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ETL III - Steve Shields

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Here is my work in progress page for my massive undertaking for this ETL. As most of you know I vowed 17k for the dark gods. I will post updates here so i don't flood the main ETL with updates. Here is the first shot of everything together.




I have since completed the khorne hounds as my first unit. I also am about 2/3 of the way through the squad of 3 vanquishers.

Here are the completed puppies. It's not the best picture, there is actually a lot of depth to the red I just couldn't get it to show through. one of these days I'll buy a real camera but for now I'm stuck with what I have on my phone.


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Here is my work in progress page for my massive undertaking for this ETL. As most of you know I vowed 17k for the dark gods. I will post updates here so i don't flood the main ETL with updates. Here is the first shot of everything together.




I have since completed the khorne hounds as my first unit. I also am about 2/3 of the way through the squad of 3 vanquishers.

Here are the completed puppies. It's not the best picture, there is actually a lot of depth to the red I just couldn't get it to show through. one of these days I'll buy a real camera but for now I'm stuck with what I have on my phone.



Wow you actually have an old Lightning. What I would give for that.

Here is my work in progress page for my massive undertaking for this ETL. As most of you know I vowed 17k for the dark gods. I will post updates here so i don't flood the main ETL with updates. Here is the first shot of everything together.


Not stripping at repainting the Reaver in the top left corner for your vow? tongue.png

Seriously. That there is more than I've ever painted in my whole hobby!

I admire the quantity of point you've vowed for the ETL. Even if you're a Dark Gods' follower, that's awesome.

But you've got a lot of Super Heavy in that, try vowing 17'000pts of Infantry tongue.png

Nice work on the Vainquishers, I like the Iron Warriors colors on "Imperial" Tanks, that's something I've always liked in this faction.

Screamers are now done. Ink is still drying actually. The blue looks better in person, But I'm going to have to tweak the blue recipe before I tackle Big Bird. Right now I base it macrage and then dry brush the two lighter blues over it, then do white in random areas as a final drybrush highlight. Its good enough for normal models but I need a blue as good as my red for the big guy.


My red is khorne, wazdaka, evil suns, black wash, agrax wash, evil suns drybrush and then orange drybrush. It has an awesome depth to it, but the washes wouldnt work for the blue as I don't want it to go to black in the recesses. Any advice, Maybe I could mix the blue wash with the black wash?


Hellhounds are now done, now I'm on to some lightnings. I wish I could find somewhere to put hazard stripes on these guard tanks, but the ones that don't have track guards I can't find a spot that looks good. Does anybody have any ideas? Mainly concerned with the russes and superheavies.



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