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Blood Brothers


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If we are going for colour scheme being as far out there as the supposed fluff I'm going to go with pink and yellow poker dots :)


I think it will work well if they replace vanguard vets as I basically keeps the number of jump units we have, I do wonder how they will separate them from c:sm vets tho will it be by stats, rules or wargear ? And if so how will they differ? Stats maybe ws,I, rules maybe furious charge, rage, maybe relentless like death company, wargear I think will be a big 1 can't see them getting 2+ save because of the match with honour guard so I think that's set as 3+ so maybe it's weapons and Invun saves .

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I think that DC will remain pretty much as they are. It ain't broke

Neither were the Khorne Berzerkers and look what happened to them. No way they keep WS5 and 2 attacks. I bet one or both will go. They'll probably pick up rampage or something similar to compensate.


The real question is..... What colour will there helmets be

Black and they keep a DC shoulder pad. That would be kinda cool.

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As the response to this, chaos has came with the bran new ...

Tampax Brothers...

(all armed with tampax pistols, tampax claws, tampax jumpacks)


Its getting hilariousness, how fast is GW loosing creativity moreover tweaking the fluff for the sign of dollar.

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I can understand the "new things" are never like we wanted... but really guys... it's not that freaking terrible! Even the fluff makes sense.


Lemartes was one of the first to be spared from Astorath's hand, and in the Lemartes fluff, it's said that it gives hope for the entire chapter.

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DC are insanely good.  But we pay the price for it, and they are still very fragile with no inv save.  

What I don't get is their higher WS.  Their seem to go up from the standard marine, where as Captain Tycho (DC) loses one WS.  Which makes sense to me.  You're so enraged that you aren't thinking clearly with each strike etc.  Just because you're mad and flinging your arms around like a madman, doesn't mean those attacks should be hitting all the time. 

If they lose an attack, no biggie.  Assuming they still get +2 attacks on the charge.  That's still 4 attacks per model which is still extremely good.  Even if they suffer the nerf bat, I'll probably still field a small unit of them.  They're fluffy, and I have 30 of them...

Blood Brothers colours.  Hm.  I'd still say they stick to BA Vet colours with golden helmet.  Probably a unique shoulder pad, maybe even unique heads as well.

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DC should lose WS and gain Initiative. They are frenzied, mad men with no regard for their own safety operating at the limits of their superhuman biology. They'll rain down a flurry of mighty blows before you've even thought about your first.

Re: this Blood Brothers nonsense, well I hope it's just an unfounded rumour at this point or a poor translation from a foreign White Dwarf. Need to wait for releases really.

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I'm with Cor3y. Seriously, guys, in a world where the setting never advances we need to get used to the idea that it changes. Personally, I kind of like the idea of small units of Blood Angels so unbelievably bad-ass that they beat down the Black Rage. Come on - it's cool! Don't be so afraid of change. It's inevitable, anyway.

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Oh my god... if it were to be a plastic successors upgrade...drool.gif

Plastic chainaxes that don't look flimsy (sorry ancient Khorne Bezerkers), moulded Lamenter and Angels Vermillion pads (trickiest to freehand imo), more besides.

Never going to happen, unfortunately. I've raised and dashed my own hopes.

Also deathspecter, they all look good, but dual power axe Flesh Tearer? Nice.

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There was always a hint with Mephistion that the Black Rage was 'swapped' for a more insidious curse that was less visible but just as corrosive to the nobility of the BA. I'd like to say that I'll hold GW hostage by refusing to buy the new codes or models if they much this fluff up, but I think we know that would be a lie smile.png

Let the mucking up continue:

I could see GW taking Mephiston out of the BA codex, and making him a data slate. They could expand on that 'insidious curse' and make him available to both BA and Chaos codecies. Sell Meph models to a larger audience, and force BA players to buy and addition data slate; who thinks GW is above doing something like that?

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So the latest rumours suggest that these guys are squads of Blood Angels that have beaten the black rage. If it's true it's a fair old change to some very old BA fluff.


I really hope this is not the case. What's the next thing? Dark Brothers: Fallen Dark Angels who are forgiven despite having turned on the imperium? Wolf Wulfen Brothers: Space Wolves who can switch forms whenever they feel like it and still remain completely sane?..


In my opinion the Black Rage shouldn't be something avoidable. Sure, if you have enough willpower you can hold it off for a while(Like Lemartes, or Cloten from Bloodquest) but it always gets you in the end. Mephiston's thing is that no one knows if he really did overcome it, or if he's possessed by a daemon, etc. That's what makes him interesting. Changing that would mean that you change the probably most fundamental part of the Blood Angels' identity. It's nearly exactly the same as if the Dark Angels would forgive some of The Fallen, and welcome them back to the chapter. To me, that would remove a huge amount of the appeal. 


Of course there is a slight possibility that it has happened once or twice in 10k years, but I can't see how it would ever be enough to warrant a unit that is commonly used in battle. If this proves to be true it's just another thing that I will interpret as a lie created by the Alpha Legion. Just like the Thunderwolf Cavalry and the Centurions. :)

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I'm really crossing my fingers that the whole "Blood Brothers" thing is nothing more than your usual internet rumor-trolling. 

I agree.  As much as I'd like to further the Blood Angels story line, and also to gain access to another uber unit ... I am more fearful than excited about this Blood Brothers rumor so far.

