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Terminator Trappings!

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So im thinking about picking up a box of Terminators but I can't decide between the Wolf Guard Term set, the Dark Angel Term set, or the bog standard Codex SM Term set.

The DA and SW set seem to have alot more options... but, they obviously come with their own iconography. Im just wondering, is there too much to scrape off? Or is it do-able, in order to get cool bits, but Codex looking Terms from the boxes?

Bear in mind the Dark Vengeance DA models are at about the limit of what i would say was reasonable scraping off-ness.. < Probably not a word. teehee.gif

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The problem is, by the time you've stripped all the detail, you might as well have used the plain ones. There's nothing particularly special about them left.


A lot of the detail is integral to the components too - things like Wolf-themed iron sights on the storm bolters. If you carve that off, you need to sculpt something in its place. It's a huge amount of work for what ends up being a slightly different pose.


There are a few nice components on those sprues that are worth using with a little work - the belt-fed assault cannon from the Wolf Guard, for example, or maybe the robed torsos from the Dark Angels - but I think you're better off bits ordering those specific components and mixing them with a regular squad.


If you really want something different from the standard squad, Forge World Tartaros or Cataphractii are probably the way to go.

Not sure what codex you wish to use, but the SM Terminator box only has 4 Power fists, 1 power sword, 2 chainfists, a Cyclone Missile Launcher, an assault cannon and a heavy flamer for options. The Assault terminator box has 5 sets of lightning claws, 5 thunder hammers and 5 storm shields.


Using different helmets (GK or carving GK style helmets from the normal ones for example) and or custom shoulder pads will go a long way to make the squad unique.

I do the following every time in such a situation:


Walk into a LGS,aproach a table where two guys are playing ...and after a few minutes "Hi, xyz your army looks soo good" ... " You obviously have experience and skill , can you help me ? "   ..."See I'm wondering what to buy..."


  Works ever time,  if there are other people there - someone will know someone else that will give you all the advice you seek"  ...usually they also give you the bitz you need


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