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2nd edition Death Company idea


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Being all 2nd edition nostalgic as I am at the moment I was flicking through Codex Angels of Death last night and noticed that the Death Company was literally uncontrollable if you didn't take a chaplain - subject to frenzy so they have to charge, ceases to be a unit so each model becomes a unit of 1, maximum move in a random direction.


I then recalled a few BA chapters being fatally undone by their geneseed and a neat little narrative started to form, using the 2nd edition rules.


For example;

The Exsanguinators - a chapter like the Flesh Tearers but with the crazy turned up to 11. On the way back from a successful campaign a battle barge full of marines all have portions go mental, (storyline pending) and butcher their way through the rest of the chapter on board.

Only X amount (a small number, say a couple of dozen) remain sane and are forced to hunt down the crazies.


Thus begins a zone mortalis campaign with the less crazy trying to kill the more crazy with death being literally the end - so as the campaign goes on casualties actually matter. If you die in the game, you die. Like Battle Royale meets 28 Days Later.



This just an idea to begin with, the details could easily change. For instance, rather than being hunted by their own chapter, they could easily kill their way through a fortress monastery and have to be hunted down by the Inquisition, or another chapter, or it could even be the Blood Angels themselves who have gone bananas in a hushed up event that was never recorded... but the premise is the same - a roughly 1000 point army (which in second edition will be about 25 infantry) against 3 or 4000 points of Death Company over several games to decide the fate of the chapter. Do they kill all their Death Company and try and rebuild their chapter, or does the Death Company doom them all?


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Like your thinking!


I kind of miss AoD, even though it can be detremental. I don't mind them being uncontrolable on their own as long as I have a means to gain control; Priest/Chappy/Spesh Character etc. Don't be surprised if/when we get a new codex they go back to this (it was the changes to rage that allowed their current control).



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