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Please help me for my ETL III project.


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My first oath, I have picked a Counts As Be'lakor, a Chaos Captian (or champion forget the name the Awesome looking dude from Dark Vegence) and 10 Warriors.


I know mostly Nids. I have DA but never really played them just collected them. So I don't have a clue how to play with powered armour. I would like to make my CSM WYSIWYG, so I want to make sure before I put them together, I am doing a good job and not use Count As for my CSM because I made a boo boo. 


I want to make them what I think looks cool. So I thought a Heave Bolter would look good, plasma guns look good and pistols as well. So should I just go for the look of cool, or actually put proper weapons on? If so, I have some questions. 


Why would I need a Melta or Heavy Melta. (sorry forget the name)

Why would I need a Plasma gun. Heavy Plasma or Plasma pistol?

Why would I need a Pistol?

Why would I need chain saws besides it looks freaking cool?

Why would I need blaster or are they called bolters?


I am trying to make a Alpha Legion. I see there is so many options. Do I go for look of cool, and use any god specific head or stick with SM heads?


Since I don't know what the DV cool looking dude has, how is he equipped? I really can't add anything to him, but I would like to know what he has from a WYSIWYG point of view. 


I didn't think this would be so hard to do.

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Plasma kills terminators and light transports.

Melta kills tanks.

Chainswords are just to look cool.

Pistols are assault weapons, and close combat weapons.

Bolters shoot further and more than pistols, but are not assault or close combat weapons.

The DV chaos lord has a big sword and a plasma pistol. The sword could be a power sword, murder sword, or that special sword from the Crimson Slaughter codex (which I don't recall the name of).

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The DV has Blade of the Relentless (the sword), Daemonheart (his armour), Slaughterers Horns, and a plasma pistol. Make sense to add a Sigil of Corruption too for a total of 180 points.


As for a Chaos Marine squad, they all come with Bolters and Bolt pistols as standard equipment so you don't need to model both. If you want them to gain an attack in close combat you can add the chainswords too. Model wise, have some with bolters, some bolter & chainsword, and some bolt pistol & chainsword.

A plasma gun is good against marines and light vehicles. I'd usually suggest two plasma guns over using a heavy weapon if you have the parts that is.

Power Sword on the champion.

That costs 203 points without any Icon.

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The eefault kit for basic chaos marines squads these days is 10 men, with 2 plasmaguns, achamp with maybe a combi plasma, maybe melta bombs, and everything else with bolters. Note that all the models come with bolt pistols as well, and the champion comes with a chainsword too. Usually they'l also take a rhino, which might just run plain, or might have some combina4ion of extra armor, dirge castors, havoc launcher, or combi weapon, just don't go overboard.


Regular models in the squad can trade their bolters for close combat weapons, giving them pistols and chain swords, but this is generally considered a bad move as we have difficulty delivering melee infantry and bolterd just tend to work better in 6e. They also have the option to buy ccweps without giving up their bolters (note that the champion comes this way by default), but its generally considered to cost too many points.


As for special weapons, plasma is preferred, as it agrees with the range and usage of the squads bolters, and helps against their typical targets while also giving our army a tool against 2+ saves, which can be an issue for us otherwise. Heavy weapons aren't generally used as the squad would have to sit still to use them, and wastes their bolter shots when firing at longer ranges. Meltaguns and flamers are sometimes used in squads with rhinos, but you always want to pair specials - 2 plasma guns, 2 meltas, 2 flamers, not one each of two different guns. Being actually threatening to one kind of target is better than being a potential nuisance to several.


The champ is required to fight in challenges, so you kight tool him up for that with a plasma sword or the like, and a lucky daemonic mutation roll might be nice... but mutation is way more pricey than most ofbthe results are worth, and even tooled up, our champions are not great duelists anyway, so the typical advice is to keep them cheap, maybe buying a combi wep of the same type as the squad (or possibly breaking that rule for a combi flamer to boost a single overwatch), since it's one use only it doesn't matter if he dies later in a forced challenge. The other thing that is sometimes worthwhile is melta bombs, just in case you get stuck in with a walker.


Of course that's purely tactical considerations, aesthetics plaeys a roll in how you equip your models as well. I take power swords on my champs and a couple chainswords in the squad because they look cool. Also, in terms of bitsm melta bombs can be hard for chaos players to come by, and its difficult to get as many plasma guns as you might like. Fw heresy plasmagun packs are an option, but don't look very chaosy. Raptors come with a plasma gun they might not need, but while they're great models, they aren't the best unit. Combi weapons for champs aren't easy to get either, though it isn't too hard to convert combi plas out of a bolter and a spare plasma pistol.


Finally, it might be worth looking into using magnets to make tge special weapons and champion arms swappable, though that's a project in and of itself.

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Melta kill everything and allow you to attack after shooting. They don't blow up. They are short range though. Still, most of the time more useful than plasma imo. Chainswords allow you to represent a second ccw (+1 attack). Depends whether you wan't your csm shooty, close-combat or universally equipped (which is expensive beyond being reasonable imo). Don't use plasma pistols. They aren't worth it - never were.

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How big is the Be'lekor mini? I am half way putting together my Thragsh mini as "counts as" Be'lekor and he seems kinda small. Will take a pic for size comparisons. Does anyone have a Be'lekor pic beside a SM for size comparisons? 


Not sure he will be legal now. 

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