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help with riptides...

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Not really seeking list advice but more advice on any players who have been sucessful with chaos space marines vs tau, i have a game arranged and i know the guy has atleast two riptides. Which of our units are best at taking out these guys, i plan of going slaanesh themed as i have some new noise marines painted up and have played with my nurgle way too much recently. I have most chaos units in my collection including some daemons so fire away with any tips on what i should take and what angle when facing multiple riptides... thanks
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Riptides are hard to kill, but their damage output isn't that amazing in comparison to their points. Your best bet is ussually killing their other things first, then see if you can still kill them. Unless you can kill them in efficient ways ofc.


Things which work:

Spawn (to tie them up at least)

Bigger units with some kind of powerfist in it (can be a Lord or whatever)

Units with a Force Axe in it somewhere (normally a sorcerer)


Shooting them down ain't the best way of doing it, they got excellent defense against it. If you must: Plasma, lots of it.

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Riptides are hard to kill, but their damage output isn't that amazing in comparison to their points. Your best bet is ussually killing their other things first, then see if you can still kill them. Unless you can kill them in efficient ways ofc.


Things which work:

Spawn (to tie them up at least)


I agree with Zhukov, the goal should be tarpitting not killing. Nurgle spawn are just about the best thing you could hit them with, as you'll be hitting on 3's and it's going to take him forever to smash through your 3W each. With luck and numbers, you might just be able to take it down with enough attacks and if you get lucky with the poison upgrade, but the goal should be stopping it from dropping pie plates. 


As far as killing it goes, plasma is your best bet but you'll need a lot of it. To give you an idea:


To kill a stock Riptide with a 5++, you'll need 17 plasma shots or 8.5 combi terminators

To kill a FnP Riptide with a 3++, you'll need 51 plasma shots or 25.5 combi terminators

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