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Unbound armies - Chaos Space Marines

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Not so sure an Unbound army is the better choice if you really want to win. The fact that troops will be able to keep objectives from you is definitely a large negative. A SM biker army would be a pain in the ass for that 7 Riptide army, the Riptides would basically never control an objective. Zombies become infinitely better than any Riptide. AM Blobs with Priests do a number in any game against one of those "broken" armies. Point is, one army being able to score and contest and the other army not being able to contest is a massive swing in the corner for a Battleforged army list.

If this were allowed in a competitive environment, I would 100% be all over a Battleforged list over a hyper focused Unbound list. Typhus in that type of situation with Zombies is nearly unbeatable, same with AM + Priest, or anyone with cheap scoring units that can be taken in decent squad sizes.

Win? I want Khorne Beserkers that don't suck. I want good Assault Vehicles as dedicated transports. Sir, I don't care if I win, so long as my boys are killing stuff-the enemy can hold the objectives all they want-that just means I'll know where to find them when it's Murder-Time-Funtime.

I'm also looking forward to not running HQs. Mine always die-now I can mitigate that by not taking them.

I'm so looking forward to using Vindicares. "Oh, so uh, you feel that Shield Eternal upgrade was uh, worth the points? Enjoying that 3++ invulnerable eh? Well-this Vindicare is going to pop your Fancy Storm Shield, and This vindicare is going to put two wounds on your Former Fancy Stormshield guy, and these guys in Real Power Armor are going to make your guys die nameless."

Still gotta follow the allies matrix in an unbound list. . . Think this was mentioned about four times now tongue.png

Indeed-but you can ally with "Come the Apocalypse" now-they just have to be 12 inches away.

Vindicare assassins can infiltrate/outflank and are small models that I can put someplace inconspicuous and mete out Justice 36" out.

Also the will be feeling my Hate while I Turbo-Penetrate their tanks.

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That part of the whole rumor thing was not out of a white dwarf pic, it was just something that was mentioned by an anonymous source. If so, that is cool and all, but that particular rumor also said the allied unit/model cannot start on the board. 


I would love to see a Vindy though, I would love to use assassins in general with a Night Lords themed army or something. Would be nifty for sure :P

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He can still take vindicares there, as rumours have it all will be able to allie with all. Just with major disadvantages that you definetly not want in a Battleforged army.


Also, dont forget that loyalists can take heldrakes then.

But that also means I can take Stormravens and Stormtalons for gunships! Which would be epic.

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necrosius zombies in a CSM list ARE typhus zombies (he gives them FC though, but he does that if hes with typhus too)


But you can also run siege of vraks zombies that are faster, tougher but 50% more expensive (these can also get FC from necrosius)

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SoV zombies may get upgraded/replaced/dropped (in favor of Necro's cultist zombie upgrade) when IA:3 rolls around.


Honestly, I can't wait for that book.  My anticipation for it and interest in its eventual contents are far greater than my interest in 7e or rumored CSM kits and supplements from GW this summer.

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After reading some of the FW books, I have to say I'm slightly intrigued for it.  I'm not hoping on anything new or excellent like better Predators and worthwhile Defilers, but I expect their Super Heavy and special line to be, hopefully, within the context of being useable. 

Although after your last couple rants on the Dreadclaw, I have the aching feeling I should expect similar results for other vehicles.

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I mean, why does Arkham Asylum even have doors?  It's like The Vault in Marvel comics.


For aesthetics.




Unbound is oddly enough the perfect medium for either highly broken or highly themed armies.

The key, as always is to not bring a broken list to a themed game or vice versa.


Assuming of course the goal is mutual fun.


What about highly broken and highly themed?  Can't we do both at once?


On another note, as soon as I heard about Unbound armies my first thought for a 2,000 point list was Bloodthirsters.  I mean I already run four in my standard 2,000 point list, so why not drop the charade and ditch the Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers?  At first I was trying to balance gifts with volume, but after realizing that you can run eight of them for exactly 2,000 points, I found perfection.  So welcome to my standard Unbound army: 8 Bloodthirsters and have a good day.

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Unbound is oddly enough the perfect medium for either highly broken or highly themed armies.

The key, as always is to not bring a broken list to a themed game or vice versa.


Assuming of course the goal is mutual fun.


What about highly broken and highly themed?  Can't we do both at once?


On another note, as soon as I heard about Unbound armies my first thought for a 2,000 point list was Bloodthirsters.  I mean I already run four in my standard 2,000 point list, so why not drop the charade and ditch the Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers?  At first I was trying to balance gifts with volume, but after realizing that you can run eight of them for exactly 2,000 points, I found perfection.  So welcome to my standard Unbound army: 8 Bloodthirsters and have a good day.


I like this plan!

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You can put a Mini Khorne Lord/Dark Apostle in each squads for Challenge purpose, the face of your opponent, when he thinks" bah CSM?, i'm gonna challenge him like the idioti he is and smack his champions with my Power love glove,...hey wait..;why do you have a guy with Init5 and 4++ saves in all your squads?!..."

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SoV zombies may get upgraded/replaced/dropped (in favor of Necro's cultist zombie upgrade) when IA:3 rolls around.


Honestly, I can't wait for that book.  My anticipation for it and interest in its eventual contents are far greater than my interest in 7e or rumored CSM kits and supplements from GW this summer.


So what's supposed to be in IA:3?

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its not imperial armour 3, not really


the next book is going to be the anphelion project second edition, followed by a new book that is basically the forces of chaos like the IA 1 and IA1 were imp guard and space marines

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FMCs built for melee may have taken a hit from the nerf bat as being no longer able to charge if you changed your flight mode from swooping to jumping at the beginning of your turn is now confirmed. 

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May?  It seems like a pretty heavy hit to me, one that means you'll likely have to face a whole turn of getting shot at w/o snap fire protection, plus the enemy gets a whole extra turn to function before you can launch your assault.  To me it seems that melee FMCs are seeing as much of a nerf as rhino-borne melee infantry saw with 6e's release.  Ie, the question isn't whether they were nerfed, but whether the nerf is as bad as it first appears, and they're simply no longer functional.

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