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Hey guys! I haven't posted anything here in quite some time but rest assured I have not been completely slacking during my time off! I know it's not relating to my beloved Alpha Legion, but I decided to take a break from the blue and address some silver... So, basically I painted a small force of Grey Knights which I am slowly adding to here and there as I feel the urge!

So here is Strike Squad Kronos (yes... I painstakingly painted individual names on to each of their shoulder pads and no I did not airbrush the blades... I hand painted them because I use my time wisely):

First Half


Second Half


And here's the chief beef himself, Kronos:


And because I think the hammer guy r a kewl guy:


And, some of my favorite models in the GW range, the Grey Knight Terminators (Squad Beorn; I may or may not have been inspired by a certain Hobbit character):


"Gimmee your lunch money!"


Because hammer guy still r so kewl:


The man himself:


AHA! Proof I hand painted those names! I am indeed insane, but proof nonetheless! (Most are variants on Greek/Roman names):


And because I can't resist a good ol' group family photo while everyone's together:


Anyways, that's the end of this rambling post! Hopefully some more to come in not too long! All C&C welcome and encouraged! They can take it, they live on Titan.

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Thanks guys! I have always like the brightness of the Grey Knights, reflecting that their armour is psychically charged (also giving them reason to be dickish msn-wink.gif ). In my defense of the bases, I had intended (still do? maybe?) to add some snow to the base. I do, also, have some clumps of dead grass (lighter brown, not burnt) that I could add instead. Any input on the grass vs. snow would be MUCH appreciated! Anyways, I just picked up another set of 5 duders so more to come (probably in a WIP thread). Thanks everyone!

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I had the same issue with my knights. Painted all the bases grey and then didn't like how they all blended together. Ended up redoing them with rhinox, balor, ushabti, and screaming skull. Put some weathering powders on top to give it some mud and then the green leaves and vines. Really pop a lot better now and provide better contrast to the knights. You can see in my link below.

If you're going to stick with grass vs snow, I'd go grass, because white isn't going to pop much better than grey.

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Very nice clean work, they look good individually and as a collected force. The blades are pretty, the highlights are all well placed, and the freehand names are a nice detail touch.


I do agree that the bases need... something, though. Right now there's a lot of blank black plastic showing on them where the rock isn't, and I think that might be sub-optimal unless it's a deliberate stylistic choice (ie you're treating the base as a black plinth). If you aren't doing that, some dirt there would go a long way toward improving things base-wise imo. It would fill the gaps, and it would add a second colour to your bases which would make a big difference to how they look when your squads stand together in coherency.


Also, I have a question; the black on your gun frames isn't quite black, is it? What is it? Is it eshin grey? It looks good.

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Thanks fellas! 


Very nice clean work, they look good individually and as a collected force. The blades are pretty, the highlights are all well placed, and the freehand names are a nice detail touch.


I do agree that the bases need... something, though. Right now there's a lot of blank black plastic showing on them where the rock isn't, and I think that might be sub-optimal unless it's a deliberate stylistic choice (ie you're treating the base as a black plinth). If you aren't doing that, some dirt there would go a long way toward improving things base-wise imo. It would fill the gaps, and it would add a second colour to your bases which would make a big difference to how they look when your squads stand together in coherency.


Also, I have a question; the black on your gun frames isn't quite black, is it? What is it? Is it eshin grey? It looks good.

I agree! Interestingly, I was going for the plinth look initially, more as a placeholder til I got to finishing the bases. Oftentimes I do add either sand or snow around the corking, but in this case it seems that sand would contrast more to the bright silver.

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