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Unbound armies - Chaos Space Marines

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If the one rumor claiming that Unbound lets you mix units from different Codexes is true, then we just got access to Drop Pods, Land Raider variants etc. courtesy of the vanilla SM dex, which I think is awesome - the possibilities for a Chaos Warband have just gone through the roof, and will finally make some sense too.

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If we are allowed drop pods consider my Black Legion speartip a done thing.


By the Warmaster it will be done!


Death the False Emperor!


*belligerent chaos scream

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Im assuming you may mix armies so drop pods would work, but I still won't be able to put any CSM models in there, which is a pity. Then again since Imperials summon Daemons, I might as well just put my Plague Marines in a drop pod since this seems to be the "free for all" edition :-P

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Still don't know for sure if you can put units from one dex into transports from another dex though, even if you can take both in the same list.


Otherwise you'll get some weird Infiltrating, Deep Striking, shooting from access port combos.

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Here are rumours from another forum:

You can ally with "come the apoc" now. Penalties include not being allowed within 12 in and not being able to deploy together.

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Still don't know for sure if you can put units from one dex into transports from another dex though, even if you can take both in the same list.


Otherwise you'll get some weird Infiltrating, Deep Striking, shooting from access port combos.


Apparently you can only share transports if Brothers.

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Here are rumours from another forum:



You can ally with "come the apoc" now. Penalties include not being allowed within 12 in and not being able to deploy together.

Chaos Knight! Drop pods! Squeeeee!
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Zombies, Zombies everywhere led by typhus, 2 lvl 3 sorc(for Daemology summoner), and 2 hell drakes, don't forget the knight.  Maybe a drop pod of plague marines with meltas for fun!!!!  


Also Traitor guard led by my word bearers.  World Eaters charging from drop pods along side Khorne Daemons deep striking.  My Biker EC with knight support and Daemons.  Might swell start a Tzeentch army this edition, he is feeling left out :/  

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Give me Daemonettes in a Land Speeder Storm. I just don't think it will happen.


But the Drop Pod thing doesn't really matter. Chaos already now has the Anvillus Dreadclaw - which has always been available to us through Aeronautica, with a recent statement pointing us to the rules in HH:3 - which provides the Drop Pod Assault USR. Though it is twice as expensive (but with Flyer and Heat Blast).

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Zombies, Zombies everywhere led by typhus, 2 lvl 3 sorc(for Daemology summoner), and 2 hell drakes, don't forget the knight.  Maybe a drop pod of plague marines with meltas for fun!!!!  


Also Traitor guard led by my word bearers.  World Eaters charging from drop pods along side Khorne Daemons deep striking.  My Biker EC with knight support and Daemons.  Might swell start a Tzeentch army this edition, he is feeling left out :/  

Well as mentioned, it's unlikely that CSM will have access to Drop Pods as only BB can share transports - it's a darn pity though. Wonder if it's possible to ally with Drop Pods only with no cargo :-P

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Zombies, Zombies everywhere led by typhus, 2 lvl 3 sorc(for Daemology summoner), and 2 hell drakes, don't forget the knight.  Maybe a drop pod of plague marines with meltas for fun!!!!  


Also Traitor guard led by my word bearers.  World Eaters charging from drop pods along side Khorne Daemons deep striking.  My Biker EC with knight support and Daemons.  Might swell start a Tzeentch army this edition, he is feeling left out :/  

Well as mentioned, it's unlikely that CSM will have access to Drop Pods as only BB can share transports - it's a darn pity though. Wonder if it's possible to ally with Drop Pods only with no cargo :-P

I still have my zombies, thats all that matters

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Well, supposedly the rulebook says that both players should agree on army selection, so hopefully it should still be possible to just nix Unbound and "legitimately" refuse to play Unbound lists, also should encourage people to at least carry around a real list and an anything goes spam list so maybe the game isn't quite completely dead. Oh and also the "big bonus" that Battleforged armies get is almost laughable. It just means that Unbound armies can't contest objectives. Oh whoopie, considering some Unbounds won't even run troops, I somehow doubt that they will focus on objective camping to win games rather than, you know, wiping the opponent off the board. An interesting way to do it would have been to give the Battleforged player 20% more points or so to work with to trade off against the anything goes min-max, but whatever.

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If the one rumor claiming that Unbound lets you mix units from different Codexes is true, then we just got access to Drop Pods, Land Raider variants etc. courtesy of the vanilla SM dex, which I think is awesome - the possibilities for a Chaos Warband have just gone through the roof, and will finally make some sense too.


No man...they'll screw us some how-some way.  No way they'd let us have essentially Dedicated Landraider Crusaders packed with Khorne Beserkers or Terminators with Good Imperial Rules to balance out Chaos Lack of it.


Zerkers in Razorbacks-not to ride, but to shoot stuff up.


But since they probably won't allow allied in drop pods to be used by Chaos...why not just go about cherry picking Idealized Cult units from 30k, and 40k Space Marine lists?


So say instead of Khorne Beserkers...run Death Company.  Same stats-and then some (though they do indeed pay for it).


Instead of Dust Marines if say you were wanting Sorcerer Marines...run Purifiers-provides that nice anti-horde buffering too.  Strike Squads for anti-Infantry


Chosen?  Command Squads or Sternguard baby.



