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Road to Veteran's 2014


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For a start, the score! Especially as didn't appear to make any mistakes? I don't think I've managed to pull of such a victory since the second edition...


How did the Damocles do during the tournament? It's one of those things I could easily use, but have yet to try.

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Well, remember there is a total of 36 points each game - and if you're against a LoW you can get an additional 9 (HP dependent!) 


I lost out on the 10 points for DIYD,DIYD.   He lost out on the tertiary and the secondary thanks to my nasty puppet master shot- and then, the rest was getting rid of his troops, and keeping at least one of mine alive.  

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How did the Damocles do during the tournament? It's one of those things I could easily use, but have yet to try.


VERY, Very well!!!  But I feel if you use it, you must play to all of its strengths.  

Its 75 points which means if you dont, you lose out on efficiency.

I had the LoD or Vets and the Birds to make use of the reserve shenanigans and also the no scatter- after that the orbital bombardment is just a nice little bonus. 

If you're not playing a reserve heavy army, then it may not be worth it.

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Target saturation would be another concern. There's only so many places you can hide it and if you have a Whirlwind (which I do on occasion) then it becomes harder still.


Why would you have one over a Communications Relay?

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Target saturation would be another concern. There's only so many places you can hide it and if you have a Whirlwind (which I do on occasion) then it becomes harder still.


Why would you have one over a Communications Relay?



* The ability to add one OR subtract one from reserves. 

* The ability to not scatter teleporting troops within 12".

* Orbital Barrage

* No necessity to keep models behind to control it. 

* No wasted Fortification slot. 

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Game 3.


(i forgot my opponent also had a stern guard squad of 5 guys and 3C-MGs in a pod)



I wont bother explaining the special rule "the warp storm commeth" cause neither of us used it.  Its generally quite an equaliser in this type of tourney though.




He won deployment, I won first turn.  I elected to give it to him on account of nightfight.   

I think this was my first mistake. 

I also elected to use my LoD detachment for this mission, knowing that I would have the Chapter masters to deal with.


I set up (quite oddly now that i think about it <_< ) like such:




i wanted the bikers to be used as bait, but not exactly sure why O_o 

Also, I forgot to put Corby nearby.   This was after 6 hours of gaming, so I assume focus was waning.


I chose some easy targets of his for the surgical strike mission - his razor, his raider and a speeder. I forgot exactly what he chose, but they were equally easy, minus maybe a flyer.


One of the reasons I set up like I did was to avoid his entire left flank.  He deployed his VSG in the top left quadrant, with the devs and the Cents on top of it, along that side was a squad or two of marines, a speeder and the chappy master.  In the middle were the WS bikers, and on the right flank was the raider, a speeder, a marine squad and a razor.  He infiltrated the scouts.



My thinking was to completely deprive him of his use of points on the left flank and castle hard (ish) on the right.

I put my scouts on a ruin on the bottom left that was fortified thanks to the tech - but, i mainly had them there as firebait. Along with the firebait scouts, I hid Mephy in a ruin, trying to draw his masters away from my forces, to the left.




His first turn saw some biker casualties from my part despite NF - poor placing i think <_< I was also worried about those two Orbital bombardments. He also struck down perfectly with his pod, and was giving me grief in my backline.


What followed was a really intense battle.  He moved forward with what he could - he also took an early lead with the plasma siphoning. He also delayed my move out, and boxed me in with the pods, I had to focus on killing the stern.


In my turn, my orbital took out (immobed) his Raider.  I focussed what I could where  I could, but did very little else.  The master flitted about not knowing exactly where to go, my flank bait distracting him, mephy providing quite a nice, big threat range.   I kept taking the hits from various long range fire.


In turn 2, the LoD didnt come on- i rerolled with corbs- and still nothing (thats on a 2+).  The birds came on, and started shooting stuff up - they take some casualties here and there, but nothing much.  I fly mephy over to the far left, away from the master, but, encroaching on the fortress Dev.

As per usual, his cent devs made short work of my one flyer - the Raptor - the 6s this man rolls <_< But it left meph relatively free- only having taken a wound or two.



By turn three, we were still slowly siphoning off plasma - he was quite a few in the lead, I had not yet managed to get the central objectives which allowed more points.  

But, Mephy made it up to the Devs!! WMuhahaha



My Dready  disembarked and took out the raider!  And the Raven started clearing up the right.  Still no sign of the LoD.





He's kinda boxed me in on my side, thanks to a good destroy result, so this has been hampering my ability to move about.  Im kinda working with the short range firing where I can.

Finally in the 4th turn, the Damned LOD come in.




They help make short work of the terms marching into my lines.


Meph at this point is smashing it out with the teletubbies, unable to get through their armour, but not taking wounds in return, and safe from the CM on bike!



I slowly start upping my number of plasma siphons thanks to his dwindling numbers, and we get within a small difference.


The game ends in 5th or 6th turn, with most of his army destroyed, except for a few key units.  


In the end, I hadnt siphoned enough plasma to win, but as least I siphoned enough to pull a draw!! 


We both killed all our targeted units, and as a result drew this mission too.


Additionally, both of us got 4 bonus points!. 



The mission ended 19-19.

