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Blood Brothers


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So the latest rumours suggest that these guys are squads of Blood Angels that have beaten the black rage. If it's true it's a fair old change to some very old BA fluff.


It is however something I could see gw doing, as the potential to make a really cool and unique new unit are really there.


Let's just hope they don't mess the fluff side up to much or over cost the unit to much! Also let's be honnest who isn't at least a little intrigued about the potential a squad of Mephistons running around could have.


So maybe every body could speculate a little about there hopes and fears in regards to this new unit.


Personally I'm hoping, they can assault of the deepstrike, especially if our vanguard vets are Loosing the ability to do so!

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Presumably they are equipped with Blood Armour, Blood Grenades, Blood Jump Packs and armed with Blood Pistols and Blood Blades.


Yo dawg, I heard that you employed a massively unoriginal writer...


I hope that the Ultramarines get Blues Brothers. "It's 106 light-years to Ultramar, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of stim-sticks, it's grimdark... and we're wearing power armour."

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I for one will refuse to buy the new codex on principal alone if they change the fluff so drastically. The Black Rage is the fate of all angels, the psychic imprint of our Primarchs death and anger at the traitor Horus, not a bad mood brought on by "oh i woke up on the wrong side of the bed". 


As someone who is purely interested in 40k fluff (in 5 years havent played a single game) I will be personally offended if GW went in this direction. It diminishes and quite frankly insults Sanguinius sacrifice for the emperor and thereby changes the aspect of the all consuming Rage at the heart of all blood angels to an "oh i had a boo boo, but now im over it".


What next, Gabriel Seth has a pet kitten? seriously GW why are you watering down everything that makes this setting great, we have gone from a universe at the brink of annihilation with no hope, to my little pony "good job you gave the green skin flowers, have a gold star" and all in the space of just a few short editions... why GW why???

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If that's true does it mean that the Flesh Tearers are not dying out? So blood brothers are, dare I say it... Angry Marines but angrier. I wonder if the death company are getting retconned then.

This is exactly my point. Not just the Flesh Tearers but all the Sons of Sanguinius are to a point dying chapters, but no, like everything else GW has pumped out in the last few editions we have gone from "Remain pround and dont give up hope that we can find a cure before our chapters cease to exist" to "No need to worry about the future, we have Blood Brothers".... This is right up there with Black Templars now being best buds with Psykers >.<

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I understand that this is a pretty big fluff change so a lot of people won't like it, but before anyone gets to worked up let's try to remember that this is an unconfirmed rumour and may well be fake or misinterpreted. We are still a good 3 months out from a BA release at best.


I agree if they really are called Blood Brothers.... Well that is a terribley uncreative name.


However my biggest interest in this unit is really the potential for gw to do literally anything they want with it. Beating the black rage will allow them to ignore pretty much all of the space marine norms if they choose.


Think of how different Mephiston is to a normal librarian. These guys could have very different stats/abilities than a normal marine. Hopefully not quite as powerful as Mephy, but the potential for them to do something really cool and unique to BA has me really interested!


Let's just hope they don't mess it up or over/under cost anything!

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Rumours abound these days, if there's any truth I'd find it more likely that it's brothers who overcame the red thirst without the sacrifice of the red angel or guidance of their primarch like those at Signus. Veteran status with a certain strength of will would be interesting such as the ability to choose whether to be fearless or not, so they can tap into the thirst and stand toe to toe against a fearsome foe, or choose to fall back if it makes more sense. Maybe throw adamantium will, relentless, rage, rampage or crusader in there perhaps, or a higher leadership.
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To be fair to gw, mephy isnt the only son of sanguinius to beat the black rage, nor has he been for years...


On the other hand, the name sucks royally


Who else besides Mephiston, then?  I'm not as on top of having my Blood Angels fluff as I probably should be, but perhaps I've overlooked or simply forgotten something...



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That rumor also said that they are like vanguard, but more BA like and with different weapon options...

If it turns out to be true, that is exactly what my guess was when I heard of these 'Blood Brothers', and replacing our Vanguard entirely.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for assaulting after arriving from deepstrike.

My first army when I started back at the end of 2nd ed was the BA, and it was really the DC that solidified my decision.  Fluff wise, the BA have always been searching for ways to cure their curse.

So, IF they do a good job explaining the whole backstory etc, and it makes sense, I won't be too upset.  DC are a big part of our fluff, and I wouldn't bank on GW all of a sudden being like 'well we cured them so they're not in the book anymore'

On a side not, that re box of the Baal pred, with all the variants and a melta weapon option is interesting...  Maybe a thermal cannon like on the imperial knight?  36" melta fast vehicle yes please.  I'll take 3.

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So the latest rumours suggest that these guys are squads of Blood Angels that have beaten the black rage. If it's true it's a fair old change to some very old BA fluff.

