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Deny the Witch


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Ok so I to deny the witch you simply role a D6 and on a 6 you negate the power targeting you.  However what is the point of having a psycic hood?  It says that it allows the unit with the hood to deny the witch in the other units place.  Why would I even care to do that? Take for example when someone cast a witchfire on a tactical squad and Tigurius is close he can instead chose to deny the witch in their place.  


What is the point of that?

Am I missing something?

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It's useful because psykers have a better chance of denying than rolling a 6.


A psyker of equal or lesser level (than the caster) will need a 5+, while a psyker of greater level (than the caster) will need a 4+


The psychic hood allows the psyker to use that increased ability to protect all units within the hoods area of effect, not just the unit he's attached to.

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yeah im looking at it currently.  OK so since it says "if the target contains one or more psykers or lesser or equal...."  and the the Psychic Hood says that psykers can deny the witch in their place.

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