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Mission 3 was against a guy that has just been kickin my butt in all prac missions dry.png

His list to me appears like a mish-mash. I think its the least tailored and most unrefined list, but just seems to always do so well against what I run O_O

Was actually wondering if that was in the back of your mind. No offense, just thinking aloud :)

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Mission 3 was against a guy that has just been kickin my butt in all prac missions dry.png

His list to me appears like a mish-mash. I think its the least tailored and most unrefined list, but just seems to always do so well against what I run O_O

Was actually wondering if that was in the back of your mind. No offense, just thinking aloud smile.png

Oh, none taken at all!!

What you guys think of the missions themselves so far?

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Some pretty funky missions there, I really like the Warp Storm warp out blast marker in the middle. Do people get to collect the CC bonus very often? Also very clever use of Meph against the "Teletubbies" to neuter the CM monster.


Ive wanted to take a damocles since I first saw it, mostly because teh idea is just damn sexy (im a little weird) but also for fluff reasons with my chapter, so i really appreciate seeinf it in action. I wonder just how useful the 12" DS bonus is in a more conservative army? My usual batle plan revolves around fast units like VV, pods and Baal preds so id like to find a way to keep it safe and really benefit from the scatter bonus mid field or nearer his DZ.


Also, do you find the LoD worth taking over say more DC? I was thinking of taking a LoD unit but am still undecided if I should just add allied Sternguard and bikers?

Last question, I see the bird has been doing really well, do you think its a reliable unit on its own or does it need some support? I see it kind of following the main battle lines and also just picking off stray units, so I dont quite know what to think yet?

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Some pretty funky missions there, I really like the Warp Storm warp out blast marker in the middle. Do people get to collect the CC bonus very often? Also very clever use of Meph against the "Teletubbies" to neuter the CM monster.


Ive wanted to take a damocles since I first saw it, mostly because teh idea is just damn sexy (im a little weird) but also for fluff reasons with my chapter, so i really appreciate seeinf it in action. I wonder just how useful the 12" DS bonus is in a more conservative army? My usual batle plan revolves around fast units like VV, pods and Baal preds so id like to find a way to keep it safe and really benefit from the scatter bonus mid field or nearer his DZ.


Also, do you find the LoD worth taking over say more DC? I was thinking of taking a LoD unit but am still undecided if I should just add allied Sternguard and bikers?

Last question, I see the bird has been doing really well, do you think its a reliable unit on its own or does it need some support? I see it kind of following the main battle lines and also just picking off stray units, so I dont quite know what to think yet?



Some great questions!!


I think the 12" DS bonus is tougher to make use of in a more aggressive army.  For a more reactive army it can work well - pods in the front with homers, and at the back if you need reinforcements you're good.


The LoD worked phenomenally well- but at this points level.  Theyre really pricey.  I think they have a very different role than DC.  The 3++ holds up everything - especially the masters and monsters. On top of that 14 bolter shots with ignore cover is great.  Then, the heavy/special weapons rock vs. vehicles - again without the cover.  So, while the DC are a shock attack unit, the LoD are more a support unit there to tie things up, and strategically deal with foes. 



As for the bird, i think just 1 is a bad idea.  Too easy to focus everythin you have into it and just knock the one out.  Id say 2 heavy flyers (not talons) min.



As for the missions, everyone starts the tourney off with 3 CCs.  About a third of the players had 5 or more at the end of the tourney. You got bonus CCs for losing really big too, though! That warp out mission is SO tricky because you need to manage how many units you're sending out vs. how many units you're keeping in to do damage.  If you send too much out too soon, you risk getting pounded on and then over-taken. 

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Daemons/ IG


Blood Thirster  (loads of bling)

Blood Thirster (loads of bling)


20 Hounds


10 Plague Bearers

20? or so? horrors 




platoon squad- stuff, in


platoon squad - stuff, in



Vets - stuff


2x Leman Russ - Plasma Variant + BC variant

2x Vendettas


VSG - 3 Layers



more details to come when pc is working! ><;

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Mate, thats a pretty vicious daemons list!, how did the Crimson Slaughter play, because its the go-to ATM for effective CSM builds.


LoD seemed so nice that I bought the codex and then got a bit bummed out by the price. I could bulk out a large DC squad for that and just pressure one whole flank, and your right they are compeletly different tactically lol!


Reinforcments a tteh back could help me out a bit, im playing against a Nid who loves genestealers(?) that keep sweeping in from the rear and clearing my home objectives, so a better DS could save me from commiting big troops too early.


If I ran a bird, im thinking of pairing it with our Raven for troop support, do you think there is a better match instead?


Finally (whew) I love VV but struggle to make really good use out of them, got any good tips?

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If you playing VV, know why.  If you're facing gunline heavy armies (that arent solid in combat), go 10man, so you can CS.  If not, go 7.  Min bling. Dedicated role. 


The Chaos player had something along the lines of:


Jugger Lord - bling (2+ save)

Nurgle Biker Lord -  bling


6x Nurgle Spawn

6x Nurgle Spawn

4/5 Terms - stuff

4/5 Terms - stuff


2/3 x small ish rhino squads


3x Mauler Fiends

1x Land Raider

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