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The Heralds of Necrosis

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Herald of Necrosis

Herald Of Necrosis

This is some Lore of the Army that I am currently putting together, feedback would be awesome, cheers smile.png

Heralds of Necrosis

Brucellosis Maahes was a Captain in the Ultramarines in

the M31500. He was a fine leader, and was always in the fight with his fellow
marines. Maahes was highly decorated and recognised around the Galaxy and in
the upper ranks of his legion.

Maahes fought bravely, never backing down and never has he

lost a battle; his soldiers look up to him as he looks up to Emperor. He fought
in many battles, both small and large, and came out on top. Except for now…

“Move forward bothers! Drive the scum straight into the grasp of the Emperors grip!” this of course was Maahes,

he was in command of the 1st Vanguard Company of his Chapter and was tasked as
a shock force, to stun and wound the enemy. The enemy being the Orks, a fierce
nation that was made with one purpose alone, to kill everything they set their
eyes upon, even their own kind.

The battle was a fairly ordinary one, much blood and much killing. Many brothers perished under the assault of

the greenskins, but for every brother who perished, twenty Orks payed with
their lives. They were out numbered twenty to one but not out gunned and
certainly not out-experienced. Until, that is, a group of Ork Warbosses stormed

Maahes thought nothing of it, so he gathered up several of

his brothers and a dreadnaught to combat the group.

Maahes ordered the Dreadnaught to provide supressing fire

upon the Warbosses and with the rest of his Brothers, he charged in.

Just before impact, Maahes felt a rush like no other

because for the first time, he saw fear in these Orks eyes... Despite them
being genetically modified for combat, these Orks were scared and Maahes loved
it. He tore through them like a knife through paper; no one has ever seen him
like that before.

After the skirmish, Maahes froze, everything around him

froze and a being appeared and spoke to him. To this day, all he knows is that
it was Khorne himself.

When Maahes awoke from his vision, he killed everything

that he saw; he even ripped apart a Dreadnaught in a matter of seconds. When he
was finally restrained, he was banished and forever branded as a heretic…

He fled, and lived as a nomad for three hundred years,

worshipping Khorne in any way possible. At the end of his nomadic ventures, he
began to gather followers and start his own army.

In the two hundred years that passed, Brucellosis Maahes

put together a large force, the first of his army being twelve Khornate Berserkers,
who will remain loyal to their Lord and whoever, their Lord worships.

And so he killed in the name of Khorne, for countless

years he decimated populations of planets as his nameless army tore through the
galaxy, spreading the word of Khorne through bronze and blood.

The Ascension to Nurgle

Maahes was fighting fiercely; he was attacking the largest city of an Imperial world,

Artemis. He wanted to decimated the entire populace in the name of Khorne and
show the Imperial that he was not to be taken lightly.

He and his Berserkers charged in as usual, leading the 1st

Vanguard Company. The challenge was mighty as these were not the common
greenskins; they were Ultramarines, one of the greatest fighting forces ever

And so they fought fiercely, pushing through the enemy’s

lines and eventually breaking and routing the cowards. So much for the Emperor…

The Khornate berserkers rounded up the remaining

civilians, killing the men and holding the women and children hostage. One of
his commanders, Klades, asked what they should do with the civilians. Without
thinking, Maahes ordered them to be let free.

The minute he issued that order, his entire army,

excluding himself and his first twelve, exploded into bloody chunks, spreading
over miles and miles of land and over everyone including the children.

All that he could recall of the incident is seeing Khorne

himself. He said that he was now branded as an enemy of Khorne and is forbidden
to practise any Khornate rituals. Why Khorne didn’t finish him there and then
will forever remain a mystery…

For ninety years, Maahes and his twelve wandered the

galaxy, doing naught but surviving on scrapings.

While resting in an abandoned building, Maahes heard small

scraping. He arose to see an odd shaped rat. As it was dark, he shone light on
it to find that it was plagued and its innards were scraping off the floor.

Once again, Maahes was knocked unconscious, and when he

arose, his twelve berserkers had been converted into the colours of a Plague
Marine. He himself had undergone a dramatic change; he stunk as if he had slept
inside a ripening corpse and there were large incisions all over his body, yet
he felt nothing.

Around his neck slung a medallion of Nurgle, and from then

on, he made it his life’s duty to spread the word of Nurgle. He gathered an
army, and begun his cleansing of the Universe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right well I`ve just finished reading through your lore post :) (actually i`ve read through it a good few times, beauties of having free internet at work ;) ) anyways overall I must admit i really like the paint scheme that you`ve come up with. Definitely got a nurgle feel to it and as well as the name i think you are gonna have a lot of fun coming up with both lore and models for it :D 


For the lore itself, I also like that the leader of the warband used to be an ultrasmurf, (mainly because you rarely hear of ultramarines turning to chaos) so I am definitely liking that bit. However, i might suggest that you edit the backstory of him once he had left the ultramarines.... I am only suggesting that as if he turned from Khorne to Nurgle then he would be meeting khorne`s favorite doggy pretty soon.


Apart from that, I am definitely looking forward to either reading more lore about this warband and hopefully seeing some models soon XD 

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