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Road to Veteran's 2014


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Hey guys, 

so some of you will know about the Veteran's tournaments that we have down here. It's a super challenging 2-day, 5-game tournament that pulls all the stops.  It works on a battle-point system, not a Win/Loss system-  so its possible to be tabled but still score decent points if you accomplish your goals.


The entire tournament is out of 300 points and breaks down as follows:


180 Points for Gaming

20 Points for  "Command Counters" (useable tokens that give you bonuses. 

30 Points for Army Composition

30 Points for Game Conduct

40 Points for Army Appearance (very lenient! Just there to ensure models are WYSIWYG and painted!)


For a fully painted, WYSIWYG army and a regular gamer (that isnt abrasive or unpleasant) you should get 70 points off the bat.



I'll upload a PDF or something of the missions so you guys can look through, as they're super tough.



I've been toiling away in the army list forum and in private chat with some members on developing a list. 


Because the last Vets came down to a 4 point difference between first and second place, I believe comp will be SUPER important.  Its VERY, VERY tricky to get a strong list, and still get high comp.  But, its only 10% of the points. 


Ive managed to get my comp to around 28 (+-1 or 2 for fluffy list bonus!) - so I could be looking at full fluff score.


What i know I can secure is 100 points! I will try not use my command counters unless i have to, and will try end the tourney with 4 of them (since you can pick them up along the way!)



A few more days left and the Daemonic hordes are coming!!! There's going to be VERY tough competition this year with it being a "no-holds barred" tourney - ie: Escalation, Stronghold, Forgeworld etc.


Will post list and pics soon!!




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><; totally been focussing on Vets. My bad!!


And just one or two games.  With the FINAL, final list, only 1 - cause I didnt think to change to the raptor till quite late. 


I've also only playtested one combination (vs. Titans).


I came up against a Chaos Warhound, Chaos Raptor, 2 drake list.  Was NUTS. 


I "lost" - but i'm actually claiming victory on account of us playing the rules wrong (his titan should have gone ubernuclear- it didnt)

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This was the list I took in:








2x 5 ASM - Axe, MG, MB

2x Razors- TLPG/LC (1Dozer)

10x Scouts- 5SR

5x DC - Axe


3x Attack Bikes- 3MM
2x Ravens

4x Hyperios



1x SM Librarian - Axe

1x 5 SM  TAC - Gravgun.

1x Razor- TLPG/LC (or TLAC)

10x Legion - Combi-grav, plasma, multimelta, axe

1x DC Dread - Snippy Claws

1x Thunderfire Cannon. 




10x BA Vanguard - 6MG, PF

1x DC Dread - Bashy Fists

1x 5 SM TAC - Axe

1x SM Librarian - Lvl 2, Bike, Axe

Because of composition score considerations, I wanted to get the highest score possible.  Any duplicates would lose comp.  Any Forgeworld or unique characters too.  But, because of the variety of Troops I had, and the lack of duplicates, I got bonuses lifting my comp up to near full.

The missions are non-standard and work on a Primary (15), secondary (10), tertiary (5) and 3x Bonus points (6) for a total of 36 points each mission. (Bonus for killing superheavy HP)

There are no "winners" each game, just a drive for points in very complex missions. 

Will batrep this stuff up soon. 

First game was vs. ELDAR

2x3 Bikers
3x Wraith Knights
3 Hemlock Fighters
1x Cobra
1x VSG 

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Think he got 7 lol

-8 for duplicates, -5 for LoW, -7 for D-weapon, -5 for not having any full strength Troop squads and +2 for fluffy on account of the type of Eldar he was running (the guys that like all the big stuff).



ANYWAY...on to the batrep.


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First mission was as follows:


I pulled an opponent that was really solid as a gamer, but likes to play quirky lists. He likes the big stuff, and was geared to kick some butt with the Cobra - a super heavy skimmer that has a 7" Str D weapon that ignores void shields.

I was placed on table 1 for game 1 and it was quite a tactical map where you had some large bits of LOS blocking terrain, some ruins, and some area. I won the roll off for 1st turn, and because of nightfght- i elected to go second. I also felt I HAD to react to his fighter jets. If I went first, I'd just get my flyers blown up- and once his fliers were down, id at least have a chance to take him out since nothing else was viable.

I had elected to use my Anti-Titan sideboard. Libby rolled Invisibility and something else...maybe terrify? I cant remember it being beneficial. Mephy elected to use codex powers, the mobility and S10 being a necessity vs the Wraithlords.

He put this on the board- the bikers off till later.


I responded with this:


I CS the scouts, and put them into outflanking reserve. I put the DC in the raven with the bashy dread, and mephy on the board behind cover. I walked on some of the ASM and kept the others in the razor.

The first turn didnt see too much damage thankfully. Nightfight meant i was protected from some firing, and the D weapon only managed to kill 2 hyperios (thanks to my placement of them on different levels)

My response fire was pathetic - taking down some shields and moving meph and corbs razors up- the bikers protected on the flank by invisibility.


That was target number one!

I took a few more hits from him, losing a wound or two to meph. His fighters came on targeting the bikers and the hyperios.

I took some hits to various vehicles- but nothing excessive.

Luckily in my turn, most stuff came on- including my 10man Vanvet squad with 6MB and a PF!! AND, they rolled a hit on their strike!! Whoop whoop!! Mmwuahhahahaha!

I took down some shields, but did nothing else by way of shooting. I was not going to outshoot this army with its voids and incoming jets.

I moved mephy up to engage with the HQ wraithknight.

The vets move in, and sadly only do 6 HP of damage- Meph cleans up the WK HQ, though.

