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Hi everyone, good to meet you all. I'm JackDaw, long time hobbyist and Astartes collector - and yes, I am that JackDaw from Warseer. I've already kicked off my own humble offering in the Hall of Honour - A Holy Work is the tale of my 2500-odd point Astartes Chapter, the Iron Talons. They are all done, bar a reward Sicaran later this year, but I do have something more Heresy flavoured in the works and coming soon.


My armies are all about fluff and character rather than game-winning, as the mountain of accompanying fluff for the Talons will show, so hopefully you fine chaps will appreciate what I can offer up. I do a bit of amateur writing as well, had my first short story published earlier this year for Mantic, but I'd love to do something for the Black Library. A man can dream.


Looking forward to spending more time on here and sharing the love of Astartes :)

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Hail and well met, JackDaw! Welcome to B&C - please ask any questions you may have. I'll be interested in seeing what sort of prose you have, brother. ;)

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Thank you for the welcome Brother, hopefully the prose linked to my Talons plog will be to your liking. It's more documentary style than the story I created for my Dark Elves, but I am very happy with it.

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I am honoured and humbled by your arrival, JackDaw. Your work with your Iron Talons inspired so much of our In Memorium thread, it will be amazing to see your work within the realms of the Heresy.


Welcome, brother.

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@ Antarius - thank you brother :)


@ 1000Heathens - see, words like honoured and humbled are way too kind. It's a pleasure to be here and to see what you've been doing on In Memoriam - that plog is a work of art, totally eclipsing my Three Hives Rebellion. I'm going to have to pull out something special for the IXth Legion....

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