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Could use some tips

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I recently got hold of the old chaos marine battle force, the one that includes 5 possessed, 3 bikers, 1 squad of chaos marines and a rhino, I also have the contents of the dark vengeance set available which I haven't turned my attention to yet. I'm used to playing normal marines and my army is well rounded, but more balanced towards shooting. I was thinking of going in the opposite direction for my chaos marines and was hoping for some advice on how to go about that with what I have currently as well as what I could add to them in future, I was thinking of getting Be'lakor as I got the data slate for him a while ago. The warband I'm think of going with is the Bleak Brotherhood or Apocalypse Company since there's some issue on the colour scheme and naming of them.



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Theres a black and green army in the logs somewhere, its pretty sharp!


For a CC army, bikes are a great delivery for a Nurgle Biker lord, and Possessed coming from Crimson Slaughter are decent enough.


I'd go Crimson Slaughter Primary with Daemon Support.


Nurgle Lord, Bike, Sword, Horns, etc.



CSM, Rhino

Possessed (Fill these out more)




Spawn or something if you want.


Then Ally in


Greater Daemon



Daemon Prince


I've played lists similar, and its fun. :]

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CSM assault / rush lists generally start with a couple of mauler fiends in support of a large bike or (especially) chaos spawn unit.  Sometimes you'll run an IC on a bike or daemonic steed in the squad - nurgle bikelord with burning brand or black mace; or khornate juggerlord with blinding axe are popular.  If running crimson slaughter, then a bike, jugger, or disc lord with the 2+ armor, 4++ ward, and krannons hornes and sword is a good choice as well.  A bike mounted sorcerer (unaligned with telepathy, biomancy, or, if Crimson Slaughter, divination) has also traditionally been a decent choice, but that's subject to the upcoming psychic rules rewrite.


Alternatively, if not running crimson slaughter, you can skip the IC for a prince - wings, daemon weapon, maybe the 3+ armor, maybe the EW upgrade if playing black legion (not recommended).


Belakor can be run in addition to or instead of the above mentioned HQs.  He's great now, but his value is extremely dependent on the current telepathy discipline, and he may or may not still be functional post 7e rewrite of the psychic phase.


To that body is generally stapled the usual pair of drakes, couple of reserved cultist objective campers, maybe a squad of oblits for fire support, and maybe a couple CSM or Plague Marine dual plasmagun squads in rhinos.


After that, consider allying in some faster daemons (maybe a khornate juggerherald in a unit of dogs).  Or if you've got points spare (or can cut points elsewhere) a greater daemon & prince.



If FW is an option, you might consider trading the oblits for a spartan if you have points to spare, and a big unit of BP/CCW chaos marines to ride in it.  You also might consider a pair of giant spawn.  Yeah, they're a lot slower than the rest, but they're dirt cheap and potentially quite intimidating.  IA:3, supposedly due out this summer, is rumored to be an update of most of the existing FW chaos options, so you might see some useful options for a rush list come out of that.



There are some variations you can certainly try as well.  A slaaneshi lord on steed can outflank a full unit, for instance.  Or a huron based infiltrate list, if servo skulls haven't made the infiltration mechanic obsolete in your area.

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