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New Chaos stuff 'salty'

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I disagree on the daemons thing.  Daemonettes & horrors, sure (and seekers especially), but I for one consider the plastic plaguebearers and bloodletters a significant improvement over their metal predecessors.  Bloodletters especially.

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Well I have the following priorities when comes to Chaos models:


- Chaos Space Marines


This are our core choice and they are useful across our entire book. Do them right and we Chaos players will be able to transform them in almost everything in our book. 


- Chaos Cultists


It is not that they are mandatory, but the Chaos Cultists should be one of those kits which are designed with conversions in mind. You know we could really use a dozen or so of those tiny chaos stars and chaos scarred arms to convert and customize a proper traitor guard.


- Greater Daemons of Chaos


Now this ones are mandatory. I would love to see a single kit with the options for all four, sort of like the Wood Elves treeman. Give us legs, hooves and claws and we will be happy. But between Daemonmancy and an overall need for FMC we could be really grateful if such a kit will come out soon.



- Havocs/Chosen


Here is where I would expect mutations, big headpieces and so on. Heavy weapons, special weapons. In short I expect a terminator price for this thing but I also expect a ton of extra weapons and arcana.



- Conversion Kits for the Traitor Legions


Yp, no Cult troops but conversion kits. Not only for the big four, but various kits for every traitor legion. 



- Obliterators/Mutilators kit


Self explanatory this one but a much needed one. I expect them to be Centurion like in size and hopefully a cross between the Helbrute aesthetics and some cyborg bits. The more cables and organic things, the better.


Last and perhaps the most cardinal, a complete rework of the Chaos vehicle bay. I want either conversion kits or plain new chaos vehicles. 

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I disagree on the daemons thing. Daemonettes & horrors, sure (and seekers especially), but I for one consider the plastic plaguebearers and bloodletters a significant improvement over their metal predecessors. Bloodletters especially.


Chaos should be terrifying and those models moved in that direction.

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- Greater Daemons of Chaos


Now this ones are mandatory. I would love to see a single kit with the options for all four, sort of like the Wood Elves treeman. Give us legs, hooves and claws and we will be happy. 

Sorry but the greater daemons as currently described just would not work as a single kit, best you could hope for is a bloodthirster/keeper of secrets dual kit but the great unclean one and lord of change don't really have any parts that could be lent to another. If you got a single kit it would probably build three models for a tonne of cash, I say make 'em big and have a bunch of tyranid-like flexibility within the kit, left and right handed options for all weapons etc, other nifty little bits and bobs that could either embellish said greater daemon or equally find a place on a herald or csm vehicle or spawn or anything really.

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Last and perhaps the most cardinal, a complete rework of the Chaos vehicle bay. I want either conversion kits or plain new chaos vehicles. 


It would be awesome if they had them twisted and mutated rather than just spikey (which I love the spikes).

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Some things just can't be made in one kit, and the four greaters are some things.


Dual kit the greaters with their special character incarnations, sure.  Maybe even with aligned princes or some sorta new daemonic monstrosities, but with each other wouldn't work.

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I disagree on the daemons thing.  Daemonettes & horrors, sure (and seekers especially), but I for one consider the plastic plaguebearers and bloodletters a significant improvement over their metal predecessors.  Bloodletters especially.

I agree on the bloodletters. But the daemonettes, while I like the design, the pose is far far to static, they should have been dancing

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That's what I was trying to say.  Daemonettes and horrors I could see preferring the old models, and the current seekers (slaaneshi steeds in general) are about the only thing in the current daemon line that I actively dislike.

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This smells really fishy, but if it does come to pass it will focus on either daemon engines (warpsmith led force of fiends and drakes) or possibly cultists, or even some kind of better integration between CSM and Daemons to encourage collectors of one to buy more of the other. Anything Legion/Long War related is not going to happen because we already got Black Legion. Yay. Thanks GW.

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If they make chosen or csm nearly like the chosen from DV, then I can expect them to be fairly well if we compare the regular helbrute to the DV one. 

That being said I wouldn't mind if they add both a mutated and plain sprues to mix and match, or offer those who don't want to buy loyalists for the clean/mercenary look.

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About 3 weeks ago I was predicting on different message boards that we would soon hear about more chaos supplements. Then we got this rumor. I am overjoyed.


Here is why I expected it: in Nov/Dec, we got news about a bunch of Chaos supplements that were ready: one for each of the Chaos gods, so that you could field combined Marines/Daemons of the same God. "Book of Nurgle/Khorne/Tzeentch/Slaanesh." Then in Jan/Feb last whispers to come out were that the supplements and some models were ready, but they have been pushed back to a time frame between end of summer through November.


Suddenly we are hearing about chaos stuff in....you guessed it....end of summer. So I am really hoping it is a months-long release of the 4 deity supplements, and not another crappy non-legion chaos group no one cares about. That would make sense as well- why release a bunch of big books when the new edition is on its way and is going to change a bunch of rules? (and is going to reset their marketing cycle).

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We don't even know what kind of supplement it is, or if it's actually a valid rumor.  It could bomb just like Raukaan did, or it could be something that is better than CS and ends up being mandatory just to hold an edge or make certain units useable. 

It's a rumor, from BoLS, with no valid leaks or confirmation.  Best keep the salt piles fresh for this up coming year.

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If these books were all written and completed during 6th edition but they kept them in a warehouse to release after 7th, I don't see that as a good thing. They'll be outdated rules by the time they're released, if that's the case.


If Books of X did exist though, I know everyone would be attracted to them because Legions, but I'd hope Codex Nurgle had info on more than just the Death Guard.

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Really trying not to get my hopes up again. Legions, daemon knight, warband xyz supplement just sound a bit too good to be true.

Agreed. Based on previous experience, this rumor is still a bit far out for us to consider it to be at all likely. We already know we're slated for an upcoming rules update for our currently available FW stock in IA:3. If you want to look forward to something, I'd recommend looking forward to that, and if anything does materialize for us from GW proper, just consider that as a bonus.
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It's all wish-listing at this stage, but given the rumours about various kits that have been doing the rounds for what feels like a full cycle in the Eye :P I can see GW trying to capitalise on these new kits and push their sales (or shore up sales of poorly selling ones) with any potential supplement:

- Havocs/Obliterators: a supplement which focuses upon giving CSM a 'shooting' buff, putting these units to the fore (dream release: Iron Warriors supplement)

- Greater Daemon kits: two possibilities here - one, linking with the new Psychic Phase and Daemonology rules (so Thousand Sons?); or two, an actual Daemon Codex Supplement, with new Greater Daemon characters?

Given how GW have let us down previously with our two supplements thus far, I'm not getting my hopes up for an Iron Warriors or
Thousand Sons supplement (as tremendous as this would be) - I can see them erring towards Daemons as it gives them a bit of carte blanche to do some new background. Seeing as the Crimson Laughter supplement demonstrates that they'd rather make stuff up, rather than work on better rules based upon background which has been established for 25 years... blink.png huh.png wallbash.gif sad.png unsure.png rolleyes.gif

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Actually I do like some of the tid bits from Black Legion, making Chosen troops and stuff like the Thrice Cursed Traitors.  The whole grand scheme thing is starting to fall utterly short with the rest of Chaos though.  The Antecannis Retcon already destroyed one of my Warband's fluff too. 

Still not as bad as Clan Raukaan though, I feel for them Iron Hand folks.

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