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Super Heavy Walkers


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When using the imperial Titan he must be facing at the unit he is shooting correct.  The book says that walkers do, but nothing on super heavies that I can find.  

This brings up a second question.  Since the Imperial Knight has split fire or something like it.  Can he shoot in front and then shoot behind himself. 

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walkers can pivot to their target when they fire a weapon, so a kinght can pick a target for its heavy stubbers, turn to face and fire, then pick a target for its main gun, turn and fire

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You might note that Imperial Knight weapons are designed to pivot, and follow vehicle rules when shooting, i.e., measure from the mounting allong the barrel, fire arc is what the weapon appears to be able to swing to cover or 45-degree to either side if fixed.



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walkers can pivot to their target when they fire a weapon, so a kinght
can pick a target for its heavy stubbers, turn to face and fire, then
pick a target for its main gun, turn and fire


You can't do this.  All shooting is simultaneous, and a Walker is allow to;



pivot the Walker on the spot so that its guns are aimed at the target


As you fire all your weapons at the same time, you need to be facing any and all targets you will be shooting at in a single position.


Walkers weapons also have a 45 degree firing arc as well.  So once you've established your position and facing, you should also take into account the 45 degree arcs as well.

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ok so they do have to be facing the target, or at least the gun arc should be and it cannot turn around to shoot at a seperate target. Correct?  Does anyone know a page on that in the brb?

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GML already quoted the rule, but for ease of reference- and convincing your opponents- its pg. 84, left hand column, paragraph five under "shooting with walkers", 2nd sentence. Its also bolded.


For all shooting being simultaneous.... pg. 13, left hand column, first paragraph, last sentence- also nicely bolded for easy reference.


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