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What Color to prime Ultramarines?

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Hello Brothers,


I have completely finished my Tyranid army, and am looking to start up my Ultramarines!


I got a few questions however though. I am also not a expert painter, but I wouldn't say i'm bad either. just kind of learning the ropes for Astartes painting :).


Anyways, my main question is what color should I prime my Ultras?

I only really have access to GW spray paints at my local store, or Krylon spray cans at Walmart (For those of you in North America who may know this brand.) The video I have watched to help me learn how paint Ultramarines can be seen below. He uses a grey primer, which I could only get with the Krylon spray paints, but I am not too keen on using that brand. So the big question is, should I use black or white? Or should I just go for the Krylon brand and do grey??



The next one is if I should follow the steps listed in this video? Could anyone else reccomend me to some guides or tips I can use to start up my very first Marines?

Thanks everyone!!!

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I think I will try black, and then basecoat them with Macragge blue. I like the darker armor look as compared to the brighter styles.

Would something along this particular color be achived by priming black?:





That is actually a really good idea man. I didn't even think to match them against my Nids :P. I am planning on doing a bit of 2nd company as I recently read Damnos and enjoyed the characters in the book.

Appreciate the advice and feedback guys. Will definitely share my Ultras once I get started.


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