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campaign theme and custom scenarios.


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So, I've been getting to the point of frustration with the csm codex that most people got to a long time ago, (this is mainly due to me not playing very many games). I mostly play against a friend's eldar army, and neither of us are in a position to really push the boat in terms of bug shiny kits etc and neither of us is that interested in mind maxing or the like. Despite this I was feeling like whatever I did I was completely impotent in the game.


I decided to do something about this situation and play the narrative way that appeals to us both. So I knocked up a quick bit of background to explain the reason for the overall conflict and we started thinking of a few scenarios to work around. The plan is to keep things loose and fun and see where it goes.


We had our first game the other day, we roughed the scenario as a chaos patrol ambushed by an eldar army that outnumbered it, before being bolstered by some reinforcements later in the game. We played at 750 points with about a third of the points starting the game for chaos, deployed within a 12" diameter circle 4' from one end of a 6' table and halfway across it's width. The entire eldar army was to move onto the table on turn one by any means available (deep strike, outflank etc) and the chaos reinforcements would arrive in a similar fashion at the start of turn three.


Eldar primary objective was to eliminate the units that started the game for chaos, quicker they did it the better. Other than that, we didn't really have any goals for chaos to achieve so I'm trying to come up with some proper victory conditions for such a game.


Anyway we played the game and it was as we had hoped really good fun, made some decisions that could have been better and I was tabled at the end of turn six, but he didn't have much of his army left.


So I guess what I'm hoping for is some input on how to actually set out the objectives in a game like this.


Here are some of my thoughts:


Eldar primary objectives:

Destroy the patrol: each chaos unit that starts the game grants three victory points if destroyed by chaos turn three, two if destroyed by chaos turn four and one if destroyed by the end of the game.

Chaos primary objectives:

Protect the patrol: Each chaos unit that survives until chaos turn three grants one victory point per turn it survives after turn three to a maximum of three. Eg, a unit of csm surviving until turn 4 would score 2vp, or three vps for turns 5 & 6.

secondary objectives: slay the warlord, first blood.


So if there were three chaos units starting the game the eldar player would be able to score a maximum of nine vps from the primary objective, as would the chaos player.


Any thoughts?

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I'm going to try something simliar with Khârn (buffed with basically some of the Stuff on the Boon Table-can't be Spawn'd or Prince'd on further rolls)


That's Khârn the Betrayer with:


Eternal Warrior, w4, T5, poison (4+) on Gorechild, Witch Eater, re-roll failed armor and invulnerable saves, 3++ invulnerable save in Close Combat, Shred, Feel No Pain (6+), Rampage, Preferred Enemy (Eldar).


Against 1500 points of Eldar (where they can respawn wiped units, but not Special Characters)


Khârn is the last survivor of a battle against Eldar-he's racked up quite a Tally and the Blood God has charged Khârn with his blessings to see how far his champion can go before he finally falls. His objective is to topple the "False Blood God"-the Avatar of Khaine-if he is able to kill the Avatar, the Eldar forces will no longer be able to respawn, and must start falling back as fast as they can towards the nearest table edge.


He can only be fully killed off by the Avatar.


Khârn must challenge and accept challenges. For each challenge he accepts or makes, he get's +1 attack. If he wins a challenge, he rolls on this alternate boon table:





1 Regain all wounds


2 1 (one) Blood Focus. Khârn's Feel No pain is increased to FNP (2+) until the end of the turn this ability is activated.


3 1 (one) Overcharge shot with his plasma Pistol (Flamer Template) pistol cannot be fired next turn (no more than 1 allowed-expires if not used)


4 1 (one) sweep attack. Instead of his normal attacks, Khârn (even in a challenge) may opt to center the small blast template over his head-all models falling under it are hit with a s5ap5 attack at initaitve 10 step on a 2+.


5 1 (one) Chain-hook attack + hit and run on turn activated. 12 inch range, assault 1 Chain-Hook s4 ap-, Khârn uses one of his chainhooks to latch onto an enemy or piece of terrain and haul himself towards his enemy-may move up to 12 inches towards the hit target. (no more than 2)


6 1 (one) Khârn's turn. Instead of his normal attacks, Khârn (even in a challenge) may opt to center the Large Blast template over his head, all models. Every enemy model under the template is hit with 3 attacks utilizing his statlines and equipment enhancements on a 2+ and may count as having charged for the sake of Furious Charge-though it must be done during the very last step-even after other initiative 1 step attacks.

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