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Imperial Knights?


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Hey guys your friendly cream topped pastry here,


I was wondering if there is a forum for the Imperial knights on B&C because they do have their own codex now?

Also have you guys ran or can we run an Imperial Knight with our Blood Angels 5th ed codex?

On a final note for those of you who have used a knight can you give me feed back onto how you used them and how they did?


Thanks guys


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They currently do not have their own forum, but the closest to it would be the ad mech forum.


Knights are Battle Brothers with Blood Angels.


Whilst I'm yet to use one, it is generally considered that the battle cannon variant is the better option for us as it's something we lack.

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I've used mine twice.  Once it did nothing (faced a shadowsword who shot it down turn 1) and once it did well, rampaging through some Templars before being taken out.


I use the battle cannon gun, it seems like something I have more need of in my Blood Angels.

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