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Daemonic Pact: A Chaos Event


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Hello Childern of Chaos

I have the pleasure and honor to bring everyone a new event know as the Daemonic Pact. The event is simply a painting and fluff challenge for everything chaotic that plan to occur every bi month.

What the vow entails:

  • Signifying your participation (via a post stating as much in this very thread) in this grand endeavour by June 1st 14:00 GMT (18:00 ETZ, 19:00 CTZ, 20:00 MTZ, 21:00 PTZ).
  • Posting an image of the unpainted or base coated unit in this thread

And finally, by July 1 14:00 GMT (18:00 ETZ, 19:00 CTZ, 20:00 MTZ, 21:00 PTZ):

  • Posting at least one image of the finished (painted and based) unit
  • Writing up a short bio of that unit, no shorter than 150 words.
  • Writing up a short background of your army, no shorter than 400 words

What is allowed:

  • All units from (Codex chaos space marine, codex chaos daemon, chaos supplements black legion/crimson slaughter, The siege of vrak books from forge world, knights(model must be chaos themed), and The Tyrant’s Legion from Imperial Armour Volume 9.
  • Conversions. and count as allowed, PM for details and questions
  • The unit enter will be allow if they are within the month FOC theme. Ex This month could be a troop choice, next time a heavy support, etc..

What you earn:
You get a vow sig to start, choose only one


If you fail you can wear this one in the sig, The dread Spawn


If pass your vow you get this sig, Eye of the gods


Finally a poll with all the successful vow will be posted and the winner of best unit and fluff gets Daemonhood


AND THE WINNER CHOOSEs THE NEXT FOC FOR NEXT EVENT(ex they could choose HQ, troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Fortication, Terrain, lord of war, etc)

This Event unit to paint is "anything you vowed for ETL 3 that is unpainted" if you are not currently vow for ETL 3, you can do any unit stated from the above codexes, supplements, etc along as they are chaos units.


HAVE FUN, and thank Forte for his hard work on the banners!!!!

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I like the idea, and were it not clashing with the ETL3 you might have at least two squads of Psychopomp noise marines out of me, but alas...


Perhaps that was your intention? To sabotage other Factions' ETL efforts by tempting them with a little Chaos work? ;)

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I like the idea, and were it not clashing with the ETL3 you might have at least two squads of Psychopomp noise marines out of me, but alas...

Perhaps that was your intention? To sabotage other Factions' ETL efforts by tempting them with a little Chaos work? msn-wink.gif

Well it to give chaos faction some motivation for ETL 3, and then plan to become a regular thing during the off season(This will not occur during call of chaos, basically the same thing)

Also a unit of noise marines could help break up painting all those meat shields, I mean guardsmen.

Also we have such nice banners!!!

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Damn, after ETLIII id pledge some sexy nette's


Agree on banners, there all lovely!!!

Cheers. The ETL ones are only for the ETL. Other ones will be made for other times.

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