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Gets Hot

IK Viper

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What is the interaction between Prescience and a Plasma Cannon.  Some people are saying that Prescience lets you reroll the Gets Hot rolls of 1 for the over heat as well as the scatter dice.  I am not seeing the logic to back this up.  Cab someone break this down for me please?

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What is the interaction between Prescience and a Plasma Cannon.  Some people are saying that Prescience lets you reroll the Gets Hot rolls of 1 for the over heat as well as the scatter dice.  I am not seeing the logic to back this up.  Cab someone break this down for me please?


Page 37, Gets Hot and Rerolls

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Doesn't Prescience just say you reroll to all to hit dice.  Not sure the Gets Hot check classifies as a "to hit roll," as it is completely unaffected by BS in any way, and has no bearing of the number of hits generated, (not to mention the mechanical functionality of a Plasma Cannon) 


Why would a power that helps you hit more accurately in any way affect the mechanical operations of the gun your shooting, there by preventing an overheat?  I get why this works with a Plasma Gun because it is a roll to hit, instead of a check you take before the gun fires.  Not sure that applies to a Plasma Cannon.


Twin Linked Ion Tides still loose the  blast shot and must make an armor save if they roll a one on their Overcharge.  Not seeing how rerolling the overheat dice is in any way consistent with the rest of the games rerolling blast weapons. 

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You know, if you're unhappy with the way things are for the duration of the present edition, or you think you can convince your group to stick with sixth and tweek things to your satisfaction, we have a place in the Halls of Artifice where you can freely share your proposals and testing results.


Alternatively, at this specific time I'd shake the magic eight ball, wait a few weeks, and check again to see if it changed to your liking.

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My rule book is at home, and the ruling you are giving me is greatly beneficial to me.  I just can't understand why the rule is the way it is.  No logical reason for that to work as it does.

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