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Artifactor Space Marines, v.3.0

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Your tactical and sternguard squads look really nice and your overall colour scheme is very striking.


The only thing that bothers me is the windscreen on the storm talon, but there's not much that can be done about that.


Interesting background and lovely looking models. Keep up the good work

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brother Dominic


Time for some more green and gold, this time with Hellfire Dreadnought Dominic! Experimenting a bit with a more subtle highlight.

Also, golden tipped missiles, yay! smile.png

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Land Raider Crusader "The Chalice"


The Chalice is one of the most revered Land Raider's in the Artifactor armour and have been in service for almost three millennia. The Chalice has been deployed in many of the major engagements in the Chapter's history and although it has been badly damaged time and time again, the chapter's tech marines have always been able to to nurture the machine spirit back to health so that it might once again vanquish the enemies of the Imperium.

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Final Judgement Codex Entry



An edited picture of Final Judgement for any potential Artifactor Codex, if I ever decide to make one. smile.png

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Final Judgement Codex Entry



An edited picture of Final Judgement for any potential Artifactor Codex, if I ever decide to make one. smile.png

Dude, that's boss. If you're using photoshop, you should see if the version you have has the "refine edge" feature for selections. You can use it to get rid of that white outline around it really easily. If not, consider just making the selection one or two pixels smaller using 'contract selection' to minimize it.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Imperial Knight "Judicator"



The newcomer to the, now trio, of Imperial Knights affiliated to the Artifactor Space Marine Chapter. Unlike Mercykiller and Final Judgement, Judicator was neither saved or found by the Artifactor chapter. Instead, he found them. Although he never talks about it, the Knight is believed to be a high ranking warrior from a now destroyed Knightly House. After meeting Mercykiller and Final Judgement, he took his new name "Judicator" (his old name and allegiance is known only by the Chapter Master of the Artifactors). Although phlegmatic and stoic he has shown superior command abilities and has become the de facto leader of the Artifactor Imperial Knight lance.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone!


Some updates. I removed the Knights from the main post and dedicated a new thread for them (with new photos) here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320863-baronial-court-artifactor-affiliated-imperial-knights/


I also added a few new Artifactor photos in this thread (much higher quality than before!).

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