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I Would Like Help At The Start

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It's rather embarrassing since I already have an idea of certain things about my Nurgle force, but what I would like is some help nailing things down such as which units to mark, what to equip them with, how I should model my force, what their badge should be, and what would be a great place to start on with special units.


For a compulsory, I'm planning on a Chaos Lord, 3 7-man Plague Marine squads with Rhinos, and a single large squad of Cultists. Chaos Lord has Black Mace, MoN, Ichor Blood, Sigil of Corruption, and Blight Grenades. The Plague Marines all have VotLW, a plasma gun, and the champions have power weapons and plasma pistols, the Rhinos are basic. The Cultists number a full squad of 35 with MoN, all but 3 with autoguns, 3 heavy stubbers, used as a shooty meat shield.


The warband is a tragic traitor chapter, once known as the Stalwart Sons, who became infected from within by a nurgle plague of hyperactive leprosy. The Inquisition investigated them and deemed them beyond saving so their homeworld was destroyed. They managed to escape with their remaining genestock intact into the Maelstrom but have since become followers of Nurgle, who offered them his favor in exchange for their service. They tried to resist at first but as time went on they found the plague did not affect them when they killed for Nurgle and spread their plague to others. The Leprous Host was born and their ranks have swelled with cultists, people who have become infected and had no choice.


This is the Warband's general color scheme, the plague having spread to their clean white armor and brass fixtures, causing it to turn a sickly green and corroded metallic brass. Their bodies have since fused into their armor which is never removed, so they have become truly warriors of Nurgle, their battle plate becoming their new skin.





Now from here, I'm wondering if I should expand to Chosen, Chosen Terminators, Helbrutes, or Possessed for Elites, Predators, Vindicators, Land Raiders, and Havocs for Heavy Support. I'm not too sure about Fast Attack choices beyond Raptors and Bikers because it wouldn't make sense for a chapter to have the more exotic units in their force like Daemon Engines and Mutil/Obliter-ators. Also, I'm not sure what I could use for a badge that's obviously Nurgly, but not used already like 3 skulls, 3 flies, or the like. I was rather inspired by the rather horribly pixellated, grainy graphic in Dawn of War, WA, DC, SS for the Death Guard. Simply a trio of rotten, slick sores in the shoulder plate. Problem is... it would either have to be sculpted for each one on both shoulder guards, differently, for each chaos marine...


I happily await your aid!

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Minor things to start with. I'd drop the plasma pistol for a second plasma gun. As for power weapon, I'd go with axes as you're already I3 and tough enough to survive a S4 power sword.


For Cultists, consider adding an ADL for them to man and hide behind.


With three Rhinos, I'd lean towards more armor to help add saturation. First thought would be Maulers to help counter heavy armor and keep up with your Rhinos. To cover them , maybe a unit of Spawn? Fluffwise, they'd be the results of attempts to cure the affliction with horrible outcomes.

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I personally feel bad for even considering Plasma Guns, let alone using them but they are just a better bolter with a small chance to melt your arms off. :P


So as I thought, 2 plasma guns per squad, and what's the distinction between axes, swords, and mauls again? XD


I could definitely go with some spawn, for whatever reason. Spawn have to make as much sense as human nature. (which means none at all) I could put a small bike squad and raptor squad in to complete that circle. I'm not entirely familiar with purchasing terrain so I dunno about that, but I am certainly going to take advantage of their cheapness and meatshielding for my tanks.


Did you mean extra armor upgrades for the Rhinos or more tanks in heavy support? Just want to be sure.

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He's talking more armor saturation.  You need more aggro, more tanks or large units to pull fire from the Rhinos.  Bikers with spawn or biker deathstars are probably one of the few things CSM has going for it outside of Balesorc and Heldrakes.  If you're taking two units of cultists, it doesn't hurt to take a Helbrute and make a Helcult for scoring purposes, and you can put a TLLC on him for fire support. 

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That makes sense. I was eventually planning on adding a couple predators to the list. Maybe 2 Predators and a Havoc squad with 2 missile launchers, multi melta, and plasma cannon.

Also, finding a badge for a Nurgle army that isn't used already... is tough. And I see my color scheme is not at all unique. sad.png

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Invert it or add contrast. 

Yes, if you look at the wonderful lists of Chaos, we're a very sortied group.  As for Havocs, we don't have Plasma Cannons, we have special weapons.  Take Autocannons if you're using Havocs. 

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Don't feel limited to the standard three orbs that Nurgle has. Consider any sort of twisted medical symbol from real life or simply an icon with seven distinct sections.


7 IS the number of Nurgle, but the only thing I can think of using the number 7 is a scythe motif, which I'm definitely going to stay away from. The goal is to represent a traitor chapter, not a detachment of Death Guard.


As a design, again I want to get away from the Death Guard as much as possible both in colors and designs. I'm even thinking of changing the name. Nurgle is tough to work with because it's generally ubiquitous to all worshipers to be gross green and brown colors which is why I tried to use in my color scheme sample, but it's just not far enough away from your standard plague marines from the Death Guard. I'm starting to wonder if Nurgle is even the best choice of god because I'm really trying to incorporate Nurgle in a different way.


I had it in my mind that the entire warband suffered a similar fate to the Thousand Sons or the Cleaved where they have become sealed in their power armor. The method of doing this was that their skin has bonded with and grown INTO their armor's workings, effectively becoming one. The same with their dreadnoughts, tank drivers, pilots, chaplains, librarians, apothecaries, everyone. To compliment this flesh tone, I thought of what leprous skin looks like and what it would do to ceramite armor's color. Perhaps if I had done Khorne (my second choice), it would be easy to implement an army of dried blood spattered hues slicked across the armor like a real leper, but then... they'd be "Khornate".


I dunno, this seems tougher the more I get into it. At least army lists can change on a whim. :P

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Go for a more gorey, more necrotic feel instead of the bloated pus bag look.


Channel the death and decay aspects over the garden and disease themes.


It's all still Nurgle.


As for a symbol or icon, I got this cool image of a rib cage with seven ribs and seven vertebrae.

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Well... do you like any particular Chapter or Legion?  We have a couple of fallen Blood Angel players here who have gored up plague marines.  Mine are supposed to be a Rust Color with blackened trim. 

You could do what Chaeron pulled, and use Purple flesh, or you could go desicated and use a bunch of bones or spectre hoods.  Mortrarion has been portrayed as a gaunt, Reaperish figure.  You can even use blues, or go along the pre-heresy Death Guard colors.  It doesn't hurt to use the Death Guard as a base, they have the majority share of Plague Marines of any Warband, even still more than the Black Legion.  You can easily make a splinter group, or take an ex amount of Loyalists who've come into contact with Nurgle demons and convert them.

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Well, I don't think I'm a fan of any chapter in particular anymore because I like almost all of the originals for one reason or another. Also, as I said, I'm trying to get away from the Death Guard, as I would try with any DIY and the legions. Perhaps I'd be better off doing a DIY warband like the Alpha Legion or Iron Warriors (my favorite traitor legion) where it's just generic "mark of vengeance" force... Dunno how I can make Nurgle work anymore... :(

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