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New Chapter for deathwatch


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My tabletop group is starting a deathwatch campaign and the GM has decreed that we can make our own chapters. I've been playing 40k less than the rest of the group, so I dont want to make a bad or out of place chapter. If I was to post information about my chapter, could I get some feedback on it?

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The Guardian Knights were founded in the early fourtieth millenium, from the gene seed of Rogal Dorn. It is assumed that their progenitor chapter is The Black Templars, but it has not yet been confirmed. What has however been confirmed is that there is no love lost between these two chapters, due to arguments over the use of psykers were made incredibly tense when an offer by The Black Templars to join their High Marshall on a crusade which was intended to bring the two forces closer was rejected by the younger chapter.
The Chief Librarian of this chapter, Lord Charlemagne, gained renown when he and the company of terminators under his command boarded a small Eldar Craftworld and tore their way through it, before detonating the central power source and teleporting to the safety of their Battle Barge, The Might of Dorn. Something happened on that Craftworld, and when Charlemagne returned to the chapters homeworld of Albion, the previous Lord abdicated control of the chapter to him.
The Chapter has eleven full companies, but sees itself as codex adherent, due to Charlemagne's company not entering the field of battle, and instead directly ruling Albion from a castle the size of a city that was quite literally carved out of a mountain, to which any and all citizens of Albion may take their complaints or worries to the Astartes for their wise judgement and protection and from which the next generation of Astartes is trained, as the second son of every family is sent with the best undertaking the trials to join the chapter and the rest adorning carapace armour stamped with the Knights emblem and serving as the planetary defense force. 
At the heart of this castle lies a hidden chamber of great importance, the doors of which are guarded by the previous Lord Chapter Master, who doesn't sleep or ever move, save to permit Charlemagne entry and punish those overly curious or unlucky to stumble across the corridor he stands watch in.


What other fluff should I decide on before the session?
(My profile picture is the colour scheme I decided on)

If the chapter's for Deathwatch purposes, you can start with Rites of Battle and its chapter-creation rules!


Some issues I'm seeing:


M40 feels like rather late for a Founding. It's not entirely out of line, I guess, but someone else can speak to this better than me.


While Black Templar may or may not have successors, that's more of the sort of thing that would be rumored or secret; BT defiantly buck all the trends other Astartes chapters are under, so it isn't really likely the High Lords would pick them. A Dorn gene-seed successor with a disputed or unclear parent chapter would be a bit more believable.


Ruling openly is a much bigger Codex Astartes violation than simply having non-standard companies. The Badab War started because of the former, and the truth that Huron was also doing the latter only came out later. You could perhaps underscore that it's hypocritical, but as is, if inspectors or Inquisitors or other chapters ask about the 11th company, the answer is only going to make the situation worse.


While Black Templar may or may not have successors, that's more of the sort of thing that would be rumored or secret; BT defiantly buck all the trends other Astartes chapters are under, so it isn't really likely the High Lords would pick them. A Dorn gene-seed successor with a disputed or unclear parent chapter would be a bit more believable.


Agreed, especially if you're including Librarians. It makes little sense to go to the trouble of explaining why you're using something so unlikely, then also have to explain why they've turned around from something that is key to their personality.


An obvious solution would be to make them IF Successors via the Iron Knights; children of Dorn, knightly, even similar names and colour schemes.



Also, the names Charlemagne and Albion feel a bit over-themed, I'd try to make the references a bit less obvious.



Other than that it seems an ok start, I'm interested to hear what they found on the Craftworld that brought about all these changes?


M40 feels like rather late for a Founding. It's not entirely out of line, I guess, but someone else can speak to this better than me.


The lexicanum lists the 25th founding as having taken place in late M40, and the 26th in 738.M41. That said, none of those fit with early M40.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oops sorry, I've been doing lots of revision (4 AS exams in the next 3 days) so that's why I didn't respond that fast. 

On the Black Templar thing, I wanted a chapter which descended from Dorn, and my GM suggested Black Templars because he didn't want to make abilities in case they unbalanced the game and the only deathwatch book I have is the Core one, so Black Templars are the only chapter with the pedigree so to speak that I wanted. 


It's not as in like tyrants or anything like Huron. Their world accepts the power of the Inquisition, promotes the ecclesiarchy etc. The Chapter Master just happens to rule their chapter homeworld like an incredibly oversized planetary governor. 


I wasn't entirely sure when exactly foundings happened (I'm an ork player when it comes to table top) was there a founding in the latter half of the 39th millenium? I dont want them to be brand new, but I also dont want them to be an old chapter. 


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