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Road to Veteran's 2014


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No, sorry, may have been another nurgle biker lord!!


And ya, it was sick, sick as a list.  Struggled against LoW though! But very good against most else.  He was unfortunately paired with the sisters players that turn, and that took him out of the tourney.  Sisters player had a SICK, SICK, SICK list (as you can see in the first pics on page one).  Think he had about 15 MGs, 6 MMs and 3d6 S8, AP1 ex shots - not including the Knight or Raven.  

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SO!!  That was the mission.  

My IG/Daemons opponent (that was now top of the log) got deployment area, and I got first turn. 


I set up largely in the middle ground, some units protected by the monster ruin in the  middle.  I knew those hounds would be on me asap, and as a result, would have to have Mephy, and the dreads ready to go asap.  I was more concerned about the Valks, and the plasma Demolisher too.  Luckily i rolled the trait to delay his reserves.


He set up like such:




I knew i would probably drop my orbital quite quickly in order to get rid of the manticore at the back a d as a result would have to drop the shields quite quickly


He selected my one scout squad at the Package carriers - so my efforts to scout them close for an early warp out were thwarted.  I selected his unit inside one of the chimera's taking point.


I moved my units up after he had scouted his stuff.  I then took some pot shots at the chimera - after dropping the shields.


Then came the glory shot- the Orbital on to the manticore, chimera and the psyker hiding there.  

I rolled a miss and it scattered way, way off :(  I felt that the manticore would wreak havoc, however and with it being twinlinked (prescience thanks to psyker) i just had to drill it if I could, so against better judgement I used Corbs' reroll very, very early in the game. 




Two automatic AP1 pens and a hit on the psyker  :D The psyker died, and i rolled for the chimera - weapon destroyed <_< 

I rolled for the Manticore, though.......stunned <_<  what the hell. 


On top of that, In my excitement and in my day2 haze, I had forgotten to move the invisied mephy from the one high ruin, into the next :(  

That one move could now cost me the game.  


In his turn he zooms his WL thirster forward and into my lines on my right flank.  He positions what he can where he can.



He does some shooting, and does a little bit of damage here and there (cant remember exactly what though - but wasnt monumental thanks to the ruin cover.

His Chimera had moved on to the warp out plate- but didnt warp out thanks to him forgetting.


Turn 2!!

My birds came on - the Raptor is eyeing the Thirster.  That WL Thirster was going DOWN. 

Also, the van vets that had split up, both came down too.  


For interest sake, I didnt take my "daemons" detachment against this player -i elected to use my "anti-titan" list on account of the static backline elements he had.


He had set up very well at the backline however, and i had to place very carefully - if they scattered more than 2 or 3 inches, i would be screwed.  Fortune favoured the brave, and both vanguard vet squads struck on target!  He had tried to shield his tanks, but didnt have enough models so there were plenty of +1" gaps about. 


Mephy finally decided to come out and play and go to where he wanted to originally.  High up in the buildings.  The bikers and Libby flanked around the right side under the cover of Invisibility to charge the hounds. 


I do some shooting thats largely random/poor- aside from killing the one BT! Whoop whoop!  I had to put absolutely everything I had into it, though. 

My Bikers charge the hounds (and I forget about invisibility that they had on them). 


Then to add insult to injury, I fail a simple 4" charge with the vanvets onto the IG squad and chimera.  FOUR!! ><; gutted 
My other vets make it in thankfully- but with 2 krak attacks, 2 MBs and 3 PF attacks fail to do ANYTHING but 1 glance to the Russes.  So upsetting. 




What proceeds in then this EPIC center Mashup.  The thirster comes down to engage the Libby, and the hounds start fighting.

The Valks are delayed thankfully.  (And i think he winds up forgetting about his horrors entirely!)

With the cover of invisibility the LIbby survives - only to attack the thirster back!!! No dice though. Drawn.  The hounds wail on the bikers.

The vanvets get blown away, while the fist squad is charged. 


The central combat continues, as mephy needs to pick his battles cleverly. He jumps across to the other side of the board, not engaging the hounds yet.


In the next few turns, theres an epic center fight.  The dready is eventually dropped off by the raven flying by but doesnt make it into combat. The DC help charge the hounds with Mephy and the the BA 5mans slowly start combining their charges with corbulo - who bravely runs into do a heroic intervention on the BT after the Libby forgets to roll invisibility his turn!! ><; Corbs delays the inevitable for a turn at least- dying a hero.


The enemy has at this point warped out 2 guys to my 0. I EVENTUALLY wind up taking out his thirster in combat, but not before the bloody warp table turns mephy into a Spawn <_<  NOT impressed.


By turn 5, it looks like i may have won the secondary - maybe - he used a counter to double something - but i returned that by doubling his Thirster's points- meaning I got almost 600 for it (if i eventually killed it!)



