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Well, we just lost traitor guard


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Back to using that terrible list they released to shut us up, er, keep us happy.......


@Forte, I sincerely hope that you are right.

Well, the rumours has it we'll get it a bit updated this summer, so patience is a virtue! :D

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from Natfka:





Battle Brothers

Benefit from Warlord Traits, can be joined by IC's, are friendly units for psychic powers, repair hull points, embark on transports, and effect reserve rolls.


Allies of Convenience

Cannot move within 1" of each other,cannot have any of the benefits listed in battle brothers, and are effected by rules and abilities that effect enemy units.


Desperate Allies

Are just like Allies of Convenience except they have a One Eye Open rule. Cannot be within 6" of each other or roll a d6. On a One, cannot do anything and flyers most move at minimums and cannot pivot.


Come the Apocalypse

Just like Desperate Allies, except that they cannot deploy within 12" of each other.


So if this is accurate, we can still have traitor guard.  We can even field renegade space marine chapters with modern gear, or chaos knights, or fallen inquisitors.  But they would need to deploy at least 12" away from our 'proper' chaos units, would not benefit from friendly rules and abilities, and could not come within 6" of our chaos units, else they might roll a one and get doofy (or have second thoughts about joining chaos once they can see up close what that entails, or realize that there are chaos forces also attacking the ork or whatever forces they're attacking, or however else you want to fluff it).


Also, not stated above, but there are some comments that you might not be allowed to take allied detachments of 'come the apocalypse' allies, so this might only be an option in unbound lists.



Of course, you could always house rule it.  If your local club was inclined to let you play with 'chaos knights' before, they're likely to let you play with 'traitor guard' as allies of convenience, now.


There is also the IA book still rumored for later this year with updated rules for the Vraks lists, but even if that does happen, that's not much help for those already invested in traitor guard, as there's not a lot of overlap between guard and vraks.  The Vraks vehicle selection is severely limited, and they don't have tech priests, so the don't work at all as well as regular guard for dark mech or IW themes.  The have rogue psychers, but not the AM brotherhood of psykers squad, so they aren't nearly as fun for psychic spam Thousand Sons or daemon summoning Word Bearers lists, etc.  And I don't remember them having access to any carapace armored units, so those neat chaos-looking scion models would really have a place in them (though I suppose you could use them as enforcers anyway, accurate armor be damned).  Not that the vraks stuff doesn't have neat things, just not the same neat things that we would have liked to run traitor guard for.

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Unbound armies are subject to the allies matrix. Which means you'll be able to use CtA allies, but they'll be subject to the restrictions thereof, currently rumored to be that they do not benefit from friendly rules, affected by effects that target enemies (ie, nova powers, etc), cannot deploy within 12" of one another, and go stupid on a d6 roll of 1 if they come within 6" of each other.
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I keep hearing stuff like 'the new IA from FW will solve our Traitor IG problems!' but I'm not convinced.

I really didn't like the Vraks lists, randumb leadership when you have lots and lots of different squads is a chore to keep track of, and to top it off lots of stuff was overcosted so you could hardly field a proper army. And to top it off, making the army function required stuff like enforcers, which I didn't like at all, so yeah, even if FW will update their Vraks stuff, that does not mean we will get any useful rules for fielding Traitor Guards.


My IG are on their own again, so it's like it was two years ago. Or I just use the 'come the apocalypse' allies and deploy them on one flank.

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If they're battle brothers, you'll be able to keep at last one or two units in check via attached CSM characters? But yeah, like I was saying, Updated Vraks might be cool and all if you liked ye olde lost and the damned, but they aren't really a replacement for proper traitor guard.
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Agree, my Vraks list became a chore to try and use.


I have to bounce around a few local clubs and the effort of keeping track just didnt appeal. I ended up just running a Guard army with lots of conscripts (penal legion) but its not quite teh same.


I like the Malcador but the idea of mutant rabble just cannot translate to a choerant or powerful force on the table.


Excessus, Malisteen i will try to say positive and hope that the next vraks book will reflect a more leniant idea of a planet size munitions and supply dump and not just mutant strike week.


More chaos agents I say! More interesting psykers! and if we are going to have crappy weapon selections then make them cheap!

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Maybe a 'militarum hereticus' codex is what we need, completely separate traitor guard list, people have been asking about new races etc there's your answer. They can even be lazy and just add csm upgrade sprues in the vehicle boxes then they only need a couple of kits to get the ball rolling.
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Make sure you can run allied detachments of "come the apocalypse", or if that's not allowed in the rules, make sure that your local gaming scene will allow unbound armies, before pick up that knight, though.

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Make sure you can run allied detachments of "come the apocalypse", or if that's not allowed in the rules, make sure that your local gaming scene will allow unbound armies, before pick up that knight, though.

Its confirmed that you can run them, you just have to keep your distance. Check out 3++ is the New Black

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People, it is all good and all but even Allies of Convenience still come with a heavy penalty. Sure it is a d6 roll if they come close in 6'' or 12'' but consider the deployment, consider the movements and consider various missions, some which actually cramp in our armies on the short border for example, or the triangular deployment. In such cases, namely almost every second mission we will be taking tests from turn one till turn three until most of our army is dispersed. 


It is nice to have the option but be it Battle Forged or Unbound we will run in some heavy penalties in every other alliance that is not Daemons or Chaos Space Marines. It is not negativity, it is simply practical observation. 


All we can do ATM is to wait for FW to release the Chaos IA so we can have some options, until then, I suspect it is CSM and Daemons for competitive armies, perhaps, at the very best option a Knight, but even so we wont be able to support it if it runs into melee, or when its being flanked for the kill. 

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Make sure you can run allied detachments of "come the apocalypse", or if that's not allowed in the rules, make sure that your local gaming scene will allow unbound armies, before pick up that knight, though.

Its confirmed that you can run them, you just have to keep your distance. Check out 3++ is the New Black
I'll wait till I get the rulebook just in case but I hope this is true.


I've been planning a chaos knight since they came out and now I can run one WITH csm. OH. MY. GODS!

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So the old Servants of Decay list will get updated or replaced? This game is definitely expensive, I played zero games of sixth edition, but I still have friends who play so I'm going to dust off the Diseased Sons and friends next month maybe.

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As I'm sure has been suggested, hopefully there is some sort of traitor guard supplement! I can't imagine GW passing up that opportunity/being that ignorant as to cut IG out of the Chaos ranks without having some sort of plan (especially with 7th's motto apparently being "everything goes!").

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But you can use Traitor Guard. Under the 'Come the Apocalypse' allies rule. So set up over 12" apart and keep them 6" away all game. Not ideal but still possible.
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