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So here's the thing - it depends how it's done.


You mention, with disdain, the idea of forgiven Fallen fighting alongside the Dark Angels. But what if the models were for half-naked, clearly tortured Astartes being used as cannon fodder?  What if they got lots of plasma, guns, but a reduced armor save, so they're more likely to burn themselves to a crisp than survive the battle?


The fact that folks are freaking out about this potential rumor without actually reading the fluff behind the new unit is just dumb. Lighten the hell up. We don't know anything. The mere fact of "Blood Angels who have beaten down the Black Rage" isn't enough to condemn the idea. Let's wait and see what they really are! I think the idea could be cool, if it's done properly.

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@EP: If the Dark Angels used tortured Fallen as cannon-fodder, I wouldn't say that's the same thing as having the DA forgive them and welcome them back into the chapter. But I get your point. Of course it's stupid to draw conclusions based on hearsay alone, but I did remain open-minded when the rumours about the Thunderwolf cavalry, and later the Centurions, started to surface, but I was quite disappointed when I read the fluff and saw the models(Note that I actually have nothing against the aesthetic of the models, they're just not a part of my vision of 40k). And they weren't even a part of the fundamental fluff of their respective books. I'm just really afraid that they will mess this up. Hence my cynisism.


The change from "The Black Rage is the curse that claims every son of Sanguinius in the end" to "The Black Rage is a curse that is very hard to beat."(or something along those lines) just seems so massive imho. But I might be wrong and they might actually turn it into something cool, I just don't see how. :/

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Mephy hasnt been possessed by a Daemon, read eclipse of hope and mephiston and you get some story from his perspective (which was awesome). He knows he has changed, and that he is more than callistarius, but he is certainly not possessed, likewise he notes that whilst some might think otherwise, he is wholly loyal to the imperium and the blood angels, he just lacks the camaraderie he once had (he also fends off daemons and destroys a possessed brother, musing on how dangerous temptation can be)

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Electric Paladin - if people had more faith GW right now the mere ghost of an idea (which is all we currently have), would be exciting rather than inspire dread. There's just not a lot of trust left that they can pull much of anything off well, let alone a potentially radical fluff change.

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There was always a hint with Mephistion that the Black Rage was 'swapped' for a more insidious curse that was less visible but just as corrosive to the nobility of the BA. I'd like to say that I'll hold GW hostage by refusing to buy the new codes or models if they much this fluff up, but I think we know that would be a lie smile.png

Let the mucking up continue:

I could see GW taking Mephiston out of the BA codex, and making him a data slate. They could expand on that 'insidious curse' and make him available to both BA and Chaos codecies. Sell Meph models to a larger audience, and force BA players to buy and addition data slate; who thinks GW is above doing something like that?

Not me lol :) was trying to get at the idea of a unit of mini mephies that totally freak out mid battle might actually be kind of cool :)

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And they weren't even a part of the fundamental fluff of their respective books. I'm just really afraid that they will mess this up. Hence my cynisism.


The change from "The Black Rage is the curse that claims every son of Sanguinius in the end" to "The Black Rage is a curse that is very hard to beat."(or something along those lines) just seems so massive imho.

Couldnt have said it better Entei, Im critical of the rumour because in the last 5 years some of the most crazy rumours in 40k (Centurions, Thunderwolf Cavalry and yes BT loving Psykers) turn out to be true. To me it just feels like they are going to change something so unique and fundamental at the very core of Sanguinius' lineage to something that just feels tact on as an afterthought i.e. "yeah we get angry sometimes, but we get over it". In the case of Lemartes and Mephiston, yeah 1 or even 2 individuals holding back/overcoming the rage is fair enough, but whole squads full of astartes that are "so bada$$ that we beat the black rage that only our father could truly control" is just too unbelievable to me. 

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To me it just feels like they are going to change something so unique and fundamental at the very core of Sanguinius' lineage to something that just feels tact on as an afterthought i.e. "yeah we get angry sometimes, but we get over it". 

I don't get that sense at all. The Blood Angels have battled the Black Rage since the inception of the Chapter. Few Battle Brothers have done it, but there is some precedence set up in the fluff already that accounts for this. It's not like, I don't know, Space Marine Librarians are sacrificing themselves to summon a Blood Thirster from the Warp. Thats a lot more sacrosanct and against the existing fluff (as far as I know).

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To me it just feels like they are going to change something so unique and fundamental at the very core of Sanguinius' lineage to something that just feels tact on as an afterthought i.e. "yeah we get angry sometimes, but we get over it". 

I don't get that sense at all. The Blood Angels have battled the Black Rage since the inception of the Chapter. Few Battle Brothers have done it, but there is some precedence set up in the fluff already that accounts for this. It's not like, I don't know, Space Marine Librarians are sacrificing themselves to summon a Blood Thirster from the Warp. Thats a lot more sacrosanct and against the existing fluff (as far as I know).

I do agree with that analogy Harrower, and yes your right, it is sticking to the fluff of the Angels constant struggle against it, but if the rumour is true then the threat of the Rage now seems somewhat diminished.


For a galaxy thats on the knife edge of destruction there sure is a hell of alot of hope flying around (and by hope i mean "get out of the Black Rage gaol free card")

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