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Palanquin ideas - lets see yours

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Im stuck for ideas on how to model a Palanquin for my ETL vow, and was wondering if anybody here has any pictures of ones they have done so i can shamelessly 'borrow' ideas off them. Any help available from fellow Plague Lords??? 

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I sort of cheated and just ordered one of the olde palanquins when that was still an option.



Of course, this might just be the idea. Bunch up a load of nurglings, put abig, round shield on top of that, then add a chair or throne, and whatever commanding creature you like up there.

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i got a khorne juggernaut and filed off/filled in the iconography. then i gave it the head from a mauler fiend.The new head is too big so it gives it a hunched, tired sort of look. I painted it bare metal with lots of rust, looks the part. Sadly no pic but i'll see if i can post one later

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I might be a little late, but this is my palanquin. I made it with a set of nurgling bases, the epidemius kit, and a suitably converted herald of nurgle.


I hope this helps. Good luck on your vow brother! :D



And there's a thing of beauty.

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I might be a little late, but this is my palanquin. I made it with a set of nurgling bases, the epidemius kit, and a suitably converted herald of nurgle.

I hope this helps. Good luck on your vow brother! biggrin.png


oooo nice, just need to build a chair, dont really wanna drop cash on epidemus

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I might be a little late, but this is my palanquin. I made it with a set of nurgling bases, the epidemius kit, and a suitably converted herald of nurgle.

I hope this helps. Good luck on your vow brother! biggrin.png


oooo nice, just need to build a chair, dont really wanna drop cash on epidemus

Plastic Lord though ;)

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I'm not a Chaos player at all (yet... those Daemon summoning rules are making strange tingles inside me), but the best Palanquin of Nurgle I've ever seen was made out of a piece of weird tubey rock that the poster found at the beach. He'd primed it and painted a sort of raw pink with reddish bits. If I even remembered which website I'd seen it on, I'd go looking for a link, but as it is, I haven't the slightest idea where I saw it.

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I dont have any pics to hand, btu I'm working on a palaquin at the moment.

I got my hands on one of the old Lizarman thrones (cant even remember what the actual name of it is) but it looks like a giant stone throne floating above the ground all covered with vines and such.


I got a pack of Nurglings to hold it up so it's no longer hovering, and I've used green stuff to turn the vines into tenticles.

I looks pretty cool, but it's got a long way to go. I'll post some pics later if I get the chance.

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I dont have any pics to hand, btu I'm working on a palaquin at the moment. I got my hands on one of the old Lizarman thrones (cant even remember what the actual name of it is) but it looks like a giant stone throne floating above the ground all covered with vines and such. I got a pack of Nurglings to hold it up so it's no longer hovering, and I've used green stuff to turn the vines into tenticles. I looks pretty cool, but it's got a long way to go. I'll post some pics later if I get the chance.


I'm an ambibaser, and I play Lizardmen, and I cant ell you that it's called, weirdly enough, a palanquin.

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I dont have any pics to hand, btu I'm working on a palaquin at the moment. I got my hands on one of the old Lizarman thrones (cant even remember what the actual name of it is) but it looks like a giant stone throne floating above the ground all covered with vines and such. I got a pack of Nurglings to hold it up so it's no longer hovering, and I've used green stuff to turn the vines into tenticles. I looks pretty cool, but it's got a long way to go. I'll post some pics later if I get the chance.


I'm an ambibaser, and I play Lizardmen, and I cant ell you that it's called, weirdly enough, a palanquin.



Well, that seems to settle that.

In summery; if you want a decent Palaquin, buy a Palaquin and convert it into a different kind of Palaquin

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I found it not too hard to scratch build one with some wire, greenstuff, and patience. Pics should be in my WIP forum (haven't painted it). But it depends on how detailed you want your nurglings, I just put a small blob on top of a big blob and pulled and poked at it until it had sufficient appendages and sensory apparati.

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