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=][= The OR faithful, your attention please... =][=


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It can't have escaped anyone's attention that we are on the verge of a new edition of Warhammer 40,000.  This new edition looks to have expanded yet further on the rule-set of 6th edition, with some sweeping changes and (of course) new rules.


This is a polite notice to all who post here to be mindful that there will (surely) be lots of queries that will arise from this new edition of the game.


I (and I'm sure the other mods here) will be most appreciative if you could all refresh your memories as it pertains to both the board rules and the OR forum rules, and follow the guidance therein when constructing your posts.


There are a few issues that I wish to reinforce as well:


1 - No Rules Fishing - If you are posting a question about a certain rule, you must have access to the rulebook and/or codex in which that rule is found.  We are not here to infringe on GWs Intellectual Property rights.  Therefore, at least for the first few weeks I would ask that answers be backed up by appropriate references, rather than direct quotes, unless a quote is absolutely required in order to make a point.


2 - Be Polite and Helpful in Your Answers - We are all very much in the same boat, no-one will have a full understanding of the new ruleset at first.  This means that clear answers may be harder to come by and debates may well ensue.  It is therefore imperative that this remain a friendly atmosphere.  Ad Hominem and Personal Attacks will not be tolerated.


3 - Don't be Afraid to Ask - This is important, your questions will help all of us get a better grasp on the new rules.  They will prompt us to read, and re-read the rules, which is very helpful in learning them.  Even if the question seems silly, and the answer may (to others) seem obvious, there is no harm, and no shame, in asking about something you are not sure about.


There may be other points that the other mods may wish to add to this in due course.


So, lets look forward to a new version of the game, and try to keep the OR a civil and friendly place.


D.  The B&C Moderating Team

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Might I suggest that part of this:

2 - Be Polite and Helpful in Your Answers - We are all very much in the same boat, no-one will have a full understanding of the new ruleset at first.  This means that clear answers may be harder to come by and debates may well ensue.  It is therefore imperative that this remain a friendly atmosphere.  Ad Hominem and Personal Attacks will not be tolerated.


Is by doing this:

read, and re-read the rules

Heaven knows, that's helped me.
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True enough... the two issues are linked, but being comfortable asking questions and being polite and friendly when answering are different matters, and those points are therefore each directed at different groups of posters here.


I'm glad that many of you are on board. Only 1 week to go until the rules can find their way into our (grubby) hands... The anticipation is getting to me... ;)

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