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Rumored aligned power restriction update


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Alright, so apparantly from Kirby on 3++ this is the update for the aligned CSM sorc power situation:


Apparantly there are two versions of the psychic focus or focused discipline or whatever rules.  There's the regular, which we've heard already - if you pick all your powers from the same discipline, you get the primeris as a bonus power.


The second version, specifically for aligned chaos sorcerers, is that you can get the primeris from your god's lore regardless of your other power selections.


Which would mean aligned sorcerers will still be facing the arbitrary power restrictions, but at least they won't be down the free spell because of it, BUT the free spell is restricted to the gods lore.


So a level 3 unaligned chaos sorcerer could have, say, four divination powers (including the primeris), while a level 3 tzeentch marked sorcerer would be limited to two divination powers and two tzeentch powers (one of the latter being the primeris).  Same for any other rulebook discipline.  Our marked casters (and our princes, which must be aligned), will have at best half the access to rulebook disciplines like biomancy or daemonology that unaligned or non-chaos sorcerers of the same level have.


While it could have been worse, this is very much not what I was hoping for, as our aligned disciplines are at best lackluster, and the restrictions forcing us to use them always felt arbitrary and ham-fisted, and 7e's release plus attendant FAQs would have been an ideal place to remove them entirely.

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Indeed, that is bad news... bar Slaanesh and somehow Nurgle it is not that useful our lore. All powers are very situational and don't let me start on the Tzeentch lore. Yp, the Thousand Sons got again kicked in those Rubic nuts... not good news, not at all. 

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The second version, specifically for aligned chaos sorcerers, is that you can get the primeris from your god's lore regardless of your other power selections.



i read that as 3 divination and tzeentch primaris. but then i havent read the source. just trying to be hopeful :P

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Indeed, that is bad news... bar Slaanesh and somehow Nurgle it is not that useful our lore. All powers are very situational and don't let me start on the Tzeentch lore. Yp, the Thousand Sons got again kicked in those Rubic nuts... not good news, not at all. 

Please tell me again when we don't have bad news.


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Indeed, that is bad news... bar Slaanesh and somehow Nurgle it is not that useful our lore. All powers are very situational and don't let me start on the Tzeentch lore. Yp, the Thousand Sons got again kicked in those Rubic nuts... not good news, not at all.

Please tell me again when we don't have bad news.




I don't know, when we got access to Divination.  Plus the new daemonology.  When we can bring chaos knights legally know (you just have to keep them away from your other units).  Not much, I guess.  Have to admit, 7e is looking more and more like another relative downgrade for our faction.

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Indeed, that is bad news... bar Slaanesh and somehow Nurgle it is not that useful our lore. All powers are very situational and don't let me start on the Tzeentch lore. Yp, the Thousand Sons got again kicked in those Rubic nuts... not good news, not at all.

Please tell me again when we don't have bad news.




I don't know, when we got access to Divination.  Plus the new daemonology.  When we can bring chaos knights legally know (you just have to keep them away from your other units).  Not much, I guess.  Have to admit, 7e is looking more and more like another relative downgrade for our faction.


Well hopefully it works out for you.


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