Oh gentlemen, there's going to be a whole galaxy of opportunity here, even as GeeDub will inevitably :cuss on us and our 'faction' we can hammer out a "Chaos" army out of loyalist elements.  And still get our Heldrakes.



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Guys, there are no rules suggesting that you can field illegal choices.  Regardless of whether you can ride your allies transports, unless there's a force where the drop pod is a separate purchasable unit, then there's not even a chance of putting berzerkers in them.  You still have to purchase valid units with valid options, and dedicated transports are purchased as options, not independent units.  You won't be able to buy drop pods for berzerkers any more than you'd be able to buy shock assault guns for cultists or tyranid crushing claws for daemon princes.


Additionally, the 'come the apocalypse' allies rules makes the disparate WD comments fit - unbound armies can take any units, but if they're 'come the apocalypse' with each other, they'll face that 12" restriction - which is rather painful on anything other than the biggest tables (come the apocalypse indeed, so that's fitting).


So you'll have access to drop pods... in that you'll be able to take them as transport options for loyalist marine units that you 'come the apocalypse' into your chaos list.  But at that rate, why not just skip the hassle and counts as loyalists to begin with?

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you guys do realise that even if you could take units from another codex you still wouldnt get drop pods.


they are dedicated transports, the only way to buy them is to have a unit that has the options, so unless you want to buy tac squads....

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They did mention the Ally-Matrix being new, but yeah, I can't see Space Marine and Chaos Space Marine combinations being legal, even in Unbound armies. However, since the Ally-Matrix is NEW, that could mean Chaos/Daemons could have some more options as far as Allies/Allied Detachments go.


But for an Unbound army, I'd like to take:

Daemon Prince: Gift of mutation, 3x Mastery Level, Daemon of Nurgle, Power Armour, The Black Mace, Wings. (350pts)


Daemon Prince: Burning Brand of Skalanthrax, Gift of mutation, 3x Mastery Level, Daemon of Nurgle, Power Armor, Wings. (335pts)


Terminator Squad 1: 4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ Combi-Meltas and Power Fists, Mark of Nurgle, Land Raider w/ Dirge Caster, Dozer Blades. (492pts)

Terminator Squad 2: 4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ Combi-Flamers and Power Axes, Mark of Nurgle, Land Raider w/ Dirge Caster, Dozer Blades. (454pts)

Mutilator Squad 1, 2 & 3: 2 Mutilators w/ Mark of Nurgle. (122pts) (each)

Obliterator Squad 1, 2, & 3: 2 Obliterators w/ Mark of Nurgle. (152pts) (each)


Chaos Spartan Assault Tank: Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer, Dirge Caster, Frag Assault Launchers. (300pts)


Maulerfiend x2: Magma Cutters. (125pts)


3003 Points

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I'm sure there will be those that'll think:


Herald of Tzeentch - Disc, ML3 (Malefic), Portalglyph

Herald of Tzeentch - Disc, ML3 (Malefic), Grimoire

1-2 units of 3 Nurgling Bases (camp in a ruin for 2+ cover - to prevent turn 1 wipe and allow Heldrakes to take the field)

10 Heldrakes - 6 Baleflamers, 4 Hades Autocannons


Should be around 2000pts.  Filth level 100%, chance of getting a game 0%.


I'm more interested in the Nurgle Bike builds using Crimson Slaughter.  Especially if Fear has received a boost to it's effectiveness, say it being a Ld modifier rather than a Ld test (that most armies ignore).  An army of T6 bikers bombing across the table is rather tempting.  Slaanesh is also tempting for this build, as Bikes with FnP are nothing to be sniffed at, especially with Twin-linked Bolters +/- Special Weapons for shooting, Hammer of Wrath, 2 Melee Weapons and I5 for assault.  They should be pretty handy.


Alternatively, the Tzeentch Daemon-Marine list with plenty of Malefic Psykers and Obliterators/Mutilators/Warp Talons as the units of choice.  Hoping to spam the Cursed Earth power so those units will go from a standard 5++ to a 3++ (MoT plus Cursed Earth).  The Warp Talons won't scatter when they arrive, so their Blinding effect should be a little more useful.  Summoning should provide extra bodies to tie up units, capture objectives etc.  The hope is that Familiars allow us to re-roll dice when casting, so chances of Perils goes down.  If not, then some Horrors could be used for that role instead, as they care less about Perils than our Sorcerers.


I may have to play around with the idea (and the codex) at some point, because they could be fun lists to play.

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Additionally, the 'come the apocalypse' allies rules makes the disparate WD comments fit - unbound armies can take any units, but if they're 'come the apocalypse' with each other, they'll face that 12" restriction - which is rather painful on anything other than the biggest tables (come the apocalypse indeed, so that's fitting).

This would make non-chaos daemonology pretty cumbersome to use, since the summoning powers all say "Rules for these units can be found in Codex: Chaos Daemons. To me that looks like a Librarian has just been joined by allies from a 'Come the Apocalypse'-type army if he summons daemons.

I hope this is true, so that summoning daemons is something that only really only makes sense for chaos forces. I mean, not even radical inquisitors do that sort of thing (if they do, they are no longer Inquisitors, they are traitors and have joined our ranks.) smile.png

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