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Unbound armies - Chaos Space Marines

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Next week see the release of brand new ed Warhammer 40,000.  One of the changies to the rules is unbound, allowing armies to take what they want from there codex, give us that narrative for our armies - Raptor Company for Night Lord for exsample.


I though it would be good to get a dicussion going & allow people get idea for some cool unbound armies.  This will also allow new memeber or people starting Chaos get some great idea as well.


For me, I'm wanting to get a Terminator force built for my Iron Warriors.  Part of this is from reading Storm of Iron with Forrix company & then recently when I was reading though the third FW Heresy book, there a specil ch that allow Terminator to become troop chose.

Also because of this art work from 2nd ed, since starting the hobby I've always though the Chaos Terminators models where cool & along with John Blanche art work got me collecting Chaos Marines since 1996.




While we are still waiting on the rules & unsure what effect unbound armies will have.  I have made a rough 1500pts list & it given me everthing I wanted in the army both model & gaming wise.  Right now it just to think of some cool sub-theme for each unit to make them stand out & have there own history as veterans from the Heresy.


Another army I would like to try out with unbound for my Iron Warriors is a all Daemonic engine led by a Warpsmith.  Try get some heavy conversion work to make each engine unique & stand out from each other.  Just see GuitaRasmus topic with his brillaint conversion




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IMO 1500pts is too small to play 7th . 1750 is minimum and 2000 feels more like the "normal" size game.


My unbound army looks like this


BL sorc lvl 4 bike familiar

CS sorc lvl 3 bike familiar

2 tzeench heralds on discs lvl 3 each portal on one and grim on the other

2x12 horrors or 1x16 and some upgrades can't decide yet

4x10 cultists

1x3 oblits MoN

1x5 havocks with AC

1ximperial bastion


1x4[ups too used to taking termicids :D ]  terminators 2x ax 2xmace [yes no combis]

10 CS possesed

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I'm thinking of a Justaerin Terminator army.


You should check out the current Heresy novel Vengeful Spirit



Just there a few great drawning of the Justaerin, just for conversion idea.



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I'm thinking of a Justaerin Terminator army.

You should check out the current Heresy novel Vengeful Spirit



Just there a few great drawning of the Justaerin, just for conversion idea.



Luckily I downloaded that on release day. The image of Justaerin with Breacher shields was pretty good.


I can just imagine Spartans delivering cataphractii Justaerin to the heart of the enemy with deep striking indomitus and tartaros with combi weapons.



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I say, let's be constructive and write down the iconic formations of the traitor legions. So far we know of several:


- Justaerin Terminators, in Vengeful Spirit they were fielded as part of a massive terminator only army, captained by Abaddon himself. We speak of 500+ terminators.


- "Chapters" of the Word Bearers. From massed infantry assault to specialists in armoured warfare we speak of units which focus on a single mode of warfare. As in all Word Bearer things we speak of masses of either infantry or armour. 


- Raptor Cult, Obliterator Cult and similar subcults in the Chaos faction.


Those are just few things in our background that would benefit from the Unbound armies type. I think we can shore us so much more if we research the lore. 

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The artwork is either by Mark Gibbons or another artist whose name eludes me at the moment. Either way you do him a disservice by even associating him with John Blanche tongue.png

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With the option to run chaos marines and allied traitor guard (either AM or the upcoming FW renegade guard), and still field daemons via malefic daemonology, I think regular detachments will have all the options I need, and skipping the abuses of unbound armies will give me an excuse to ask my allies to do the same.


While I like the idea of a terminator force, imo we lack the options within our faction to make such a force effective or even just fun to play, given our lk od decend raider variants, deep strike mitigation, storm shields, etc.


As for the other spam lists discussed so far for chaos - drake spam, zombi spam, oblit spam; none of those sound remotely fun to play with or against, imo, and I doubt you'd find enough opponents willing to play against them to make it worth collecting such forces.

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Personally I don't care about unbound.  I think it's so casual that it's lack of structure for a game overstructured into capture the flag rather awkward.  Apart from it's potential for future Genestealer Cults, however, I think the all zombies list is one of those spam lists you can enjoy if you set it up from a king-of-the-hill/COD Zombies defense game.  Albeit, it would be better played from a DND DM standpoint with the zombies than just two people, but you get my drift. 

Likewise, it is the spam lists that can be rotated into aerial formations with FW aeronotica and allies where you don't have to just spam heldrakes.  You can actually make flight squadrons and turn 40k into a vie-for-air engagement with pure air engagements.  I mean, its just giving people an extra excuse to buy more of the top selling units, but it gives a lot of potential if you think outside of the box, and this isn't me ranting from my usual cheap, poor ass self.

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It shouldn't be shocking, sarcastic or otherwise. It was right there in the original white dwarf leak. We've known unbound was subject to the allies matrix for as long as we've known unbound was a thing.
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I'm looking forward to trying some interesting games like an all chaos chars vs equivalent points of marine chars and just have a "Heresy revisited" big bash kind of game.


Alternately it might even inspire me to get a lot of the primarchs for the same style game.


Another that was mentioned somewhere else on the forum is the "Avengers" style of game where you pit a group of special chars against a mostly horde army.


Should be some really fun options I think.

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