The Raptor takes out one of the Hemlocks.

Things aren't looking great for the Vanguard who failed to kill their target. Luckily, things arent looking great for him either.

The poor vanvets get stomped.

The hemlocks try engage my backline and a flyer while the autarch boosts into my lines, past the stormraven (carrying the dread msn-wink.gif )

In my turn, mephy moves to take on one more WK, and the dready unloads.


My scouts also come in and engage his bikers. My raptor tries to take on the cobra.

I manage to take down the remaining 3 HP, and another WK. The dread gets a haywire to the face, but is only immobed -he retaliates, smashing the autarch.

The rest is clean up .....i spend the next few turns getting as many points as possible, and taking out whatever remains where it is.

The game ends quite comfortably with a BA victory!!

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A few reasons!


He went up to midfield and stayed here amongst the rubble and ruins.  He needed to flank a little to get better angles on my hiding units (some decent terrain there).


also, i forgot to include the first mission details!!


Edited to include!!   

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Mission 2 -> 







BL Lord - Black Hand, Termy armour, nurgle, bling

1x 10 marine squads

1x 10 nurgle marked marines

1x 10 cultists

1x 7 Plagues


1x 5 Havocs - 4 autocannons

1x 3 Oblits - nurgle


1x Chaos Fire Raptor (FW)

2x Hell Drakes


1x Chaos Warhound  - turbo laser, plasma blast gun.



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As fate would have it, I rolled the "no scatter within 6" of a LOW" for my trait.  Vanguard were positively beaming!!!


Also in my favour was the fact I rolled Puppet Master. O_O




This meant that for at least one turn, I could get off a D shot against his own army.  Because of this, however, my opponent chose to select Puppet Master as the "damned if you do, damned if you dont" mission.  Obviously I chose the Turbo laser.


I lost the roll for sides, but I won the roll off for first turn.  Even though he had some heavy air support coming in, I wouldnt be able to take 2 full turns of shooting- i would have to face the wrath of his airsupport.


 I won the roll for hunter/hunted, and elected to be the hunter and chose a squad of his marines. 


Mephy and bashy dread were in the Raven DC were out in the open, ready to hijack a Razor of the Tac squad, and my scouts would outflank.



In turn one, my libby on bike moved up with the Attack bikes, and blatantly exposed himself.  I think I was willing to sacrifice 10 points to make him sacrifice his, and take some guys out with it.  I passed Puppet Master, and he failed to deny.   BOOM.  That was all that was left of the 10man squad I needed to target.  Already secured 7 points!  Everything else moved up where they could.


In his turn, he turned to get rid of the puppet master libby.  He nuked him one time, and then tried to take out the razors with other firepower.  It wasnt overly successful though, the bikers and libby went down quick quick!


Turn 2.  Thanks to the Damocles everything I need is on!! Whoop whoop!! 


And the Vanguard vets are HUNGRY for blood. 


I move other stuff around.  (i'm clearly skipping the details to the fun part)


Vanguard make an easy charge and the Melta bombs do 4 penetrating hits.  I roll on the table and get 3 destroyed results  - meaning additional d3 HPs.  

I wind up taking a grand total of 12 HP off the 9HP titan - "lol".


Was SOOOO happy with their effort. The back of the enemy was broken!! Now to deal with the 2 Drakes and the Raptor!   


The following turn saw some fight back.



He got some stuff on that vectored about -almost killing my one bird.  


But, to no avail! 


In subsequent turns there was a great aerial battle as we manoeuvred around trying to get better shots on each other.  All the time the drakes were trying to clean up at the bottom.  Thanks to Corbs'2+ FNP though, and the DC FNP, the damage was limited. 



My birds buzzed around cleaning up what I could, when I could.



I was slowly whittling down all the troops, as was he, taking out various lone 5 man squads where possible.


But, by the end, he had no scoring troops left, and no opportunity to claim anything.


I won the game  24-0 with a meaty +9 bonus points for facing (and killing ) a LoW !!!! 

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BA or regular Fire Raptor, and do you like it?


Regular!  Those silly beacon missiles have no use coming in from turn two, and the loss of firepower is inexcusable.


As for me liking it....

Next to Mephiston, man (model) of the match went to the Raptor.  BY FAR the best unit on the field.  Was completely blown away (as were most of my opponents). 

I will ALWAYS have 1 Raven and 1 Raptor whenever I am allowed to use FW.  


12x twinlinked BS "5", pinning HB shots is just sick, sick, sick. Thats not even factoring the 7x twinlinked S6 AP3 shots. 

And as much as I LOVE my conversion, the actual FW model is possibly the sexiest imperial flyer there is.


Rate it 8/10 ! Only thing I rate better is the current rules on the Chaos Raptor -on account of the Reaper batteries !!!  8!!! EIGHT! twin linked autocannon shots ><; (Imperium only has  4x twin auto shots)

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Mission 3 was against a guy that has just been kickin my butt in all prac missions <_< 


His list to me appears like a mish-mash.  I think its the least tailored and most unrefined list, but just seems to always do so well against what I run O_O


Here's his list from memory:


IF Chapter Master - Bike, Shield Eternal, AA, Hammer.

WS Chapter Master - Bike, shield, hammer, AA.


5x Terms - 3Hammers, 2 Claws

Land Raider - Godhammer variant


10x Marines - HB, PG

10x Scouts - SR, ML

5x Marines- HB

5x Marines- HB

5x WS Bikers (no gear)


1x Typhoon Speeder

1x Typhoon Speeder

3x Centurians - twin-las, ML

5x Devs - 2LC, 2ML

Razorback - TLLC


Void Shield -3 layers



Mish was this:



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