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That's a lot of plasma


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I've been contemplating my Chaos Marines again, and wondering how I'd like to play them again.  In particular, I've been pondering the non-cult Marines.  One thing that stands out to me: Chaos gets a whole lot of special and combi-weapon slots relative to the loyalists. 


I love me some plasma guns, so any opportunity to take more makes me happy. 



o Standard squads can have 2 special weapons, a combi-weapon champ, and a combi-weapon.  (Potentially 8 plasma shots on the key turn.) 

o Chosen can have 5 special weapons, plus a champ, and a rhino combi-weapon!  Holy crap!  (That's 14 plasma shots!)

o Havoks can still have 4 special weapons, can't thet?

o Bikes get two specials and a champ, plus mobility and T5.

o Raptor squads can have two specials and a champ.  They can deep strike.

o Terminator squads get 5-point combi-weapons.  On a 31point termie, that's 36 for a combi-weapon, only slightly more than a 32 point Sternguard vet.  There's no drop pob, but there's native Deep Strike on the unit.


So I'm considering a force consisting of CSM or Chosen squads in rhinos, supported by multiple small deep-striking units of terminators or Raptors .  If I used a Black Legion theme, the deep strikers would be the tip of a spearhead, designed to disrupt and annihilate the enemy.  Thoughts?

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If you take crimson slaughter ally you could add a sorcerer + a Balestar and the chosen with preferred enemy offsetting a lot of gets hot.

Have you thought about Obliterators and Helbrutes for plasma cannons?

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o Standard squads can have 2 special weapons, a combi-weapon champ, and a combi-weapon.  (Potentially 8 plasma shots on the key turn.) 

Where is the extra combi weapon going? Or are you referring to the Rhino as part of the squad?


In addition, I think Chaos Terminators are a great source of plasma death. The longer effective range of the plasma helps to mitigate the lack of accuracy you have with deepstriking vs a pod and your increased armor save helps keep you alive. I think it's a very potent unit personally. 

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Black Legion Primary

Huron Blackheart

5 Chosen with 5 Meltaguns, Rhino with Combi-plasma

5 Chosen with 5 Meltaguns, Rhino with Combi-plasma


Crimson Slaughter Ally

Sorcerer with Balestar, ML3 (plus extra stuff as required)

5 Ravagers with 5 Plasma Guns, Rhino with Combi-plasma

10 Cultists


Fallen Detachment


5 Fallen with 5 Plasma Guns

5 Fallen with 5 Plasma Guns

5 Fallen with 5 Plasma Guns


The Fallen and D3 other units can infiltrate.  

- 1 unit with Plasmas and Preferred Enemy.

- 1-2 units with Meltas infiltrate in Rhinos - so will be within 6" turn 1

- 3 units infiltrate with Plasmas

- Cypher, Huron and the Sorcerer are all pretty useful.


The turn 1 pain (if you're going first) should be downright horrific.

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o Standard squads can have 2 special weapons, a combi-weapon champ, and a combi-weapon.  (Potentially 8 plasma shots on the key turn.) 

Where is the extra combi weapon going? Or are you referring to the Rhino as part of the squad?


Yeah, I'm counting it on the Rhino. 

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BL chosen are bad , the upgrade eats too much points and plasma has to low range to deal with other shoting builds . It also has problems with FMC and  13+AV targets . +There is the struggle with deathstars ,although plasma are more multi shot them melta[twice] ,


Chaos best "plasma" units are oblits , with second in line being pms [but suffer from their high cost] . Bikers do better with melta , chosen/csm have no viable way to be used . Plasma fiends don't have utility oblits bring .

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Jeske, what about Dam13n's build, with 4-5 infiltrating Chosen units. (and about 200 points left over if building a 2000 pt list)
While I agree that it is still lacking in the anti-tank department (and some quick adds of Obilts can ameliorate that) It fixes most of the range issues, and only the two BL chosen are taking VotLW, so you aren't paying for it across the army. 
So maybe drop on of the fallen squads to get up to 6 oblits total, and you've gotten a low model count but high-plasma count army. 


Black Legion Primary

Huron Blackheart

5 Chosen with 5 Meltaguns, Rhino with Combi-plasma

5 Chosen with 5 Meltaguns, Rhino with Combi-plasma

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators


Crimson Slaughter Ally

Sorcerer with Balestar, ML3 (plus extra stuff as required)

5 Ravagers with 5 Plasma Guns, Rhino with Combi-plasma

10 Cultists


Fallen Detachment


5 Fallen with 5 Plasma Guns

5 Fallen with 5 Plasma Guns


Should come to about 2000 pts. (dropping the combi-plasmas on the rhinos as necessary)

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