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Chaos Space Marines Sets and Supplement





Maybe were getting the Havoc-Chosen we were promised, any guesses on the 'supposed' supplement?


One of the Original legions? Codex 'no one really cares but we will do it anyway cuz we care?'

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Im trying very hard not to get excited, because we know what happens when CSM players get thrown a bone.....it turns out rotten. Im still hoping for the "Long War" supplement and was seriously bummed when that turned out to be a hoax, so I dont know.


I doubt we will see any God-specific books...which is what we really want. But who knows? With 7th Edition's focus seemingly squared on the Daemonic and Psychic, this could be the book of Tzeentch? The only reason it COULD be that is because GW probably knows they can make a TON of money from it and thats sort of the way they make decisions these days. With just about everybody and his friend getting access to Daemons, this could just prove to get more widespread insterest from 40K players in general, not only Chaos ones.


See...I went off on wishlisting again ahh!

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Speaking of Havoc-Chosen, I was just thinking of my own special character that gave bonuses to various ranged weapons, like Inferno Bolts to Heavy Bolters and giving Autocannons rending.   This spontaneously came up on my way home from work this morning.

On topic, I hope it contains fixes and additions to our arsenal than just making something like Havocs troop choices and the like.  That being said, I keep my ears away from rumors entirely now, I learned my lesson from EA.  :/3

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I doubt it will be Red Corsairs.  My guess, if they are going to bother, would be something relating to improving sorcery of various marks and general (not that they're bad), or could possibly amplify our various Demon Engines.  For some reason, I can't visualize any particular Warband or Legion to be the showboat cover for it.  As 7th isn't available to me, I can't actually look at a meta I don't have access to.

I don't expect them to make a book to make Berzerkers and Defilers better, but it can't be worse than the codex if they want to sell anything.  Personally, I want a unique character or a Lord that either makes havocs troops or makes infantry's ranged weapons better, and I want unique and Demon ranged weapons. Bonus points if they make him a pun on Nicholas Cage from Lord of War.  Well that and a Defiler with AA weapons or three havoc launchers and something that doesn't have snapshot instead of that battlecannon...

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With the Demonology addition, you think it might be Word Bearers?

Better Demon Summoning and better Dark Apostles?


Pure speculation here.

that would be nipple rubbingly awesome, but the crimson laughter already had the 'better' Apostles, I think if it was focused on a chapter/warband it might be tzeentch, who knows, tbh I dont really care who it is, jut as long as it gives me more options to use my chaos, even the CS dex has given my Word Bearers a new lease of life, the look on peoples faces when a horde of possessed come running towards you as your dodging autocannon shots that re roll misses, loverly :)

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Chaos is the spanking boyz of the trolls. We are filled with so my rage all the time that for nearly a decade we have codexes that don't represent our faction or even have good rules compared to their equivalents.


For that reason I do not believe a single Chaos rumour until I see pictures/videos or a GW announcement. And even then I'm still suspicious.


So, advice; don't believe them, it'll make you happier if they turn out to be true

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1KSons... The supplement will be the only way to play Marked sorcerers... and it will help you with all of your Daemon stuff biggrin.png

doubt it will be thousand sons, then gw will be giving us what we want (and then all the other 1st founding players will want a dex), will be a no name band of renegades i think if they went that way

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That's on my list of "Hopefuls but unlikely to be happening" list. 

At this rate they should have just made a single codex with one type of Knight for both Imperial/Chaos forces.  Even AT got that right, and that was over 20 years ago.

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Might be interesting...but its going to have to be pretty impressive, because we all know Loyalists get better rules...and very very soon-we'll be able to take "Chaos" armies using the Loyalist versions of our various cult troops.


Now, some may dislike this view point because they're tied to a specific legion or whatever.  Sucks to be them-they're still going to be disappointed with the new hotness that comes out (if it comes out).


I however will be making a Monstrosity of an Army that hits like Chaos Used To (3.5) but isn't shackled.


Now, there's going to be people who are sad in the face about it-that's fine.  But I'm simply not going to say anything when I put my Unbound army down and have 8 man squads of Death Company and 9 man squads of Grey Knights and 6 man squads of Sternguard.


Oh my-and they're all imperial too-so will likely have a nice big umbrella of Battle Brother Love instead of trying to "Square Peg/Round Hole" it with Chaos/Daemons which honestly is how "Battle Brothers" should be...but I'm not going to sit around and take it on the face and say "Oh what a lovely tea party that was," anymore, nor am I going to sit around and pine over "What was" when I can make something better and more effective using Choice Loyalist Pieces to make a Chaos Meatloaf.

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Im still hoping for the "Long War" supplement and was seriously bummed when that turned out to be a hoax, so I dont know.

My guess is that it wasn't a hoax - it's just being released later than originally anticipated. We did get the Hellbrute and Crimson Slaughter book, so the idea of a Chaos release window was actually spot on. In fact, I believe the original rumors states that the Long War book 'might' be out during the summer.


Have hope. ;)

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I hope TJ is right with Word Bearers. That would be amazing!!!


Plus I would love to see GW finally releasing plastic Greater Daemons (what with the new Daemonology and all). Been waiting for these since the rumours following their codex over a year ago. Then I can finally get my Chaos daemons army up and running again - not been inclined to take it past a few hundred points of allies without them as the current models are not to my liking.

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In the new White Dwarf they suggest that new events and old events have been added to the time line or embellished. They specifically state that they have been set up in order to foreshadow upcoming supplements. They mentioned the 13th Black Crusade. If they do do another supplement, I would probably put my money on that. 


If they ever do anything Thousand Sons related it will probably be in conjunction with the Space Wolves, and the focus will be the Wolves, not the sons. 

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I'm guessing nothing - the dread was too recent, and this rumor seems too far into the future to be legit. If there is something though, I'd bet on one of:


1) chaos daemon, not marine, supplement; plastic greaters to capitolize on new daemonology


2) thousand sons / tzeentch supplement, with plastic greater daemon, and maybe new plastic cult box


3) plastic oblits/mutilators; maybe iron warriors supplement or renegade force which fits with such



I'd love to see havocs or chosen (though not both in the same box, I think chosen armor should be fancier then regular CSM/havoc armor to the point that I wouldn't want them in the same box), but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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I have less of a hard time imagining a 13th Crusade supplement.  The problem is it's a supplement, a mini dex.  I still have the 13th Campaign book along with the missions and additions, and I seriously doubt a quarter of the book being mission sets and fluff which mostly covered both views of it is going to fly.  Especially since, how many people bother to use the BL/CS special missions?  In all seriousness?

Plus we already had the BL book, Abbadon doesn't need anymore embellishing, especially since the Campaign concluded that he lost a good portion of his fleet while we contested Cadia.  I mean, the Crusade is still going, it's just hard to keep rehashing the same setting piece without moving forward, or worse retconning the Campaign just to sell a book in which half or more of the Chaos faction potentially won't buy, when we have topics across multiple forums what we're clearly willing to pay for.


Edit:  I may have missed the point of the post being that they might do a historic campaign supplement.  Even then, this rumored supplement will be focusing on Chaos, so I expect it to be very likely what Malisteen wrote.

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