Thankfully and mercifully, I got another turn.  That 6th turn allowed me to warp out 2 units, and spend a command counter to warp out a 3rd.  The enemy had almost nothing left after the majority of his units were taken apart.  



Solid Victory BA!!! 




On to the finals!!!

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So that puts you into a clear lead for game four?

Yessir!  And with me having full comp, and full painting, i'll just need to hang on to the 2 command counters I have and try get more in the last.


What are those grey LoS blocking lumps made off?

Recycled plastic! 

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4" on the VV charge is damn disapointing, great to see you still take him apart anyway!


How do you feel about the new vehicle rules and are teh Hyperios worth taking so far? Its jsut that VV, Hyperios and Damocles are some of the units im desperate to get into my lists this ed.


Also, more reps please!

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Last rep coming up soon!! 


I think the new vehicle rules are not particularly crazy.  Where they will help is when you are running raiders and things.   Most Rhinos ect often get stripped down rather than exploded anyway - so I dont see huge differences.


The Hyperios are workhorses.  They were generally underwhelming in the games.  

They're sturdy, and provide 4 missile shots each turn- with skyfire(and intercept) which is nothing to sneeze at, and honestly a good anti-shield unit.

But,they're going to suck in 7th im afraid.  They're not bad in 6th, but they were not "OMG" worthy, at all.  Especially on that table.  Also sucked for me that I had to play the same table the whole tourney :(   If you're up against a lot of flyers or FMCs, however - they're possibly one of the best bets.

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Here's the mish:





I'm up against a disgusting list.



Blinged Blood Thirster

Blinged Daemon Prince (maybe nurgle? Not sure)


10 Letters

20 Plagues

10 Horrors

(and maybe 10 more horrors? im not sure)


and then....


20 Hounds.







20 Hounds






20 Hounds.

<_< <_< 
Ya, so...60 hounds + 3 flying gribblies -one of which is Belakor .  

Will let you know how that went
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That... honestly doesn't look so bad for 2500?


I suppose for your list the sheer volume of hounds might be a problem? 



His 1750, 60hound version won Nationals last year, actually.  So, its technically me vs. the current national champion. 

He had been chewing through guys up until game 4, when he got a 21-20 victory over the IF player I played in game 3. 


Belakor, that thirster and then the prince just do so much damage with the 120 wounds of hounds forming the vanguard.

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Belakor, that thirster and then the prince just do so much damage with the 120 wounds of hounds forming the vanguard.



Won't your hyperios battery and dual ravens pretty much kill 1-2 FMC per turn? 


With all that AP1-2 fire and some help from grounding test they go down fast. FMCs are generally not fast enough to alpha strike the ravens. 


Ok, never mind me. I'll let you finish that batrep properly :P

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That... honestly doesn't look so bad for 2500?


I suppose for your list the sheer volume of hounds might be a problem?


His 1750, 60hound version won Nationals last year, actually. So, its technically me vs. the current national champion.

He had been chewing through guys up until game 4, when he got a 21-20 victory over the IF player I played in game 3.


Belakor, that thirster and then the prince just do so much damage with the 120 wounds of hounds forming the vanguard.

Agree with you on the Hyperios, I ran em a couple of times at 1850 when forgeworld were allowed. I found em kind of fifty-fifty, not greatly accurate even with heatseeking but when they hit they made more than their points back easily. Maybe easy kill points in eternal war 'big guns' missions, though they did draw heavy fire away from other, bigger things.


Only ever come up against 25 khorne doggies, got lucky and messed them up and bogged them with two fraggy dreads. Don't know how I would deal with 60 of the bu***rs! Looking forward to the batrep :)

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(also forgot my opponent had a Void Shield Generator!!!!) 



My opponent got first turn.  He set up with his hounds in three sections- one in the left flank, 1 in the middle and one on the right flank.  His middle hounds were granted the "Veterans" rule - and he used them to scout to the centre and claim the relic.


I decided to deploy my dready on the right flank on the table ( not a good idea, in retrospect) so I could create a little bit of a deterrent from my objective base and from my damocles which I needed to survive to prevent scatter on the LoD.


It worked, and the hounds scouted towards a more central position, abandoning the hard right flank.




The gribblies moved forwards, and the thirster zoomed off from a central position to the right flank. 

His left flank hounds were about 8 inches away from my hyperios - meaning they could get a first turn charge (due to the unique set up! And due to the fact they hadnt scouted).  Fate was on my side and they failed their charge- even with fleet.


Mephy moved up to engage them in my turn, and I moved up the middle forces and disembarked to receive the coming hounds on the right flank!  I wanted the troops out as soon as possible.



All available shooting and the orbital template (as well as the thunderfire!) was brought to bare on the hounds- which took a good few doggies down!



Then mephy charged in, taking care of a few more - they were unable to attack back thanks to him clearing his zone.  But, I knew mephy would get countered hard by the DP.


