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Changes for Princes (and other FMCs) in 7e


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So we like our daemon princes, but there's a lot of changes coming down the pipeline for them:


1) the challenge thing.  Excess wounds in a challenge carry over into the unit.  No more tanking princes with champs.


2) grounding tests happen once, at the end of the shooting phase, and only if the FMC took a wound.


3) FMCs cannot assault if they started the turn swooping.  You have to be on the ground for a whole turn before you can assault.


Of note: snapfire is still at init 1, ignore cover still ignores cover entirely, and you still cannot consolidate into a new close combat.  Rumors to the contrary were apparantly false.



So, what do we think all this will mean for our daemon princes, and allied princes and greaters?  The grounding bit is nice, but the assault restriction is a pretty heavy nerf.  LOS blocking terrain is going to be all the more important for things like mace princes and bloodthirsters, that rely on charging to do most of their damage.  It's also likely to mean that melee FMCs won't be able to reliably assault before T3 (no reliable assaults before turn 3 seems to be something GW has been pushing since 6e, and 7e seems to push it further).  Altogether, this seems to hurt melee princes pretty bad, although the challenge rule is nice, and makes the black mace a bit more optional (it's still the best weapon for a prince by a wide margin, but no longer quite so obligatory).


In the mean time, support FMCs like lords of change and Daemon Codex psyker princes and Belakor, models that are happy to stay airborn until the enemy is mostly pinned down already, look to be getting a buff out of these changes overall.



Does anybody have any thoughts on this?  Do you think it will change what you run in your armies, or how you run it?

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I tend to run support dp's/Bel'akor so I'm not too upset about the assaulting nerf.


In 7th I planned to use dp's as malefic demonology casters anyway.

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Daemonology support seems like a good call for C:CD princes.  I'm hoping C:CSM gets an errata removing the aligned power selection restrictions, so it becomes an option for them as well.


EDIT: seems that is not the case.  C:CSM princes will apparantly remain restricted to, at most, 2 rulebook powers, while C:CD princes can take 4.

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Also vector strikes will be ap2, so that's a buff. Gonna try running my 6th ed circus list and see how it does, but think decent troops are gonna be the way to go TBH.

Pretty sure it was a single hit for vector strike now.
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Still, one turn you fly, then you have to stay a turn on the ground, exposed to shooting and all that, and only then you can charge. So it is a quite heavy nerf to various flying circus lists but this is proper, the problem I have is that our 260+ points of Daemon Prince will get blasted to kingdom and come in that turn on which they will have to stay on the ground. Considering that Ignore Cover is unchanged even parking a Daemon Prince in some ruins will not help much for we have to rely on 3+ or 5++ and no Eternal Warrior to carry us trough, meaning that Daemon Princes will be from now an even more dangerous pointsink should we play against a proper adversary, who would simply wait out for the turn that the Prince is on the ground...


So here goes even the blasted Mace Prince, for no opponent in his right mind would skip the chance to rip our Daemon Princes to pieces in that single round... this is really where Eternal Warrior could be useful...

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Rumor I heard was AP2, single hit for ground targets, d3 against zooming fliers & swooping FMCs.  I can't find the source for that, though.

I heard it was d3 BY MCs and Flyers. So we only lost 1 possible hit. CSM also apparently auto-gets the god-power primaris if they are marked, though I don't know if that carries over to DPs.

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Yeah, I heard the auto-get, and expect it translates to princes, but it also means we're keeping the marked power restriction, so C:CSM princes get at most two powers from rulebook lores (plus 2 more, including primeris, from marked lore, but those are all rather lackluster), where as C:CD princes can get up to 4.

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