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How Would This Work...


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Time and again I've come across the great... okay... fantastic concept artwork for the now-closed MMORPG Warhammer Online. Specifically those pieces of Chaos, and more specifically, the Chaos Chosen.


The whole premise behind their design was the Warhammer Fantasy armies of Chaos devoted to Tzeentch, and the idea that he was the "Raven God" among his other monikers. What if this were translated to Warhammer 40,000? Below I've attached some pieces for reference. How would I be able to make a warband out of these designs? What kind of background could work with Tzeentch being a mystical "Raven God" while incorporating these armor colors and designs?







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Well in 40k, most of his direct servants understand he is the Deceiver Lord.  You would have to make a sub-sect dedicated to him either indirectly working for him, using a turned Chapter who worships a Raven god.  Or you make Traitors of a Raven Cult of Tzeentch.  Both would have the distinct Chosen pattern above, which strikingly reminds me of the DV-CS Chosen.

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Feather cloaks.


The Raven God is one of Tzeentch's many names. The fine banding and filligree on the armour is just part of the archaic design. I'd go with intricate gold designs on the flat sections of the power armour.

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