that his sons grow in number to oppose the False Emperor!

Iron Within, Iron Without.

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At first footsloggers... but I think something from khorne and nurgle may appear. I must confess I'm a fan of the Legion itself so I prefer to do some kind of "storm of iron-esque" kind of army.

Do it. Nothing stopping you :tu:

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40k? Morals?


It's a loyalist thing. They grow out of it eventually.

aye, my blood angels army became my plague marines :D and my imperial fists and templars have become my tzeentch renegades

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