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Seems that they hadn't made that call when crimson slaughter got released then, no-one will be taking the balestar any more.

I bet it's getting a FAQ. ;)

Looks like Prescience takes two warp charge to cast now. Interesting.

Edit: Ninja'd

Hoooaaaaaa! ph34r.png


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Seems that they hadn't made that call when crimson slaughter got released then, no-one will be taking the balestar any more.


Maybe not, but the Crimson Slaughter do still have a nice upgrade for a sorcerer in the possessed artifact, which will allow them to cast daemonology spells without suffering perils on any doubles.  Of course, being better at malefic daemonology doesn't exactly fit the CS fluff, but whatever.


It's good news for parent book and black legion, anyway, as divination remains quite effective.  Biomancy got a big boost, though, so I imagine many will be going for that.  And perils on any doubles or not, successfully pulling off a conjuration even once or twice can be game changeing, and if you summon a greater the caster dies anyway, so I think Daemonology will be popular for CSM psykers, too.  Telepathy remains quality support as well, though without puppet master I think it loses a lot of luster compared to the others.


Haven't looked at pyromancy yet.  If any of you have, do you have any thoughts on it?

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I do think the divination is the go to for any allround psykers. Offers some protection, and various cheap costed offensive buffs.

But i also think that malefic demonology can be very nice if you run daemons and or daemon engines, as battle brothers can now buff each other with psychic powers. And, if you have enough warp charge dice, you can offset expensive troops by summoning more later one. The herald is only 1 warp charge. Summon a tzeentch with mastery level 2, and you get more dice to throw on a new unit later on.


But yeh, divination is still the best allround. 

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Seems that they hadn't made that call when crimson slaughter got released then, no-one will be taking the balestar any more.

Maybe not, but the Crimson Slaughter do still have a nice upgrade for a sorcerer in the possessed artifact, which will allow them to cast daemonology spells without suffering perils on any doubles. Of course, being better at malefic daemonology doesn't exactly fit the CS fluff, but whatever.


It's good news for parent book and black legion, anyway, as divination remains quite effective. Biomancy got a big boost, though, so I imagine many will be going for that. And perils on any doubles or not, successfully pulling off a conjuration even once or twice can be game changeing, and if you summon a greater the caster dies anyway, so I think Daemonology will be popular for CSM psykers, too. Telepathy remains quality support as well, though without puppet master I think it loses a lot of luster compared to the others.


Haven't looked at pyromancy yet. If any of you have, do you have any thoughts on it?

I'm liking the new biomancy powers, will boost my assault sorcerer and nurgle herald considerably.


Telepathy still looks good without puppet master. I'll enjoy using invisible malerfiends that are immune to battle cannons.

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Divination, and by that I mean reroll, is useful to those armies which shoot a lot every turn, namely Tau and Imperial Guard, as well as Dakka Banner builds for Dark Angels and Centurion spam for the Space Marines. We as Chaos have very little in terms of shooting bar the Obliterators and perhaps Plasma spam thus the overall Divination discipline is not that effective with us. Sure Scryer's Gaze could come handy with Helldrakes and so on but I would quote Jeske here, when he simply pointed in one of his posts on this board that Chaos Space Marines are not an army which could really benefit a lot from Divination. We are not built to shoot. 


As I like the diversity of the Psychic lores chart I still think that we did not end up as good as we should. I will test some Divination but I wonder what will bring dakka to my lists in order to benefit from it. 

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I guess I should have expected such underhand trickery from a member of the Alpha Legion... Or should I?


...you will never know the truth! :D



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Divination, and by that I mean reroll, is useful to those armies which shoot a lot every turn, namely Tau and Imperial Guard, as well as Dakka Banner builds for Dark Angels and Centurion spam for the Space Marines. We as Chaos have very little in terms of shooting bar the Obliterators and perhaps Plasma spam thus the overall Divination discipline is not that effective with us. Sure Scryer's Gaze could come handy with Helldrakes and so on but I would quote Jeske here, when he simply pointed in one of his posts on this board that Chaos Space Marines are not an army which could really benefit a lot from Divination. We are not built to shoot. 


As I like the diversity of the Psychic lores chart I still think that we did not end up as good as we should. I will test some Divination but I wonder what will bring dakka to my lists in order to benefit from it. 

Give a boost to Forgefeinds/Havoks. I do think that, as others have said, we get the best boost from the Biomancy upgrade. 

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As I like the diversity of the Psychic lores chart I still think that we did not end up as good as we should. I will test some Divination but I wonder what will bring dakka to my lists in order to benefit from it.



My main complaint is that the aligned power restrictions apparently remain in place, though at least our aligned sorcerers get the aligned primeris for free.


As it is, divination access is nice, and fluffy, so I appreciate it, even if I agree that we don't make the best use out of it, and I'll likely run biomancy, daemonology, or maybe telepathy first most of the time.

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Indeed, sure Forgefiend, but keep in mind that then you pay an extra 150 points to reroll those Hades shots, for an already expensive price of the Forgefiends... nah, overall not a good investment. Obliterators or Plasma CSM/Chosen perhaps, but even so it won't be that gamechangins as it is for the Imperial/Xeno armies. 


Rerolls for Tau, great, rerolls for Space Marines, awesome when you have Dakka Centurions or Gravspam, reroll for Eldar, priceless... but rerolls for Chaos... meh, not worth the points.

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Indeed, sure Forgefiend, but keep in mind that then you pay an extra 150 points to reroll those Hades shots, for an already expensive price of the Forgefiends... nah, overall not a good investment. Obliterators or Plasma CSM/Chosen perhaps, but even so it won't be that gamechangins as it is for the Imperial/Xeno armies.


Rerolls for Tau, great, rerolls for Space Marines, awesome when you have Dakka Centurions or Gravspam, reroll for Eldar, priceless... but rerolls for Chaos... meh, not worth the points.

Not worth the points if prescience spam is all you intend for your psyker.
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To chaos daemons, not to chaos in general.


As it is, I still think 7e, at the start, belongs to chaos daemons.  Tzeentch daemons, with their brotherhood of psykers, diffcult to ground psychic powered flying circus, and largely-to-entirely intact screamerstar in particular.

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To chaos daemons, not to chaos in general.


As it is, I still think 7e, at the start, belongs to chaos daemons.  Tzeentch daemons, with their brotherhood of psykers, diffcult to ground psychic powered flying circus, and largely-to-entirely intact screamerstar in particular.

Chaos is chaos demons. Why would anyone play a csm core list, GW has created an edition which is like  2ed played on 5-6th model size scale. Demons>Unbound chaos>CS>everything else .

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Jeske: Why play CSMs?  Purely for thematic reasons, I'd guess.  Or as an opportunity to show off cool models.  Honestly, 40k isn't much of a 'game' any more, so that's kind of all the reasons to play at all in the fist place?


Incinerator: Why is there need to be hopeful?  If they fix it great, but it's not like CS lost anything, now you can take that same CS divination sorc, only cheaper, because you don't need to buy an item just for access.  If anything, you're better now that you can get the same benefit without paying for it.  If they fix the item to do something, then great.  But if not, there's literally zero reason to complain about it.


Again, CS sorcerers already got a completely separate buff out of 7e compared to their parent book counterparts in that they can access the daemon rule, and through it improved Daemonology access, which is a better (if not necessarily fiuffier) lore for them, anyway.

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