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I notice that as one of the rumored 7th ed changes, non-troops can hold objectives.  I'm really looking forward to this.  In 6th, I have found it sort of obnoxious that my supporting squads cannot hold back-field objectives.  If I bring two Devastator squads, I still need two tac or scout squads to stand on objectives, cutting down considerably on the resources I can devote to the mobile part of my army.  This has made me want to take fewer Devastators, in turn.  I'm wondering if the change will allow me to maximize IF tactics by placing scoring Devastators onto backfield objectives, and moving my Tac marines forward.

I don't, it will mean a return to the bare minimum troops armybuilding which tend to result in a lot less characterful forces.


One of the things i really like about the current setup is that you need troops for objectives, adding another strategic element to the game in both selection and actual play. I also like that some missions do allow other slots to be wcoring, such as heavy support for big guns etc.


It is one the aspects where current 40k is greatly superior to whfb and I for one hope it doesnt change.

Rumored changes are that Battleforged Troops will trump all other unit types when claiming objectives.  So troops will still be useful.  I'd just rather have mine trying to trump objectives on the other side of the board, than hanging about redundantly in my deployment zone.

I like the current set up as well. With various special rules and game types there can be enough variation between who can capture, but at the end of the day your run of the mill troops have a purpose.


Plus there's something awesome about defeating a WAAC player by killing his two 5 man troop choices while he concentrates entirely on killing for the sake of killing.

The new rule should make troops the objective stealers of choice. Bring some with your offensive force, and just getting them close to an objective claims it for you, despite whatever the opponent has sitting there (except their own battleforged troops..).


The downside, obviously, is that if you hold your home objective with devastator squads, then the enemy can do exactly the same to you: Throw a tac squad at you and then suddenly the objective is theirs instead of yours, while the marines slap each other for 3-4 turns trying to get through power armor. Might make it worth putting a cc weapon on that sergeant so he can help reclaim/clean up the opposing troops from his objective. Might..


I think in 7th, it will pay off to have: A few good offensive troops to go steal the opponent's home objective and at least one very maneuverable troop to either steal one more, or come back quickly to your home objective to cancel enemy troops. Scouts in a land speeder storm should do well at the later, while tactical/crusader squads in transports go on the offensive. A late coming tac squad in drop pod could do the "maneuverable troop" as well, by coming in where it's needed instead of being fast enough to relocate.

Edited by Arthanor

The new rule should make troops the objective stealers of choice. Bring some with your offensive force, and just getting them close to an objective claims it for you, despite whatever the opponent has sitting there (except their own battleforged troops..).


The downside, obviously, is that if you hold your home objective with devastator squads, then the enemy can do exactly the same to you: Throw a tac squad at you and then suddenly the objective is theirs instead of yours, while the marines slap each other for 3-4 turns trying to get through power armor. Might make it worth putting a cc weapon on that sergeant so he can help reclaim/clean up the opposing troops from his objective. Might..


I think in 7th, it will pay off to have: A few good offensive troops to go steal the opponent's home objective and at least one very maneuverable troop to either steal one more, or come back quickly to your home objective to cancel enemy troops. Scouts in a land speeder storm should do well at the later, while tactical/crusader squads in transports go on the offensive. A late coming tac squad in drop pod could do the "maneuverable troop" as well, by coming in where it's needed instead of being fast enough to relocate.

True enough. I'd just like to have the option. I've had plenty of games where my devies or other support units sat in the back, where the enemy made no real push on them. It would be nice to be able to bring my tacs forward in such circumstances.

For sure, especially against gunlines and static armies, being able to leave your heavy support behind and move forward with troops to claim and support the push could make a big difference!


I think scoring with everything is probably an improvement overall, provided that the non-troops are not so much more point efficient than the troops as to make them obsolete. Playing to table or kill all troops could be a tactic, but it should only work ~50% of the time. We will see how it actually goes..!

Having played three games so far my devs have only been pushed off their home objective once. In maelstrom of war missions is where the devs shine if you draw the card to kill a vehicle/building/monstrous creature. And now that our librarians have access to divination they are even better in my opinion. My second game against tyranids saw my devs (with the help from a Scorpius whirlwind) systematically kill any non flying big bug with prescience and perfect timing.

Having played three games so far my devs have only been pushed off their home objective once. In maelstrom of war missions is where the devs shine if you draw the card to kill a vehicle/building/monstrous creature. And now that our librarians have access to divination they are even better in my opinion. My second game against tyranids saw my devs (with the help from a Scorpius whirlwind) systematically kill any non flying big bug with prescience and perfect timing.


So I don't have to look at Tiggy any more to daub divination powers? Awesome

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