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A few questions about a DP...


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Ok, so, with the new rules coming up I have decided to get a Demon Prince and a small squad of guys to use as an allied detachment with the idea of trying to summon some demons...


Anyways, I've used the BL supplement... tell me if the following configuration is good/legal/efficient or if there is something glaring you would change...





-Demon Prince, Mark or Tzeentch, Level 3 Mastery

-Power Armour, Wings

-Aura of Dark Glory

-Spell Familiar

-The Skull of Ker'ngar

-The SpineShiver Blade



First of all, I've never played Chaos before. Am I correct in assuming that Mark of Tzeentch + Aura of Dark Glory results in a 4++?

Secondly, am I allowed to take both the Skull AND the shiver blade? I know this will be a very expensive model and I was thinking that I may as well spend a few more points and make him in to a Close Combat monster...


If you guys don't feel that EW is worth it, are there better options from the Regular CSM codex for me to take?




Thanks a bunch

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1 - It's a "Daemon of Tzeentch", which is re-roll saving throws of 1, not +1 Invulnerable save.  Daemon Princes don't have Marks of Chaos any more.
2 - You have a 5++ for being a Daemon, so the Aura is irrelevant.  A Daemon Prince has no access to the Sigil, so that's out as an alternate.
3 - The Skull will not save him.  S10 is fairly rare, and most S10 weapons are ordinance (blasts) so can't hit him when he's flying anyway.  Most DPs die to massed firepower, so Eternal Warrior is not the most useful thing in the world.  It may help occasionally, but most of the time will be a waste of points.
4 - The Spineshiver Blade is OK, but the Black Mace is better, much better.
So, unless you plan on taking some scoring chosen... the standard book is the better way to go.
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Mastery Level 3, Black Mace, Wings, Spell Familiar and Power Armour is probably the way to go.

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So... at best the invul save is a 5+?


Hmmm... I'm thinking I might just use Coteaz to summon demons. I'm not sure it's ever worth pumping the amount of points these things require. May as well take a DP from the Deamons codex and just give him the Eternal Blade....

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You'll be happy to know that Grey Knights can't summon Deamons....


They have access to the Sanctic power and only Peril on double 6s...



Lol, I'm already planning on running some fun lists with CSM partnered with Ultramarines and Inquisition.... Hey, the Dark God are fickle :-P

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Ultramarines have fallen before...it's not unheard of...and inquisitors have definitely fallen before, mostly the radicals though. If you wish to use an unbound list like that it could definitely be fun I think. :)


(why not get the power armoured daemon prince and paint it in UM colours, haha :D )

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Can see a lot of Chaos players getting annoyed with non-Chaos using Daemons. I know my 'fluff' head is screaming like an Eldar soul in the grasp of Slaanesh.
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I can't see many people using daemonology except daemons and GK though. The perils on any double is a harsh punishment, especially when you have to roll so many dice to actually cast it reliably...and then your opponent will definitely try to dispel it. Remember, if perils is on any double, there is a chance (depending on the wording) that you actually could have multiple perils in one cast...

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You won't need to run unbound lists to ally loyalists and chaos...

Come the Apocalypse can now partner up so long as infantry models aren't within 12" of each other in which case they may suffer a penalty of some kind.

I don't know how people will feel about the prospect of Abaddon partnering up with loyalists...

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I don't know how people will feel about the prospect of Abaddon partnering up with loyalists...

I prefer the term "future corpses". Don't like the idea personally. I use Chaos because I like the ideas behind the Chaos forces.


So we'll be seeing more stupid "allies" combos then.


Think I'll climb back into my painting hole and give 7th a miss (once I've seen the rule book to make up my own mind that is).

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Or maybe he had a change of heart :-P


On a more serious note I can definitely see a Rogue Daemon Prince helping the Imperium in the short term for his own gain...

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Or maybe he had a change of heart :-P


On a more serious note I can definitely see a Rogue Daemon Prince helping the Imperium in the short term for his own gain...

Bel'akor does...
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