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Heldrake conversions

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Eventually I'll be getting a Heldrake, and among the myriad conversions, the Ecto-head from the Forgefiend on the zombie dragon (forgot the name) body with forgefiend bits seems to be really popular. 

While I won't be exactly replicating this (it'll probably be cheaper to buy the bits for both sets than buying a regular Heldrake), I like the form of the drake with the exception of wanting to add feathered wings, and possibly the Forgefiend Ectohead.  How simple of a conversion would this be? 

The one thing that gets me is the tilt the head has, I want to straiten that, as I don't have the model, do I have to bend it a little?  Also, anyone know of alternatives for the claws the stock drake uses?  I don't like their look, and quite possibly would like to attach a set of rear legs.

One of the looks I'm going for is a vulture, emulating the style of the A-10 Warthog.  I may just use a Hadesautocannon from the Forgefiend for that look, but then I'd have to get creative with some form of head, and quite honestly the Hades autocannon the drake looks... pathetic. 

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