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Counts as mephiston


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So bein that I play Knights of Blood much like the esteemed Electric Paladin. I do not feel right using mephiston's mini and will convert my own mostly just polling the board here. What mini would you use as a base for him? I have already ordered the SM librarian plastic kit to do either him or another Libby.


Once I start him this will become a WIP thread

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1) You should enter him into the ETL, an extra counts as Mephiston would be awesome!


2) onto the topic at hand, many have used the Sanguinor to successful results but I myself would want to shy away from that sort of model. Could you link the Librarian Plastic Kit? I'm not familiar with it and am also looking to build my own Mephiston this summer.

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Could you link the Librarian Plastic Kit? I'm not familiar with it and am also looking to build my own Mephiston this summer.

Here you go.


Unless you want to go with something similar to the ridiculous armour the real mephiston wears, I'd go for legs and a torso front from the sternaguard or vanguard kit, a torso back from PAGK, a plasma pistol arm, a sword from bloodletters, the backpack from the SM Commander and a head of your choice. Add books, scrolls and shoulder pads to taste.

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I was planning on saving my 100th post for my WIP, but thought I should chip in here. As it happens, I'm currently working on a Counts as Mephiston for my Angels Encarmine. I'm actually using the Mephiston model as a base, but with different arms, paint scheme etc. It'd be awesome if you wanted to check out my WIP:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290729-angels-encarmine-4th-company/?do=findComment&comment=3677320


I've seen a lot of people use Astorath the Grim as a base for Mephiston, though to be honest you can use any model you feel like to match your theme. Are your Knights of Blood feral renegades? Maybe use a Vampire Counts base like one of the Von Carstein's. Are they tragically misunderstood anti-heroes? Maybe try a more noble pose like Sicarius (Suitably de-Ultramarine-d of course ;) )


As long as your model is WYSIWYG, I'm sure most people will be happy to play him. However, I like that my conversion uses the Mephiston base, so is instantly recognizable as who he's meant to portray. 


A quick google search of Mephiston conversions brings up quite a few cool ideas. You could even use possessed wings to hint at the darker destiny of the Knights of Blood. I hope you find this helpful and it'd be great to see another ETL entry for the Blood Angel forum.

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I will post him I the ETL should have the kit this weekend and will get started, plus some fluff he will count as mephiston in my army but I am going more for a grizzled veteran librarian who instead of fighting the flaw has used it to increase his psychic ability so I didn't want to use a obviously BA kit as his base
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I guess I'm the exception, since I went fairly low key with my Mephiston.  He's built using a PAGK torso back (for the psychic hood), a CSM torso front for the reinforcing ridges at the edge of the armor plates, PAGK legs for the tabard and the book and sword detailing, a Death Company Plasma pistol and backpack, a PAGK force sword, the big ornate Sanguinary Guard pauldrons, and a Death Company head with the saltire on the forehead and the little spikes.


I thought about starting with the original model, but it was so flat and static.  That, and I can't stand helmetless Astartes.

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I guess I'm the exception, since I went fairly low key with my Mephiston.  He's built using a PAGK torso back (for the psychic hood), a CSM torso front for the reinforcing ridges at the edge of the armor plates, PAGK legs for the tabard and the book and sword detailing, a Death Company Plasma pistol and backpack, a PAGK force sword, the big ornate Sanguinary Guard pauldrons, and a Death Company head with the saltire on the forehead and the little spikes.

Have you got pictures?
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My Mephiston was based around Astorath initially, but there was a horrible accident that left him very broken furious.gif I've re-worked him recently so that he can be a second ETL vow should I ever manage to finish my first.

Head - shaved down death mask
Torso - Forgeworld Mk. IV Assault w/ Forgeworld blood drop skull in the centre and Forgeworld brass etch eagle on the buckle
Arms - Sanguinary Guard Glaive and Plasma pistol (repositioned)
Legs - Sanguinary Guard w/ Astorath's knees
Pack - Legion of the Damned winged skeleton
Pads - Legion of the Damned winged Skeleton and Death Company single blood dop.

As mentioned above, so long as you're WYSIWYG, you're golden. For a special character, though, it feels only fitting that you go that extra mile to make them stand out. That, though, can just mean serious kit-bashing (as in my case). Good luck, I hope to see what you come up with.

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My Mephiston was based around Astorath initially, but there was a horrible accident that left him very broken furious.gif I've re-worked him recently so that he can be a second ETL vow should I ever manage to finish my first.

Head - shaved down death mask

Torso - Forgeworld Mk. IV Assault w/ Forgeworld blood drop skull in the centre and Forgeworld brass etch eagle on the buckle

Arms - Sanguinary Guard Glaive and Plasma pistol (repositioned)

Legs - Sanguinary Guard w/ Astorath's knees

Pack - Legion of the Damned winged skeleton

Pads - Legion of the Damned winged Skeleton and Death Company single blood dop.

As mentioned above, so long as you're WYSIWYG, you're golden. For a special character, though, it feels only fitting that you go that extra mile to make them stand out. That, though, can just mean serious kit-bashing (as in my case). Good luck, I hope to see what you come up with.

Thanks so much for that! Consider it referenced!

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All good I will be thieving your death mask idea. Just waiting on the sword arm for my build then should have a picture up. One question I went for a pose pointing with the left hand as he has a holstered pistol, would that count as WYSIWYG for his plasma pistol?
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