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Fabius Bile count-as: Festus the Leechlord

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What made me interested in the lore of Bile is that, to me, it seems similar to Festus's lore: trying to concoct the most vurtulent poisons/plagues for Father Nurgle. There is a big difference between the two, but a Nurgle crossover of Bile to Festus seemed right to me.


Could anyone help with conversion ideas?


Here's a model I was thinking of for using as a base and then building from there: http://sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php?art=912#i/2010/big/chaos_rotten_lord_02.jpg


I think his scythe could work easily enough to represent his Rod of Torment, but as for his Needler and Chirurgeon, I'm at a loss. I do want to add vials to the model, possibly swinging from his abdomen and two or three from his scythe. The Needler should be a fleshy putrid weapon I'd guess, or something rusty dripping with toxins. Also, maybe the Chirurgeon could be some sort of tentacles emerging from his back?


Any ideas would be welcomed!

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Cool model that, I was interested in getting one of those as well, yet I think it probably fits better with Typhus - that scythe would be a perfect manreaper so not quite sure how to go about adding all the tech...I know HighTech minis sell a number of techmarine-like models with appendages that looks more organic than mechanical, so maybe thats a different angle? 

This image below of Necretex from their Biotech Covenant range seems like having a pretty awesome needle-like tool which could work.



Hope this helps

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Love the idea of using Fabius bikes rules as a nurgle character, truly think that is genius and mega fluffy for a nurgle lord (and yes it is very festus like). But I am not a fan at all of using that scibor rotten lord as the basis of your counts as Fabius.... The model just doesn't scream "mad biochemical plague scientist" to me.


I would have fluff very festus like and say that an apothecary for *enter chapter name here* went rogue for whichever reason and found himself swearing allegiance to the plague father and using his medical skills/knowledge to spread and cause disease rather than heal.


I would probably kit bash a counts as version to look very mysterious. Dark angel robed body with a hooded helmet, apothecary backpack and churigeon arm etc

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