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New to Bolter & Chainsword but not to 40k

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Allow myself to introduce... myself...Michael, Mike, Noxnoctis, Nox and so on.


I'm 31 years old, husband, fairly new father, graphic designer by trade. A renaissance man to some.


I first started playing 40k in 1998 when I was in high school. Lost interest during my college years, women and beer, they tend to trump lots of things. Jumped back into 40k in late 2009 then took another break to get married, buy a house and start a family. Now I'm diving back into 40k even deeper than before! It's just such a great hobby to fill my free time.


As for what 40k armies I play, right now I'm 95% finished with my 1750 pts Raven Guard successor chapter army. As for my next army I'm leaning towards Tau buy still not locked in.

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Welcome to the Forum. I will say this is probably the best forum I've found for all the relative groups. Even so far as the tactics and painting advice are awesome.

I will say becareful if you buy Tau as there is no "promoting" or asking for tau tactics here. There are plenty of Anti - Tau tactics though so that might help.


Have fun and enjoy your raven guard. Some day when I get money and nothing but time (and I can paint better than with my toes) I may actually get some ravenguard set up.

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