His reinforcements marched on, and the thirster came from the back to try get an 8" charge on my vehicle.  He moved his doggies up, and prepared to engage with Corbs and crew.  


Mephy was also about to be charged by the DP, while Belakkor was about to assault the Hyperios. 



Doggie doom!!


My opponent failed the thirster charge.  This would help me!! 

Unfortunately, his doggies werent going to fail, but fortunately he opted for a dual charge, reducing the attacks and the strength of the dogs.


Mephy was sadly smited in combat, with 5 wounds done (in fact, he may only have had 4 wounds done- as i think I had a perils? I cant remember).  Anyway- he was taken out.  Belakor chomped through 4 wounds of hyperios launchers and moved into the other two.


Corbs however made up for it - tanking every single hit like a BOSS.  I took two glances on the razor,but nothign else thanks to 2+ FNP!!! I whittled down the dogs a little with return attacks.



In my turn, my Raptor came on - facing down the DP! 

The LoD (who were incidentally one of my Veteran squads) came down too- right next to the Thirster!! 

The Raptor completely shredded the DP.

The Legion of the damned, with the support of the other units took out the thirster (thanks in part to me giving the "shred" special rule to them).

Two of the big boys were now taken out - and the back of the hounds had been broken aside from the main hound unit holding the relic desperately trying to secure secondary objective points!! 




The guys kept fighting it out here, corbs and the libby and the sarge putting precision strikes on the relevant doggies to maximise wounds! 


In his turn, belakor gets free, and charges my tacs.


In that combat phase, my bikes manage to break free thanks to positioning of models/wounds etc.  My Raven starts shooting stuff up.  

Belakor flies over my DC dread, makes him shoot up my razor, and then charges the DC dread, killing it.  

He is subsequently shot up by my available birds and various other guys around (i think the raptor went into hover).


By this stage, the 1 hound squad is totalled, 1 largely smacked up, and the legion are marching forwards. 

The Raven goes forwards laying down fire and dropping off the DC.





At the end of fourth turn, we roll to see which of the 4 objectives detonate.  Its the one in his corner, where he had castled!!  


This meant that my outflanking scouts, on the bottom left could grab their objective, and the ones on the top right could grab theres - luckily they were supported by the scoring legion, because they were unfortunately taken out by "danger-close" thunderfire shots ><;


By the time 5th came, the opponent had realised there was no hope.  He would need to spend too many CC points to prevent the explosion, which would lose him points overall.  He conceded shortly after that ending the game with 24 points to 14.


Giving me the tournament in terms of battle points!!!

But did i have enough in the other points to win over all?!!


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Well done man, solid victories. So I'm guessing Corbs is Man of the Match? what would you say is your most valuable support unit? Can't quite get overvthose melting doggies, good show!


Too bad the hyperios is crap, ill look for something different.


Also, didn't know they had a Bondi in SA, all the names are the same here too shellharbour etc. :)

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CmndCnt = Command counters.  

You start off with 3, and can earn more from each mission (as noted) objective or if you lose really badly.  You can score a maximum of 5 of them (for 20 points).

You can trade them anytime in the game to have in-game effects or pre-game to give yourself certain random buffs.


As for "game conduct", Veteran's uses the following system:




Trist got dinged a "yes check" for getting unsportsmanlike in one of games where (to my knowledge) his opponent allowed him to take back a move, and in the subsequent turn, denied the same opponent the same opportunity. 

Was the only "yes check"  of the tourney- which is nice to see.

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Nicely done Mort! Also interesting to notice BA quite polarising, taking top and bottom; seems we either pull something majestic, or fail hard.


Also, what was in the Eldar and Sisters/SM lists that got them such ridiculously low comp scores? I'm guessing Serpent Spam/Seer Council (or both) in the former and Exorcist Spam in the latter, but that wouldn't do it alone...

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The guy that took bottom went with a "lol-list" - he took a non-scoring all DC list.



4 squads of DC

2 Ravens, 2 dreads, 2 raiders ! 


I think he was actively trying for the wooden spoon prize (which was quite nice).


As for the sisters list:


He rocked a type B list- so sideboarded not sure his exact sideboard, but he had:



3x 5 BS - hvy flamer, melta - Immolator - MM

3x 5 Dominons - 4x Meltas -  Immolator - MM

3x Exorcists


VSG Network - pipes and 6 shields.


SM Libby (FW chapter tactics -Red Hunters)

1x 5 Tac squad -Razor -las.plas



Imperial Knight


Among other stuff in his sideboard! 


The comp rules were quite strict, and granted you 10% of your total tourney points:






The Eldar player was the one I played in turn 1!



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Guessing the guy in the Arsenal shirt struggled for fourth place..? And if you're not a football/soccer fan then that won't be funny..


Also, Mort the Vets thread from you is one of the few regular threads I look forward to every year still.

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