So maybe every body could speculate a little about there hopes and fears in regards to this new unit.

If this is true then doesn't this contradict ol' Astorath's fluff of zipping around the universe to finish off all DC before they have a chance to beat the curse? That was one of the worst bits of fluff in this dex so I'd be just fine throwing that out, or maybe He's just getting old and slow and just not so good at his job anymore ermm.gif

Presumably they are equipped with Blood Armour, Blood Grenades, Blood Jump Packs and armed with Blood Pistols and Blood Blades.

Bahaha...that's hilarious and so sadly possible at the same time laugh.png cry.gif

Blood Brothers? Aside from naming issues, I can't see them being better than DC. Perhaps our VAS just got renamed again, that's what I'm thinking. Maybe an extra perk or two to make them a little unique compared to vanilla vanguard but I'd be totally shocked if we keep the assault out of deepstrike option. Sprinkle in a glaive encarmine, artificer armor and a shroud/banner option and that'd be cool.

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I'm hoping that they didn't 'beat' the black rage but rather flirted with it without falling. This would make them like Phobos (Lamenters Chapter Master) who gains strength from the Black Rage without going full tilt crazy like Death Company. Blood Brothers would be cool as a group of marines on the precipice but not falling in due to intense willpower. Of course, despite such willpower GW would only give them Ld9.

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I'm hoping that they didn't 'beat' the black rage but rather flirted with it without falling. This would make them like Phobos (Lamenters Chapter Master) who gains strength from the Black Rage without going full tilt crazy like Death Company. Blood Brothers would be cool as a group of marines on the precipice but not falling in due to intense willpower. Of course, despite such willpower GW would only give them Ld9.

Or Lemartes of the Blood Angels.
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I fear for the BA community. Despite the fact that "Blood Brothers" are a rumor, it unfortunately sounds plausible. Remember, no one ever thought Iron Hands would begin to embrace the flesh, or that a primarch's death would create a greater daemon of hatred and vengeance that was of slaanesh.


There has been a trend of terrible writing by the "codex writing team" as of late. Blood Angels prepare yourselves...

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There was always a hint with Mephistion that the Black Rage was 'swapped' for a more insidious curse that was less visible but just as corrosive to the nobility of the BA. I'd like to say that I'll hold GW hostage by refusing to buy the new codes or models if they much this fluff up, but I think we know that would be a lie :)


Incidentally, I thnk the FT history might be slightly re-emphasised to say that their casualties form rank and file troops are the reason they are dying, and not an over-abundance of the black rage. That way they maintain their position of a waning star and still get all the neat new stuff :)


Anyone else hoping for a new character? Maybe a Lamenters guy?

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First they came for the Black Templars and I did not speak out.*

Then they came for the Iron Hands and I did not speak out.*

And then they came for me!

(*I actually did speak out.)

All joking aside, I think it's a good thing to remember that the majority of rumours circulating the net are false. However, if these turn out to be true, you can bet your censored.gif that I will enter full-on Black Rage mode and tables will get flipped. And then I will ignore the stuff I don't like, as I have always done. cool.png

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I'm on the side of progressing the fluff if done correctly.  I took a long break from 40k awhile ago and funny thing, going from my 3rd edition codex to the 5th edition codex, and reading up on Astorath.  When I first read that he actually kills his fellow Brothers that have fallen to the Black Rage, I was a little shocked at first, but then it grew on me, as he is ending their suffering.

Who knows, maybe he can retire and and kick back at his nice desert villa oasis on Baal.

As said before, we are still a few months away from a release, and lots of the rumors lately have been pretty fishy.  The most believable part of that rumor is that they are like the SM Vanguard but with different weapon options.

If it is in fact a dual kit with an honor guard box, I'm really looking forward to maybe a sanguinary priest/novitiate option in the box as well, and of course lots of extra bits for kit bashing. 

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Aside from the stupid name, I actually really like the idea of the Blood Brothers and I like advancing the fluff. Why is everything always so black and white with people? It's kinda cool that there are a few marines out there who have overcome the Black Rage and it doesn't invalidate Astaroth, Mephiston, or anything else. Everything in 40K doesn't always have to be so grim dark. Giving our chapter hope that they might survive is actually a cool twist and could make for an interesting unit.


As for the unit, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Death Company take a hit on the power scale and see the Blood Brothers take their old spot. Maybe WS5 and 2 attacks each. I don't want the Death Company to get the nerf bat, but I'm pretty sure it's coming.

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Off hand, there is mephiston, the angels sanguine librarian thats in the deathwatch and veteran sergeant cleutin (from blood quest). And i'd bet there are a number of others that I either don't know or cant remember.


Forward progress on fluff is nice, i just wish theyd think up more imaginative names!

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